What is the most popular list of AI music? Let’s take a look at suno’s top ten today!

Welcome to the Suno-list blog! Here, we present the top 10 Suno music list for August 19, 2024. These AI-created music pieces have gained significant attention on our platform. Let’s dive into this week’s most popular AI music tracks!

No.1  Leyli&Majnun

Creator: @Brutus


Number of likes:386


Tags:[Persian-Classical Music], duet, melodic, meditative



English Review:

Rating: 9/10

Style Evaluation: “Leyli & Majnun” is a Persian-Classical Music piece that offers a duet rich in melody and meditative in nature. The instrumental introduction sets a traditional tone, inviting listeners into a world of ancient Persian storytelling. The song’s rhythm is steady and its melody is hauntingly beautiful, perfectly capturing the essence of classical Persian music.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics, though simple, are deeply emotive, expressing the raw emotions of love and longing. The repetition of “Yes, I know” serves as a poignant acknowledgment of shared pain and understanding between Leyli and Majnun. The words are well-crafted to resonate with the listener, evoking a sense of empathy for the characters’ plight.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song’s catchiness lies in its emotive delivery and the recurring motif of recognition and acknowledgment between the two lovers. The chorus, with its vivid imagery and emotive language, is particularly captivating and would likely draw listeners into the narrative.

Areas for Improvement: While the piece is a beautiful rendition of Persian classical music, it might benefit from a more dynamic range of vocal expressions to convey the depth of the characters’ emotions. Additionally, incorporating more varied instrumental elements could enhance the richness of the listening experience.

Chinese Review:

评分: 9/10

曲风评价: “Leyli & Majnun” 是一首波斯古典音乐作品,以二重唱的形式,旋律丰富,具有冥想性质。乐器的引子设定了传统的基调,邀请听众进入古老的波斯叙事世界。歌曲的节奏稳定,旋律悠扬动听,完美捕捉了波斯古典音乐的精髓。

歌词评价: 歌词虽然简单,但情感深沉,表达了爱与渴望的原始情感。”是的,我知道”的重复使用,作为两个恋人之间共享痛苦和理解的感人认可。这些词语精心打造,以引起听众的共鸣,唤起对角色困境的同情。

抓耳评价: 歌曲的抓耳之处在于其情感的传递和两个恋人之间相互认可和承认的重复主题。合唱部分,以其生动的意象和情感语言,特别吸引人,很可能会吸引听众进入叙事。

值得改进的部分: 虽然这部作品是波斯古典音乐的美丽演绎,但如果在声乐表达上有更多的动态范围来传达角色情感的深度,可能会受益。此外,融入更多变化的乐器元素可以丰富听觉体验。

No.2  Thanks

Creator: @Foggy


Number of likes:201


Tags:emotive female vocals, overwraught, upset, hypnotic beat



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Thanks” is a deeply emotional track that resonates with the listener through its emotive female vocals and a hypnotic beat. The song’s overwrought and upset tone is well-executed, with the vocals and instrumentals working in harmony to convey a sense of heartache and longing.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics are raw and introspective, with a strong narrative that pulls the listener into the singer’s emotional journey. The use of repetition, such as “Thanks for letting me know,” and the rhetorical questions, adds depth and a sense of desperation to the song. The rhyme scheme is consistent, contributing to the song’s catchiness and memorability.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong potential to be catchy, especially with its repetitive chorus and the emotive delivery of the lyrics. The hypnotic beat can easily draw listeners in and make the song stick in their minds.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is powerful in its emotional expression, it could benefit from a slight variation in the musical arrangement to prevent it from becoming monotonous. Adding dynamic changes or a bridge could enhance the overall listening experience.

Chinese Review:



歌词评价:歌词原始而内省,具有强烈的叙事性,将听众拉入歌手的情感旅程。重复使用如“Thanks for letting me know”和修辞问题增加了歌曲的深度和绝望感。押韵模式一致,有助于歌曲的易记和朗朗上口。



Both reviews provide a comprehensive analysis of the song “Thanks,” highlighting its strengths in emotional expression and lyrical depth while suggesting areas for improvement to enhance the overall listening experience.

