What is the most popular list of AI music? Let’s take a look at suno’s top ten today!

Welcome to the Suno-list blog! Here, we present the top 10 Suno music list for June 30, 2024. These AI-created music pieces have gained significant attention on our platform. Let’s dive into this week’s most popular AI music tracks!

No.1  Red Star Panda

Creator: @Brutus


Number of likes:327


Tags:[Nu-jazz],dark alternative rock,Saxophone,aggressive,clear female vocals,Japan style



### English Review

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Red Star Panda” is a captivating Nu-jazz track with a dark alternative rock twist. The aggressive saxophone lines and clear female vocals give it an edge that is both unique and engaging. The Japanese style is subtly infused, adding an exotic flair to the overall sound. The rhythm and melody are well-crafted, with a strong sense of movement that keeps the listener engaged throughout.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are poetic and filled with vivid imagery, effectively capturing the essence of the song’s theme. The use of English words interspersed with Japanese phrases adds depth and a sense of cultural fusion. The rhyming scheme is consistent, and the lyrics are memorable, enhancing the overall listening experience.

Catchiness Evaluation: The instrumental intro is catchy and sets the tone for the song. The chorus has a strong hook that is likely to resonate with listeners, making it an earworm that sticks in the mind. The use of repetition in the chorus helps to solidify this catchiness.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong overall, the transition between sections could be smoother to maintain the flow of the song. Additionally, the aggressiveness of the saxophone, while fitting the genre, might be too overpowering for some listeners and could potentially be balanced with more dynamic changes.

### Chinese Review

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “Red Star Panda” 是一首引人入胜的 Nu-jazz 曲目,带有黑暗另类摇滚的色彩。侵略性的萨克斯风线条和清晰的女声赋予了它独特而吸引人的边缘感。日本风格巧妙地融合其中,为整体音效增添了异域风情。节奏和旋律精心打造,具有强烈的动感,使听众全程保持投入。

歌词评价: 歌词充满诗意,充满生动的意象,有效地捕捉了歌曲主题的精髓。英语单词与日语短语的穿插使用增加了深度和文化融合感。押韵方案一致,歌词易于记忆,增强了整体的听觉体验。

抓耳评价: 器乐前奏部分非常吸引人,为整首歌曲定下了基调。副歌部分有很强的吸引力,很可能与听众产生共鸣,成为留在脑海中的耳虫。副歌中重复使用的手法有助于巩固这种吸引力。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲整体上非常强大,但各部分之间的过渡可以更加流畅,以保持歌曲的流畅性。此外,萨克斯风的侵略性虽然符合该类型,但对某些听众来说可能过于强烈,可以通过更多的动态变化来平衡。

No.2  Don’t Mind Me

Creator: @SirBitesAlot


Number of likes:421


Tags:poetic-opera, emotional-cabaret, gothic-symphonic-rock-violin, dark-omnious cabaret-duet, drama-opera-gothic-metal-step



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Don’t Mind Me” is a captivating blend of poetic-opera and gothic-symphonic-rock, with a strong emotional undertone that resonates throughout the piece. The use of violin and electric guitar solos adds a unique flair, creating a dynamic that is both dramatic and haunting. The rhythmic patterns are complex yet harmonious, contributing to the song’s overall allure.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are minimalistic, with a repetitive structure that emphasizes the emotional plea of the vocalists. While the lack of full verses might leave some listeners wanting more, the simplicity allows the core message to shine through. The use of directional arrows as a metaphor for the ebb and flow of emotions is innovative, though it might not contribute to the rhyming scheme.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is somewhat subdued, which may affect its immediate catchiness. However, the duet’s harmonization and the crescendo of the electric guitar solos provide moments of intensity that could draw listeners in over time.

Areas for Improvement: The song could benefit from a more developed lyrical narrative to provide a fuller emotional context. Additionally, the unconventional use of symbols and lack of explicit lyrics in some sections might be confusing for some listeners, requiring a more accessible approach to engage a wider audience.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “Don’t Mind Me” 是诗意歌剧和哥特交响摇滚的迷人融合,具有强烈的情感底蕴,贯穿整首歌曲。小提琴和电吉他独奏的使用增添了独特的风格,创造出既戏剧性又令人毛骨悚然的动态。节奏模式复杂而和谐,为歌曲的整体魅力做出了贡献。

