What is the most popular list of AI music? Let’s take a look at suno’s top ten today!

Welcome to the Suno-list blog! Here, we present the top 10 Suno music list for June 28, 2024. These AI-created music pieces have gained significant attention on our platform. Let’s dive into this week’s most popular AI music tracks!

No.1  Why Does Nobody Like Me?

Creator: @⚡️iHatetheWorld⚡️


Number of likes:350


Tags:Catchy Instrumental intro. [electro swing- witch house]. sweet female vocal, [witch house]



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: The song “Why Does Nobody Like Me?” is a captivating piece that blends electro swing with witch house elements, creating a unique and engaging sound. The instrumental intro is catchy, setting the tone for the rest of the track. The sweet female vocals complement the genre, adding a layer of depth to the overall listening experience.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are introspective and poignant, effectively capturing the feelings of isolation and self-doubt. They are well-constructed, with a good use of rhyme and rhythm that makes them easy to follow and emotionally resonant.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly catchy, with a melody that’s likely to stick in the listener’s mind. The repeated question “Why does nobody like me?” is delivered in a way that invites empathy and reflection.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong overall, it could benefit from a more dynamic range in the vocal delivery to match the intensity of the lyrics. Additionally, the instrumental sections, while well-composed, could be varied to maintain listener interest throughout the track.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: 歌曲《Why Does Nobody Like Me?》巧妙地将电子摇摆乐与女巫屋风格相结合,创造出独特而引人入胜的声音。器乐前奏朗朗上口,为整首歌曲定下了基调。甜美的女声与曲风相得益彰,为整体听觉体验增添了深度。

歌词评价: 歌词内省而深刻,有效地捕捉了孤立和自我怀疑的情感。它们结构良好,巧妙地运用了押韵和节奏,使歌词易于跟随且情感共鸣。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分特别抓耳,旋律很可能会在听众脑海中留下深刻印象。重复的问题“Why does nobody like me?”以一种引发共鸣和反思的方式呈现。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲整体上很强,但如果在声乐演绎上有更多的动态范围来匹配歌词的强度,可能会更加出色。此外,虽然器乐部分编排得很好,但如果能够有所变化,以保持整首歌曲的听众兴趣,将会更好。

Overall, “Why Does Nobody Like Me?” is a compelling song that explores themes of self-worth and introspection with a catchy melody and thoughtful lyrics. It’s a track that resonates with listeners and invites them to reflect on their own experiences.

No.2  I Made a Promise

Creator: @AroundOnce


Number of likes:106


Tags:Indie pop, alternative/indie, guitar, electronic beats, emotional, melodic, atmospheric, vulnerable, dark



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “I Made a Promise” is a compelling piece of indie pop that seamlessly blends alternative elements with electronic beats. The atmospheric guitar strums and electronic undertones create a rich, emotional soundscape that is both melodic and atmospheric. The vulnerability in the vocals adds depth to the overall mood of the track.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are poignant and introspective, with a strong narrative that resonates with the listener. The repetition of “I made a promise” serves as a powerful motif, driving home the theme of commitment and struggle. The rhyming scheme is consistent and adds to the catchiness of the song, making it easy to sing along to.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly catchy, with a memorable melody that sticks in the listener’s mind. The emotional delivery in the verses and the pre-chorus builds anticipation for the chorus, making it a highlight of the song.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong overall, it could benefit from a more dynamic arrangement to keep the listener engaged throughout. The bridge, while thematically important, could be more distinct to avoid blending too seamlessly with the rest of the song.


评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “I Made a Promise” 是一首引人入胜的独立流行音乐作品,它巧妙地将另类元素与电子节拍融合在一起。氛围感十足的吉他弹奏和电子低音营造出一个丰富、情感充沛的声音景观,既旋律优美又充满氛围感。歌声中的脆弱感为整首歌曲增添了深度。

歌词评价: 歌词深刻而内省,具有强烈的叙事性,能够与听众产生共鸣。“我做出了承诺”这一重复的主题作为强有力的动机,凸显了承诺与挣扎的主题。押韵的模式一致,增加了歌曲的朗朗上口度,使其易于跟唱。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分特别容易上瘾,具有难以忘怀的旋律,深深留在听众的脑海中。情感丰富的副歌部分和预副歌部分构建了对副歌的期待,使其成为歌曲的亮点。