No.3  Cosmic Wind

Creator: @Dray


Number of likes:136


Tags:chillwave, chillstep, glitchhop, edm, female vocals



Music Review: “Cosmic Wind”

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Cosmic Wind” is a delightful blend of chillwave, chillstep, glitchhop, and EDM, with a touch of female vocals that adds a hauntingly ethereal quality to the mix. The song’s rhythm and tempo are well-matched to the genre, creating a smooth, relaxing vibe that’s perfect for unwinding or introspective moments. The glitchy elements and electronic beats provide a modern twist that keeps the track engaging without overpowering the listener.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics of “Cosmic Wind” delve into the philosophical question of free will versus determinism, a theme that’s both thought-provoking and relatable. The verses are well-structured, with a clear narrative that builds upon itself, leading to a powerful chorus that’s both catchy and reflective. The use of repetition in the chorus helps to drive the song’s central theme home, making it memorable and impactful.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus of “Cosmic Wind” has a strong “earworm” quality, with its repetitive questioning and the haunting “Caught in the cosmic wind…” line that’s likely to stick in listeners’ minds. The instrumental sections also have a mesmerizing quality that draws the listener in, making the song a compelling listen from start to finish.

Areas for Improvement: While “Cosmic Wind” is a strong track overall, it could benefit from a bit more variety in its instrumental arrangements. The song’s structure is somewhat repetitive, and introducing some new elements or transitions could help to keep the listener engaged throughout the track’s duration. Additionally, while the theme of the song is well-explored, there’s room for further development of the narrative to provide a more nuanced exploration of the philosophical questions it raises.

音乐点评:《Cosmic Wind》

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: 《Cosmic Wind》是一首令人愉悦的chillwave、chillstep、glitchhop和EDM的混合体,加上女声的空灵质感,为歌曲增添了一种神秘而超脱的氛围。歌曲的节奏和速度与曲风完美匹配,营造出一种流畅、放松的氛围,非常适合放松或沉思的时刻。歌曲中的电子节拍和glitch元素为曲目增添了现代感,使听众在不感到压力的情况下保持参与感。

歌词评价: 《Cosmic Wind》的歌词深入探讨了自由意志与决定论的哲学问题,这是一个既发人深省又引人共鸣的主题。歌词结构清晰,叙事连贯,逐步构建到一个有力而引人入胜的副歌。副歌中的重复使用有助于强化歌曲的中心主题,使其具有记忆点和影响力。

抓耳评价: 《Cosmic Wind》的副歌具有很强的“耳虫”特质,其反复的提问和令人难忘的“Caught in the cosmic wind…”这一句,很可能会在听众的脑海中留下深刻印象。器乐部分也具有迷人的品质,吸引听众从头到尾全神贯注地聆听。

值得改进的部分: 尽管《Cosmic Wind》整体上是一首强劲的曲目,但它可以通过在器乐编排上增加更多的变化来进一步改善。歌曲的结构有些重复,引入一些新的元素或过渡可以帮助在整个曲目的持续时间内保持听众的参与度。此外,虽然歌曲的主题得到了很好的探讨,但在进一步发展叙事方面还有空间,以提供对它所引发哲学问题的更细致的探讨。

No.4  Dancing in the Fray

Creator: @Doll


Number of likes:241


Tags:insane female vocals, carnival, circus, punk pop, punk metal, electronic, chaotic, tempo shifts, dynamic, schizophrenic



English Review:

Rating: 9/10

Genre Evaluation: “Dancing in the Fray” is a whirlwind of punk pop and punk metal, with electronic undertones that add to the chaotic and dynamic nature of the song. The tempo shifts and schizophrenic structure keep listeners on their toes, mirroring the carnivalesque theme of the lyrics. The vocals are intense and insane, perfectly fitting the genre’s raw energy.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are poetic and vivid, painting a picture of a chaotic world that is both terrifying and exhilarating. The rhyme scheme is consistent and catchy, with lines that flow smoothly into each other, enhancing the song’s memorability and sing-along quality.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong hook in the chorus, which is likely to be “catchy” and resonate with listeners, inviting them to sing along. The repetition of key phrases like “Spin me ’round” and “I’m dancing in the dark” further solidifies this catchiness.

Areas for Improvement: While the song’s chaotic nature is a strength, it could potentially be overwhelming for some listeners. Balancing the intensity with moments of respite might make the song more accessible to a broader audience without losing its unique charm.