歌词评价: 歌词极简,重复的结构强调了歌手的情感诉求。虽然缺少完整的诗句可能会让一些听众感到意犹未尽,但简洁性让核心信息得以突出。使用方向箭头作为情感起伏的隐喻是创新的,尽管它可能并不增加押韵的格局。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分相对内敛,可能会影响其立即的吸引力。然而,二重唱的和谐和电吉他独奏的高潮提供了强度时刻,随着时间的推移可能会吸引听众。

值得改进的部分: 歌曲可以从更发达的歌词叙事中受益,以提供更完整的情感背景。此外,非常规符号的使用和某些部分缺乏明确的歌词可能会让一些听众感到困惑,需要更易接近的方法来吸引更广泛的听众。


No.3  Spirit of the Earth

Creator: @Killeen3000


Number of likes:184


Tags:drone,deep,Overtone,Drone, male voice,Throat Singing,drone,overtones, afrocelt,Native Chanting,atmospheric



English Review:

Rating: 9/10

Genre Evaluation: “Spirit of the Earth” is a beautifully crafted piece that embodies the essence of drone and overtone singing. The deep, resonant male voice and the atmospheric Native Chanting are perfectly aligned with the genre’s characteristics, creating a profound sense of tranquility and connection with nature.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics, though minimal, are impactful. The repetitive chanting of “Hey-ya hey-ya hey-ya ho” is rhythmic and catchy, serving as a grounding element that invites listeners to join in the spiritual journey. The verses are poetic, painting vivid images of nature’s beauty and our place within it.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song’s catchiness lies in its ability to evoke a deep emotional response rather than a catchy hook. The drone and chanting create an immersive experience that is more about the journey than a memorable chorus.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is a masterpiece in its genre, it could benefit from a slight variation in the chanting part to maintain listener engagement throughout the piece. Additionally, the introduction of more dynamic elements could enhance the song’s depth without detracting from its serene nature.



曲风评价: “Spirit of the Earth” 是一首精妙绝伦的作品,完美地体现了droneg和overtone singing的本质。深沉的男声和氛围感十足的原住民吟唱与该类型的特点完美契合,营造出一种深刻的宁静感和与自然的联系。

歌词评价: 歌词虽然极简,但影响深远。重复的吟唱“嘿呀嘿呀嘿呀吼”节奏感强烈且易于上口,作为基础元素,邀请听众加入这场精神之旅。诗句充满诗意,描绘了自然之美和我们在其中的位置。

抓耳评价: 这首歌的抓耳之处在于它能够唤起深刻的情感反应,而不是一个容易记住的副歌。droneg和吟唱创造了一种沉浸式体验,更多地关注旅程本身,而不是一个难忘的副歌。

值得改进的部分: 虽然这首歌在其类型中是杰作,但如果在吟唱部分稍微变化一些,可以在整个作品中保持听众的参与度。此外,引入更多动态元素可以增强歌曲的深度,而不会削弱其宁静的本质。

No.4  The Forest Hound

Creator: @Zero Nanashi🐙


Number of likes:353


Tags:Catchy Instrumental intro. Spooky, halloween, witch house. sweet female vocal



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation:
“The Forest Hound” is a hauntingly beautiful piece that captures the essence of witch house with its eerie and enchanting instrumentals. The track’s spooky and Halloween-themed atmosphere is well-executed, blending a catchy instrumental intro with a sweet female vocal that adds a layer of innocence to the otherwise dark and mysterious tone.

Lyric Evaluation:
The lyrics are poetic and fitting for the song’s theme, with a strong narrative that weaves through the verses and choruses. The rhyming scheme is consistent and adds to the song’s catchiness, making it easy to follow and remember.

Catchiness Evaluation:
The instrumental intro is indeed catchy, setting the stage for the rest of the song. The chorus is particularly memorable, with a melody that’s likely to stick in listeners’ minds. The “ghostly sprite” imagery is both catchy and fitting for the genre.

Areas for Improvement:
While the song is strong overall, the bridge could be more impactful. It feels slightly disconnected from the rest of the song, and while it adds depth to the story, it could benefit from a stronger musical connection to the preceding and following sections.