值得改进的部分: 尽管整首歌曲整体上非常出色,但它可以通过更具动态性的编排来保持听众的持续兴趣。桥段虽然在主题上很重要,但可以更具特色,以避免与歌曲的其他部分过于融合。

No.3  Shadows to Light

Creator: @3Daizy🌼


Number of likes:376


Tags:dark, emo, minor , acoustic guitar, Wave, powerful emotional female vocals



### 英文点评文章

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Shadows to Light” is a hauntingly beautiful track that embodies the emo genre with its minor key and acoustic guitar foundation, creating a melancholic yet powerful atmosphere. The song’s rhythm and tempo are well-matched to the emotional depth of the lyrics, allowing the listener to be drawn into the narrative. The female vocals are particularly striking, adding a layer of raw emotion that resonates throughout the piece.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics are poignant and well-crafted, with a clear narrative that speaks to the struggles of self-doubt and the search for inner strength. The rhyme scheme is consistent and adds to the song’s catchiness, making it easy for listeners to connect with the message. The chorus is particularly memorable, with its repeated affirmation of strength and belonging.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong “earworm” quality, especially in the chorus, which is likely to stick with the listener long after the song has ended. The acoustic guitar intro sets a captivating tone, and the emotional delivery of the vocals in the chorus and bridge sections is likely to draw in even the most casual listener.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is powerful in its current form, it could benefit from a slightly more dynamic arrangement to keep the listener engaged throughout. The repetition of the chorus, while effective, could be varied slightly to maintain interest and prevent the song from feeling too predictable.

### 中文点评文章

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “Shadows to Light” 是一首充满哀愁美感的曲目,以其小调音阶和原声吉他基础,完美地体现了emo风格,营造出一种忧郁而有力的氛围。歌曲的节奏和速度与歌词的情感深度非常匹配,使听众能够被吸引进叙事之中。女性声线特别引人注目,为作品增添了一层原始的情感,使其在整个作品中产生共鸣。

歌词评价: 歌词感人且制作精良,有着清晰的叙事,讲述了自我怀疑的挣扎和寻找内在力量的过程。押韵的模式是一致的,增加了歌曲的易记性,使听众能够与信息产生联系。副歌部分尤其令人难忘,其重复的对力量和归属感的肯定。

抓耳评价: 这首歌曲具有很强的“耳虫”特质,特别是在副歌部分,很可能在歌曲结束后长时间留在听众的脑海中。原声吉他的前奏设定了一个迷人的基调,副歌和桥段部分情感充沛的声线演绎很可能吸引即使是最随意的听众。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲在当前形式下已经很有力量,但它可以通过稍微更动态的编曲来保持听众的参与度。副歌的重复虽然有效,但可以稍微变化一些,以保持兴趣,防止歌曲感觉过于可预测。

No.4  Celestial Misfit

Creator: @sushileaf 🍣🍃


Number of likes:279


Tags:experimental ambient chillhop mallsoft sparse vibes, soft female vocal somber female, spoken touching melancholy, wave



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Celestial Misfit” is a mesmerizing blend of experimental ambient chillhop and mallsoft, with sparse, atmospheric vibes that perfectly encapsulate the essence of the genre. The soft female vocal adds a layer of melancholy that resonates deeply, enhancing the overall mood of the track.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are poetic and introspective, with a strong narrative that speaks to the feeling of being an outsider. The use of celestial imagery and metaphors for the human condition is both creative and effective. The verses are well-structured, and the rhyme scheme is consistent, contributing to the song’s catchiness.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a haunting quality that is likely to draw listeners in. The soft vocals combined with the glitchy breaks create a unique hook that is both memorable and engaging.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is beautifully crafted, it could benefit from a more dynamic range in the instrumental sections to provide contrast and keep the listener engaged throughout the track. Additionally, the spoken word sections, while touching, could be integrated more seamlessly into the overall composition.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价: “Celestial Misfit” 是一首迷人的实验性氛围chillhop和mallsoft的混合体,具有稀疏的氛围感,完美地捕捉了这一类型的精髓。柔和的女性声音增添了一种深刻的忧郁感,增强了整首歌曲的整体情绪。

歌词评价: 歌词充满诗意和内省,以强烈的叙事性表达了作为一个局外人的感觉。使用天体意象和隐喻来描述人类状况既富有创意又有效。诗句结构良好,押韵模式一致,增加了歌曲的朗朗上口。