Chinese Review:

评分: 9/10

曲风评价: “Dancing in the Fray” 是一首融合了朋克流行和朋克金属的旋风,电子元素的加入为歌曲增添了混乱和动态的特性。歌曲的节奏变化和精神分裂症式结构让听众保持警觉,反映了歌词中的嘉年华主题。歌声强烈而疯狂,完美契合了这一类型音乐的原始能量。

歌词评价: 歌词充满诗意且形象生动,描绘了一个既可怕又令人兴奋的混乱世界。押韵的模式一致且上口,行与行之间的流畅过渡增强了歌曲的易记性和跟唱性。

抓耳评价: 歌曲的副歌部分具有很强的吸引力,很可能会成为“抓耳”的部分,吸引听众跟唱。关键短语如“Spin me ’round”和“I’m dancing in the dark”的重复进一步巩固了这种吸引力。

值得改进的部分: 虽然歌曲的混乱特性是其优势,但对某些听众来说可能过于强烈。在保持独特魅力的同时,通过在强度中加入一些喘息的时刻,可能会使歌曲对更广泛的听众更具可接受性。

No.5  Stalker | BBM x The AI Magician

Creator: @null


Number of likes:58


Tags:downbeat african tribal pop, grunge, phonk, dirty cello, emo pop punk, electro swing, alternative, D# minor, dark



English Review:

Rating: 7/10

Genre Evaluation: “Stalker” by BBM x The AI Magician is a unique blend of downbeat African tribal pop, grunge, and electro swing, creating a dark and alternative atmosphere that is both intriguing and fitting for the song’s theme. The D# minor key adds a layer of depth, enhancing the song’s melancholic and edgy vibe.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are repetitive yet catchy, with a simple rhyme scheme that makes them easy to remember and sing along to. The theme of stalking is presented with a twist, turning the tables on the stalker and giving the song a sense of empowerment.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly catchy, with its bold declaration of taking command and the repetition of “I’m ten steps ahead of you” serving as a memorable hook. This repetition is likely to resonate with listeners and make the song stick in their minds.

Areas for Improvement: While the song’s genre fusion is commendable, it could benefit from a more dynamic arrangement to keep the listener engaged throughout. The repetition, while catchy, could be balanced with some variation to prevent the song from becoming monotonous.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价: BBM x The AI Magician的《Stalker》是一首将downbeat非洲部落流行音乐、垃圾摇滚和电子摇摆乐的独特融合,营造出一种黑暗而另类的氛围,非常符合歌曲的主题。D#小调的加入增加了深度,增强了歌曲的忧郁和前卫感。

歌词评价: 歌词虽然重复但易于上口,简单的押韵模式让它们易于记忆和跟唱。歌曲以一种反转的方式呈现了跟踪的主题,将跟踪者的角色颠倒过来,赋予了歌曲一种赋权感。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分特别容易上瘾,其大胆的宣言“我现在是船长,看我发号施令”和“我总是比你快十步”的重复作为难忘的钩子。这种重复很可能与听众产生共鸣,使歌曲留在他们的脑海中。

值得改进的部分: 尽管歌曲的类型融合值得称赞,但它可以通过更动态的编曲来吸引听众的注意力。重复虽然容易上瘾,但可以通过一些变化来平衡,以防止歌曲变得单调。

No.6  Dissociated

Creator: @Eardrum


Number of likes:141


Tags:gothic influenced symphonic metal,female vocals,quiet cinematic orchestra,soprano,k-pop,ambient,emotional



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Dissociated” is a captivating blend of gothic symphonic metal with a touch of K-pop and ambient influences. The symphonic elements are well-integrated, creating a rich and emotional soundscape that complements the soaring soprano vocals. The track’s dynamic range, from the quiet cinematic orchestra to the powerful choruses, is impressive and keeps the listener engaged.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are heartfelt and introspective, with a strong narrative that resonates with the theme of dissociation. The rhyming scheme is consistent and contributes to the song’s overall catchiness. The emotional depth of the lyrics is well-matched with the music, enhancing the overall impact.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong hook in the chorus, which is likely to be memorable and “catchy” for listeners. The transition from the softer verses to the powerful choruses is smooth, making it easy to follow and sing along.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is well-crafted, it could benefit from a slightly more varied melody in the verses to provide a greater contrast with the chorus. Additionally, the use of electronic elements or a more distinct bridge could add another layer of complexity to the song.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价: “Dissociated” 是一首引人入胜的哥特式交响金属与K-pop和环境音乐元素的融合。交响元素的融合非常到位,创造出丰富而情感深沉的音乐景观,与高亢的女高音相得益彰。从安静的电影管弦乐到强有力的合唱部分,歌曲的动态范围令人印象深刻,使听众保持兴趣。

歌词评价: 歌词充满深情和内省,与解离主题的强烈叙事相呼应。押韵模式一致,有助于歌曲的整体吸引力。歌词的情感深度与音乐完美匹配,增强了整体影响力。

抓耳评价: 歌曲的副歌部分有很强的钩子,很可能会让听众记忆深刻并易于跟唱。从柔和的诗句过渡到有力的合唱部分流畅自然,易于跟随和跟唱。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌制作精良,但如果在诗句中使用稍微变化更多的旋律,以与合唱部分形成更大的对比,可能会更好。此外,使用电子元素或更独特的桥段可以为歌曲增加另一层复杂性。