Chinese Review:


《森林猎犬》是一首充满诡异美感的作品,完美捕捉了女巫屋(witch house)音乐风格的精神。歌曲的恐怖和万圣节主题氛围营造得非常到位,将吸引人的器乐前奏与甜美的女声结合,为这首本就黑暗神秘的曲调增添了一丝纯真。





No.5  あ~あ~あ~あ!!!!! – remix

Creator: @Zero Nanashi🐙


Number of likes:166


Tags:Miku voice, speck fast, Vocaloid, math rock, j-pop, mutation funk, bounce drop, hyperspeed dubstep



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: The song “あ~あ~あ~あ!!!!! – remix” is a fascinating blend of Vocaloid, math rock, and hyperspeed dubstep, with a touch of J-pop and mutation funk. The track’s fast-paced, intricate rhythms and the bounce drop elements create a unique and engaging listening experience that is both energetic and complex.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are poetic and deep, exploring themes of reality, dreams, and the struggle between truth and illusion. The Japanese verses are well-structured, with a clear narrative that complements the music’s intensity. The English rap sections add another layer of depth, providing a bilingual perspective that enhances the overall impact.

Catchiness Evaluation: The repetitive “あ~あ~あ~あ!!!!!” in the intro and outro is incredibly catchy and serves as an earworm that sticks with the listener. The chorus is powerful and memorable, making it easy to sing along and feel the song’s emotional weight.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is innovative and well-executed, it could benefit from a more varied dynamic range to prevent listener fatigue. Additionally, the rapid pace might be overwhelming for some, and a slower section to contrast with the high-energy parts could provide balance.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价: 这首歌曲“あ~あ~あ~あ!!!!! – remix”是Vocaloid、数学摇滚和超速Dubstep的独特融合,带有J-pop和变异放克的元素。歌曲快节奏、复杂的节奏和弹跳下降元素创造了一个既充满活力又复杂的独特听觉体验。

歌词评价: 歌词诗意深刻,探讨了现实、梦想以及真实与幻觉之间的斗争。日文段落结构清晰,与音乐的强度相得益彰。英文说唱部分增加了另一层深度,提供了双语视角,增强了整体影响力。

抓耳评价: 歌曲开头和结尾重复的“あ~あ~あ~あ!!!!!”非常抓耳,成为听众难以忘怀的耳虫。副歌部分强大且易于记忆,易于跟唱,感受歌曲的情感重量。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲创新且执行得当,但它可以从更多样化的动态范围中受益,以防止听众疲劳。此外,快速的节奏对某些人来说可能过于压倒性,与高能量部分形成对比的慢节奏部分可以提供平衡。

Overall, “あ~あ~あ~あ!!!!! – remix” is a captivating piece that showcases the versatility of Vocaloid music and the potential for cross-genre experimentation. It’s a track that demands attention and rewards listeners with its depth and complexity.

No.6  Ио Оиє Дґоциd

Creator: @Stei Camel 🐪 ▶️YouTube


Number of likes:189


Tags:[Witch House], [Dark Soviet Post-Punk], Ethereal, Deep Vocal, [Power Metal]



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: The song “Ио Оиє Дґоциd” is a unique blend of Witch House, Dark Soviet Post-Punk, and Power Metal, creating an ethereal and haunting atmosphere. The deep vocals and instrumental arrangements are well-matched to the genre, offering a dark and immersive listening experience.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are presented in a bilingual format, with a clear narrative structure that adds depth to the song. They are not rhyming in a traditional sense but have a poetic flow that complements the music’s moody and introspective tone.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is repetitive and has the potential to be catchy, especially with its stark contrast to the verses. However, the song’s overall complexity and genre-specific appeal may limit its mass appeal.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is well-crafted within its genre, it could benefit from a more dynamic chorus or bridge to provide a clearer climax and enhance memorability. Additionally, the instrumental sections, while atmospheric, could be further developed to add variety and depth.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: 歌曲“Ио Оиє Дґоциd”是女巫屋(Witch House)、黑暗苏联后朋克(Dark Soviet Post-Punk)和力量金属(Power Metal)的独特融合,营造出一种空灵而阴森的氛围。深沉的嗓音和器乐编排与这种类型非常匹配,提供了一种黑暗而沉浸式的听觉体验。

歌词评价: 歌词以双语形式呈现,具有清晰的叙事结构,为歌曲增添了深度。它们在传统意义上并不押韵,但具有诗意的流动性,与音乐的阴郁和内省的基调相得益彰。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分重复且具有潜在的吸引力,尤其是与诗歌部分形成鲜明对比。然而,歌曲的整体复杂性和特定类型的吸引力可能会限制其大众吸引力。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲在其类型内制作精良,但它可以通过更具动态的副歌或桥段来提供更清晰的高潮并增强记忆点。此外,虽然器乐部分氛围十足,但可以进一步发展以增加多样性和深度。