抓耳评价: 这首歌曲具有一种令人着迷的特质,很可能会吸引听众。柔和的嗓音结合了故障的断裂,创造出一个独特且难忘的钩子,既令人难忘又引人入胜。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲制作精美,但在器乐部分可以有更多的动态范围,以提供对比并在整个曲目中保持听众的参与度。此外,虽然口语部分感人,但可以更自然地融入整体作品之中。

No.5  Don’t

Creator: @TongMick….. 🙈.🙉.🙊


Number of likes:51


Tags:strings, Alternative Rock, Indie Rock, Art Rock, layered female vocals, melodic, experimental, Deep, experimental



### 音乐点评 – “Don’t”

#### 评分:8.5/10
曲风评价: 这首歌融合了Alternative Rock, Indie Rock和Art Rock的元素,通过丰富的弦乐和实验性的编曲,创造出了一种深邃且具有层次感的音乐体验。歌曲的节奏和律动感在弦乐的推动下显得尤为突出,为听众带来了一种沉浸式的听觉享受。

歌词评价: 歌词通过押韵和流畅的语言,传达了一种自我肯定和内心力量的主题。每一段都紧密相连,构建了一个关于个人成长和自我发现的故事,歌词的朗朗上口和情感表达力都非常出色。

抓耳评价: 歌曲的前奏和副歌部分具有很强的吸引力,能够迅速抓住听众的注意力。副歌的旋律和节奏设计巧妙,易于让人上瘾并跟唱,这在现代流行音乐中是一个重要的优势。

值得改进的部分: 尽管整体表现优秀,但歌曲在某些部分的过渡可以更加流畅,以增强整体的连贯性。此外,尽管实验性是歌曲的一大特色,但在某些段落中可能需要更多的变化来避免听众感到过于重复。

### Music Review – “Don’t”

#### Score: 8.5/10
Genre Evaluation: The song blends elements of Alternative Rock, Indie Rock, and Art Rock, creating a deep and layered musical experience with rich string arrangements and experimental composition. The rhythm and groove of the song are particularly prominent, driven by the strings, offering listeners an immersive auditory experience.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics convey a theme of self-affirmation and inner strength through rhyming and fluent language. Each verse is closely connected, building a narrative about personal growth and self-discovery. The catchiness and emotional expressiveness of the lyrics are exceptionally well-executed.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song’s intro and chorus are highly engaging, quickly capturing the listener’s attention. The chorus’s melody and rhythm are cleverly designed to be addictive and easy to sing along with, which is a significant advantage in contemporary pop music.

Areas for Improvement: Although the overall performance is excellent, some transitions in the song could be smoother to enhance the overall coherence. Additionally, while experimentalism is a hallmark of the song, some sections might benefit from more variation to avoid a sense of repetition for the listener.

这首歌展现了一种独特的艺术性和深度,非常适合那些寻求与众不同音乐体验的听众。尽管有一些小的改进空间,但整体上,”Don’t” 是一首值得推荐的作品。

No.6  Magical Kitten [FCC] ft. nanashi_zero

Creator: @@namestaken 🥂// JoshuaSodil +wife


Number of likes:99


Tags:Catchy Instrumental intro. [electro swing- witch house]. sweet female vocal, [witch house]



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Magical Kitten [FCC] ft. nanashi_zero” is an intriguing blend of electro swing and witch house, creating a unique sonic landscape. The instrumental intro is catchy, setting the tone for the rest of the track with its rhythmic drive and electronic flair. The sweet female vocal adds a layer of charm that complements the genre’s mystical undertones.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are playful and whimsical, fitting the witch house aesthetic. They rhyme well and are easy to follow, enhancing the song’s catchiness. The metaphor of a “magical kitten” is used effectively to convey a sense of longing and the desire for a cure to an unseen ailment.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly catchy, with a memorable melody that’s likely to stick in listeners’ minds. The repetition of the phrase “Need a magical kitten” is a smart move, ensuring the song’s hook remains prominent.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is engaging, it could benefit from a more dynamic structure to keep the listener engaged throughout. The instrumental solos, while well-executed, could be used to introduce new elements or variations to the melody to prevent the song from becoming too repetitive.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “Magical Kitten [FCC] ft. nanashi_zero” 是电子摇摆和女巫屋风格的有趣融合,创造了一个独特的声音景观。器乐前奏朗朗上口,为整首歌曲设定了节奏驱动和电子风格的基调。甜美的女性声音增添了一层魅力,与该类型的神秘底蕴相得益彰。