No.7  PauPer TO PrINCE: SoLO-cOnFINEmEnT (1/3)

Creator: @LightJourner | LightJourner.x


Number of likes:21


Tags:courtroom waltzglitch-telenovela[post-post-hardcore]]36520folk emo[math technical][cine-exc-anti clarity]LightJourner



English Review:

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “PauPer TO PrINCE: SoLO-cOnFINEmEnT (1/3)” is a unique blend of post-post-hardcore, folk emo, and a touch of cinematic anti-clarity. The song’s genre is a testament to its complexity and depth, with a rhythm that’s both haunting and captivating. The glitch-telenovela elements add a layer of drama and tension, making the listening experience dynamic and engaging.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are poetic and deeply emotional, reflecting the protagonist’s internal struggle and longing. The use of rhyme is consistent and adds to the song’s flow, making it easy to follow and emotionally resonant. The narrative is compelling, and the dialogue format effectively conveys the story’s intensity.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong opening that immediately draws the listener in. The chorus is memorable and has the potential to be a “sing-along” part, which is a testament to its catchiness. The emotional depth of the lyrics and the melody’s ability to evoke empathy contribute to its “ear-worm” quality.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is powerful and well-crafted, it could benefit from a more varied melody to keep the listener engaged throughout its entirety. The repetition of certain phrases, while reinforcing the theme, might be slightly reduced to maintain a fresh listening experience.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价: “PauPer TO PrINCE: SoLO-cOnFINEmEnT (1/3)” 是后硬核、民谣情绪和电影反清晰度的独特融合。歌曲的曲风证明了其复杂性和深度,节奏既令人毛骨悚然又引人入胜。故障-肥皂剧元素增添了戏剧性和紧张感,使聆听体验充满活力和吸引力。

歌词评价: 歌词充满诗意且情感深沉,反映了主角的内心挣扎和渴望。押韵的运用一致,增加了歌曲的流畅性,使其易于跟随且情感共鸣。叙事引人入胜,对话形式有效地传达了故事的强度。

抓耳评价: 歌曲的开头非常强烈,立即吸引听众。副歌部分易于记忆,有成为“跟唱”部分的潜力,这证明了它的抓耳度。歌词的情感深度和旋律唤起共鸣的能力,使其具有“耳虫”特质。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲强大且制作精良,但它可以通过更多样化的旋律来保持听众的参与度。某些短语的重复,虽然强化了主题,但可以稍微减少,以保持新鲜的聆听体验。


No.8  Burdens

Creator: @BBM


Number of likes:66


Tags:bananabreadmuffin fusion, rage rap, rage beats, rage music, emo rap, emo pop punk, hardcore, atmospheric, 808s



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Burdens” is a compelling blend of emo rap and atmospheric hardcore, with a touch of pop punk’s raw energy. The fusion of these genres creates a unique sonic landscape that is both aggressive and introspective. The use of 808s adds a modern twist, grounding the song in the contemporary music scene while maintaining its genre authenticity.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are poignant and relatable, capturing the essence of internal struggle and the daily battle with one’s own demons. The repetition of “replaying” and the haunting chorus effectively convey the cyclical nature of these burdens. The clean vocals are well-delivered, with a clear enunciation that allows the emotional weight of the lyrics to shine through.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly catchy, with a melody that sticks in the listener’s mind. The repetition of the central theme in the lyrics and the consistent rhythm make it easy to anticipate and engage with the song, increasing its memorability and appeal.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong in its delivery and emotional resonance, it could benefit from a more dynamic arrangement to break up the repetition and keep the listener engaged throughout. Adding more variation in the instrumental sections could provide a fresh perspective and enhance the overall listening experience.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价:”Burdens” 是 emo rap 和 hardcore 的引人入胜的融合,带有一丝 pop punk 的原始能量。这些风格的融合创造了一个既激进又内省的独特声音景观。808s 的使用增加了现代感,使歌曲在保持其类型真实性的同时,扎根于当代音乐场景。

歌词评价:歌词感人且易于共鸣,捕捉了内心斗争和与自己恶魔的日常斗争的本质。”replaying” 的重复和令人难忘的合唱有效地传达了这些负担的循环性质。干净的人声演绎得很好,清晰的发音让歌词的情感重量得以凸显。