No.7  Freefall

Creator: @Falcon


Number of likes:1593


Tags:Slow otherworldly waves crashing, cold, organ glitchsynth Atmospheric minimal, post-glitch, sleepglitch



English Review

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Freefall” is a hauntingly beautiful piece that captures the essence of atmospheric minimalism. The slow, otherworldly waves and cold organ glitchesynth create a post-glitch, sleepglitch vibe that is both captivating and immersive. The track’s tempo and rhythm are perfectly aligned with the genre, providing a sense of floating and drifting that is both soothing and eerie.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are simple yet evocative, painting a vivid picture of a ship lost in the cosmos. The verses are well-structured, with a clear progression that builds tension towards the chorus. The use of imagery and metaphor is effective, enhancing the overall mood of the song.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus has a strong “catchiness” factor, with its repetition of “Crash landing soon” and “Ship falling fast” creating an addictive hook that listeners are likely to find themselves humming along to. The contrast between the verses and the chorus is well-executed, making the chorus stand out as a memorable part of the song.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is well-crafted, it could benefit from a more dynamic arrangement to keep the listener engaged throughout. The instrumental section, while atmospheric, could be used to introduce new elements or variations to maintain interest.

Chinese Review

评分: 8/10

曲风评价: “Freefall” 是一首充满氛围感的美妙作品,完美捕捉了氛围极简主义的精髓。缓慢的异世界波涛和冷冽的风琴故障合成器创造出一种后故障、睡眠故障的氛围,既吸引人又令人沉浸。

歌词评价: 歌词简单而富有表现力,生动描绘了一艘在宇宙中迷失的船。诗句结构清晰,有明显的紧张感递增,直至副歌部分。使用意象和隐喻手法有效,增强了歌曲的整体氛围。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分具有很强的“抓耳”因素,其重复的“Crash landing soon”和“Ship falling fast”创造了一个令人上瘾的钩子,听众很可能会发现自己在哼唱。副歌与诗句之间的对比处理得很好,使副歌成为歌曲中难忘的部分。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲制作精良,但它可以通过更具动态性的编曲来保持听众的持续关注。虽然器乐部分氛围十足,但可以用来引入新的元素或变化,以保持兴趣。

No.8  With You

Creator: @BananaBreadMuffin


Number of likes:152


Tags:dirty progressive rock, house jazz, ambient grunge, phonk, emo pop punk, electro swing, dark alternative, F key, 808s



English Review:

Rating: 7.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “With You” is a fascinating blend of multiple genres, from dirty progressive rock to electro swing, creating a unique and complex musical landscape. The song’s F key and 808s give it a modern edge, while the ambient grunge and dark alternative elements add depth and character. The eclectic mix of styles is ambitious and mostly succeeds in creating a cohesive sound.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are repetitive but catchy, with a strong emphasis on the phrase “when it comes from me.” The repetition serves to drive the message home, though it might feel a bit overdone at times. The chorus is more engaging, with a clear and relatable theme of love and comfort.

Catchiness: The instrumental introduction is quite catchy, setting the stage for the passionate vocals that follow. The chorus has a strong hook that is likely to stick in listeners’ minds, making it a highlight of the song.

Areas for Improvement: While the genre fusion is commendable, it can also be a double-edged sword. Some listeners might find the mix of styles overwhelming or disjointed. The lyrics, while catchy, could benefit from more variety and depth to match the complexity of the music.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价:《With You》是一首融合了多种风格的音乐作品,从dirty progressive rock到electro swing,创造了一个独特而复杂的音乐景观。歌曲以F调与808s为特色,赋予了它现代感,而ambient grunge和dark alternative元素则增添了深度和特色。这种风格的混搭雄心勃勃,大部分成功地创造了一个和谐的声音。

歌词评价:歌词重复但上口,特别强调了“when it comes from me”这个短语。重复的使用有助于传达信息,尽管有时可能感觉有点过头。副歌部分更具吸引力,有着清晰且易于共鸣的爱情和安慰主题。



No.9  The Mask (Lyrics by Nanashi_Zero)

Creator: @Stei Camel 🐪 ▶️YouTube


Number of likes:391


Tags:[Electro Swing- Witch House]. Sweet Female Vocal, [Dark Artpop]. Catchy. Pensive