歌词评价: 歌词俏皮而富有想象力,符合女巫屋风格的审美。它们押韵良好,易于跟随,增强了歌曲的吸引力。“魔法小猫”的隐喻有效地传达了一种渴望和对看不见的疾病治愈的渴望。

抓耳评价: 副歌特别吸引人,具有难以忘怀的旋律,很可能会在听众的脑海中留下深刻印象。重复短语“Need a magical kitten”是一个聪明的举措,确保了歌曲的钩子始终保持突出。

值得改进的部分: 虽然这首歌曲很吸引人,但它可以通过更具动态性的结构来保持听众的参与度。器乐独奏虽然执行得很好,但可以用来引入新的元素或旋律变化,以防止歌曲变得过于重复。

No.7  Tangled Hearts

Creator: @TongMick….. 🙈.🙉.🙊


Number of likes:29


Tags:which house,layered female vocals, melodic, experimental,crossover, strings, synth-pop, dance,catchy, rhythmic,uplifting



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Tangled Hearts” is a captivating blend of synth-pop and dance music, with a rhythmic and uplifting vibe that perfectly fits the crossover genre. The layered female vocals add depth and a melodic richness that enhances the experimental nature of the track. The string arrangements are tastefully integrated, providing a classical touch that doesn’t overpower the modern synth elements.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are well-crafted, with a clear narrative that resonates with themes of love, loss, and resilience. The rhyming scheme is consistent and contributes to the catchiness of the song. Phrases like “I chase you, you chase me” are repeated effectively, creating a memorable hook.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong “earworm” quality, especially in the chorus, which is both catchy and emotionally resonant. The pre-chorus and post-chorus sections also provide a nice build-up and release, making listeners want to sing along.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is engaging, it could benefit from a more dynamic bridge or a section that offers a contrasting mood or tempo to keep the listener engaged throughout the entire track. Additionally, the extended instrumental interludes, while atmospheric, could be shortened to maintain the song’s momentum.


评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “Tangled Hearts” 是一首迷人的合成流行与舞曲的混合体,具有节奏感和振奋人心的氛围,完美地符合跨界音乐的风格。多层次的女性声音增加了深度和旋律的丰富性,增强了曲目的实验性质。弦乐编排巧妙地融合,提供了一种古典触感,而不会压倒现代合成元素。

歌词评价: 歌词精心制作,具有清晰的叙事,与爱情、失落和韧性的主题产生共鸣。押韵方案一致,有助于歌曲的易记性。像“I chase you, you chase me”这样的短语被有效地重复,创造了一个难忘的钩子。

抓耳评价: 这首歌具有很强的“耳虫”特性,特别是在副歌部分,既易记又情感丰富。前副歌和后副歌部分也提供了良好的构建和释放,使听众想要跟着唱。

值得改进的部分: 虽然这首歌很吸引人,但它可以从更具动态性的桥段或提供对比情绪或节奏的部分中受益,以保持听众在整个曲目中的参与度。此外,虽然延长的器乐间奏部分虽然气氛浓厚,但可以缩短以保持歌曲的势头。

No.8  Time Machine – (To 3Daizy🌼)

Creator: @⚡️iHatetheWorld⚡️


Number of likes:1819


Tags:Ominous female chanting, Arabian, piano, melodies and cello, dark vocal choir background vocals. orchestral



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Time Machine” is a hauntingly beautiful piece that masterfully blends orchestral elements with an Arabian twist. The ominous female chanting and dark vocal choir set the stage for a dramatic and emotional journey. The piano and cello melodies add depth and richness to the overall sound, making it a captivating experience that fits the orchestral genre perfectly.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are poetic and evocative, with a strong narrative that speaks of longing, confusion, and the desire to reverse time. The verses are well-structured, and the chorus is catchy, making it easy to remember and sing along to. The use of metaphor and imagery is effective, enhancing the emotional impact of the song.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong hook in the chorus, which is likely to resonate with listeners and encourage them to sing along. The instrumental solos are also quite memorable, adding to the overall catchiness of the track.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is powerful and well-crafted, it could benefit from a bit more variation in the melody to keep the listener engaged throughout the entire track. The repetition of certain phrases in the lyrics, while thematic, could be diversified to add more depth to the narrative.