No.9  Nothing

Creator: @Foggy


Number of likes:34


Tags:melancholic melodic trap, hypnotic beat, anguished female vocals



### 音乐点评文章

#### 中文版

曲风评价: 这首歌曲以忧郁的旋律陷阱(melancholic melodic trap)为基调,搭配催眠般的节奏,营造出一种深沉而沉浸的氛围。女声的演唱充满痛苦与挣扎,与歌曲的主题“Nothing”相得益彰,展现了一种失去后的空虚感。

歌词评价: 歌词简洁而重复,通过“Something”到“Nothing”的转变,传达了一种从拥有到失去的情感历程。押韵的使用增强了歌词的朗朗上口度,同时也加深了歌曲的情感表达。

抓耳评价: 歌曲的开头和副歌部分具有较强的吸引力,能够迅速抓住听众的注意力。女声的演唱和旋律的重复性,使得这首歌具有较高的“抓耳感”。

值得改进的部分: 尽管歌曲整体表现力强,但在某些部分,歌词的重复性可能会让一些听众感到单调。此外,如果能够在编曲上加入更多变化,可能会使整首歌曲更加丰富和立体。

#### 英文版
Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: The song is based on a melancholic melodic trap, complemented by a hypnotic beat, creating a deep and immersive atmosphere. The anguished female vocals resonate with the theme of “Nothing,” portraying a sense of emptiness after loss.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are concise and repetitive, conveying an emotional journey from having “Something” to having “Nothing.” The use of rhyme enhances the catchiness of the lyrics and deepens the emotional expression of the song.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong appeal in its opening and chorus, quickly capturing the audience’s attention. The repetition of the melody and the female vocals give the song a high level of catchiness.

Areas for Improvement: Although the song has a strong overall performance, the repetitiveness of some parts of the lyrics might feel monotonous to some listeners. Additionally, incorporating more variations in the arrangement could make the song richer and more three-dimensional.

No.10  Orchestro-Step – Evil Rising

Creator: @Alikan


Number of likes:21


Tags:Orchestral-Step, DubStep, Orchestral-Trap, Chill, Lo-Fi, Evil, Instrumental, Epic, Oboe, Viola, Timpani, Steampunk



### English Review

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Orchestro-Step – Evil Rising” is a captivating blend of Orchestral-Step and DubStep, with a touch of Orchestral-Trap. The track expertly weaves together the grandeur of an orchestra with the modern punch of electronic beats. The use of traditional instruments like the oboe and viola alongside the timpani adds a unique flavor, resonating with the Steampunk aesthetic. The rhythm and dynamics are engaging, offering a journey through a soundscape that is both epic and chilling.

Lyric Evaluation: As an instrumental, this track forgoes lyrics, focusing instead on the emotive power of the music itself. The absence of lyrics allows the listener to immerse fully in the atmospheric soundscape crafted by the composer.

Catchiness Evaluation: The track has a strong opening that immediately draws the listener in. The fusion of classical and electronic elements creates a “hook” that is both unexpected and compelling, making it highly memorable.

Areas for Improvement: While the track is a triumph in blending genres, it could benefit from a more pronounced climax or a variation in the middle to maintain listener interest throughout its duration. The piece, as it stands, is a bit repetitive in its structure, which might not hold the attention of some listeners for the entire runtime.

### 中文点评

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “Orchestro-Step – Evil Rising” 是一首将管弦步和DubStep巧妙融合的作品,带有管弦陷阱和冷爵士的元素。这首曲子巧妙地将管弦乐团的宏伟与电子节拍的现代冲击结合起来。使用像双簧管和中提琴这样的传统乐器,以及定音鼓,为这首曲子增添了独特的风味,与蒸汽朋克美学相呼应。节奏和动态引人入胜,提供了一次穿越既史诗又令人毛骨悚然的声音景观的旅程。

歌词评价: 作为一首纯音乐作品,这首曲子放弃了歌词,转而专注于音乐本身的感染力。没有歌词的存在,让听众可以完全沉浸在作曲家创造的氛围声音景观中。

抓耳评价: 这首曲子有一个强有力的开头,立即吸引听众。古典与电子元素的融合创造了一个既出人意料又引人入胜的“钩子”,使其非常难忘。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首曲子在融合不同风格方面取得了成功,但如果能在中间部分有更明显的高潮或变化,以保持听众在整个播放过程中的兴趣,将更上一层楼。就目前而言,作品的结构略显重复,可能无法在整个播放时间里吸引一些听众的注意力。



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