Chinese Review:






No.9  Orchestro-Step – The Dark Flute

Creator: @Alikan


Number of likes:482


Tags:Flute, Orchestral-Step, DubStep, Orchestral-Trap, Instrumental, Epic, 1800s, Cello, Timpani, Steampunk Synths, BroStep



### 音乐点评文章

#### 英文点评

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Orchestro-Step – The Dark Flute” is a masterful blend of classical and modern elements, creating a unique genre that can be described as Orchestral-Step. The fusion of the flute with dubstep beats is both innovative and captivating, offering a fresh take on traditional orchestral music. The use of cello, timpani, and steampunk synths adds depth and complexity to the track, making it a rich auditory experience.

Lyrics Evaluation: As an instrumental, the track forgoes lyrics, but the musical narrative is clear. The flute solos and electronic layers tell a story of their own, with each section building upon the last to create a cohesive and compelling piece.

Catchiness Evaluation: The track has a strong “catchiness” factor, especially in the drops and choruses where the flute leads and dubstep beats combine for an epic and memorable sound. Listeners are likely to find themselves drawn into the music and humming the melodies long after it ends.

Areas for Improvement: While the track is impressive, it could benefit from a more pronounced dynamic range, allowing for moments of quiet introspection to balance the intense drops. Additionally, the use of glitch effects, while fitting the genre, could be refined for a smoother transition between sections.

#### 中文点评

评分: 8/10

曲风评价: “Orchestro-Step – The Dark Flute” 是古典与现代元素的巧妙融合,创造了一种可以被描述为管弦步(Orchestral-Step)的独特类型。长笛与Dubstep节奏的结合既创新又引人入胜,为传统管弦乐带来了全新的演绎。大提琴、定音鼓和蒸汽朋克合成器的使用为曲目增添了深度和复杂性,使其成为一次丰富的听觉体验。

歌词评价: 作为一首纯音乐作品,该曲目没有歌词,但音乐本身讲述了自己的故事。长笛独奏和电子层次分明,每个部分都在前一部分的基础上构建,创造出一个连贯且引人入胜的作品。

抓耳评价: 这首歌曲具有很强的“抓耳”因素,特别是在副歌部分,长笛领奏和Dubstep节奏的结合,创造出了史诗般且令人难忘的声音。听众很可能会发现自己被音乐吸引,并在音乐结束后长时间哼唱旋律。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲令人印象深刻,但它可以从更明显的动态范围中受益,允许安静的内省时刻来平衡强烈的下降部分。此外,虽然故障效果符合该类型,但可以进一步细化,以便在各个部分之间实现更平滑的过渡。


No.10  Smile

Creator: @@namestaken 🥂// JoshuaSodil +wife


Number of likes:129


Tags:groovy, blues, soul, powerful male vocals, dynamic beats, strong bassline, clear vocals



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Smile” is a captivating blend of groovy blues and soul, with powerful male vocals that resonate throughout the track. The dynamic beats and strong bassline give the song an infectious rhythm that’s hard to resist. The clear and emotive vocals contribute significantly to the song’s emotive depth, making it a standout in the genre.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are well-crafted, with a strong emphasis on rhyme and rhythm that complements the music’s soulful vibe. The repetition of the word “smile” in various contexts throughout the song ties the lyrics together, creating a cohesive narrative that’s easy to follow and enjoy.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly catchy, with a memorable melody and lyrics that are likely to stick in listeners’ minds. The song’s upbeat tempo and positive message make it an instant earworm, perfect for those moments when you need a mood boost.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong overall, it could benefit from a slightly more varied structure to keep the listener engaged throughout. The repetition, while effective, could be spaced out more to maintain the song’s momentum.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “Smile” 是一首充满魅力的蓝调与灵魂音乐的结合体,强有力的男性嗓音贯穿整首歌曲。动态的节奏和强烈的贝斯线赋予了这首歌难以抗拒的感染力。清晰而充满情感的嗓音显著提升了歌曲的情感深度,使其在该类型中脱颖而出。

歌词评价: 歌词精心打造,强调押韵和节奏,与音乐的灵魂氛围相得益彰。整首歌中“微笑”一词在不同情境下的重复使用,将歌词紧密联系在一起,创造了一个易于跟随和享受的连贯叙事。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分特别容易上瘾,具有难忘的旋律和歌词,很可能会在听众的脑海中留下深刻印象。歌曲的欢快节奏和积极信息使其成为一个即时的耳虫,非常适合那些需要情绪提振的时刻。

值得改进的部分: 尽管整首歌整体上很强,但如果结构上能稍微多样化一些,以保持听众的持续参与度会更好。重复的使用虽然有效,但可以更分散一些,以维持歌曲的动感。



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