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “The Mask” by Nanashi_Zero is a captivating blend of Electro Swing and Witch House, creating a unique and intriguing sound. The dark Artpop elements add depth to the song, enhancing its pensive and reflective nature. The sweet female vocal complements the genre’s eclectic mix, providing a melodic anchor amidst the song’s more experimental soundscapes.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are well-crafted, with a clear narrative that resonates with themes of identity and self-discovery. The verses are poignant, painting a vivid picture of the struggle to maintain authenticity in a world that often demands conformity. The chorus is catchy and memorable, effectively reinforcing the song’s central message.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong hook in its chorus, which is likely to draw listeners in and encourage them to sing along. The instrumental solos provide a nice contrast, allowing the listener to fully immerse in the song’s atmosphere before returning to the powerful vocals.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is engaging, it could benefit from a more dynamic arrangement to keep the listener’s interest throughout its entirety. The transitions between sections could be smoother, creating a more seamless flow between the various elements of the song.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: Nanashi_Zero的《The Mask》是电子摇摆和女巫屋风格的迷人融合,创造出独特而引人入胜的声音。黑暗的艺术流行元素为歌曲增添了深度,增强了其沉思和反思的本质。甜美的女性声音补充了该类型的折衷混合,为歌曲更实验性的声音景观提供了旋律锚点。

歌词评价: 歌词精心制作,具有清晰的叙事,与身份和自我发现的主题产生共鸣。诗句感人,生动描绘了在常常要求一致性的世界中保持真实性的斗争。副歌朗朗上口,易于记忆,有效地强化了歌曲的中心信息。

抓耳评价: 歌曲的副歌部分具有很强的吸引力,很可能会吸引听众并鼓励他们跟唱。器乐独奏提供了很好的对比,允许听众在返回到强大的人声之前完全沉浸在歌曲的氛围中。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲引人入胜,但它可以通过更动态的编排来保持听众的整个兴趣。各部分之间的过渡可以更流畅,创造一个更无缝的流程,连接歌曲的各个元素。

No.10  Give me a Wish at Midnight

Creator: @Feline Music [Youtube: @FelineMusicYey]


Number of likes:49


Tags:Eurodisco, dance-pop, europop, Disco, Synth-pop, Funk-pop, soul



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Give Me a Wish at Midnight” is a vibrant blend of Eurodisco, dance-pop, and europop, with a touch of synth-pop and funk-pop. The song’s upbeat tempo and infectious rhythm are quintessential to the disco genre, creating an energetic dance floor vibe that’s hard to resist. The use of synthesizers and soulful elements adds depth and a modern twist to the classic disco sound.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are well-crafted, with a clear narrative that resonates with the listener. The repetition of “Gimme, gimme, gimme a wish at midnight” is catchy and serves as an effective hook. The rhyming scheme is consistent and adds to the song’s memorability, making it easy to sing along.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is highly catchy and has a strong potential to be a crowd favorite. The repeated phrase in the chorus is likely to stick in listeners’ heads, making it a great candidate for a sing-along at parties or clubs.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is a strong entry in the disco-pop genre, it could benefit from a slightly more varied structure to keep the listener engaged throughout the entire track. The verses, while thematically consistent, could use a bit more variation in melody to complement the dynamic chorus.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: 《给我午夜的愿望》是一首充满活力的欧洲迪斯科、舞曲流行乐和欧洲流行乐的混合体,带有合成器流行乐和放克流行乐的元素。歌曲的快节奏和感染力强的节奏是迪斯科风格的精髓,营造出难以抗拒的舞池氛围。合成器和灵魂元素的使用为经典迪斯科声音增添了深度和现代感。

歌词评价: 歌词制作精良,具有清晰的叙事,与听众产生共鸣。“给我,给我,给我午夜的愿望”的重复是一个有效的钩子,朗朗上口。押韵方案一致,增加了歌曲的易记性,使其易于跟唱。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分非常吸引人,有很强的潜力成为人群的最爱。副歌中重复的短语很可能会留在听众的脑海中,使其成为聚会或俱乐部中合唱的绝佳选择。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌是迪斯科流行乐风格的一个强有力的作品,但如果结构上稍有变化,以保持听众在整个曲目中的参与度,将更有益。虽然歌词在主题上保持一致,但副歌部分的旋律变化可以稍作增加,以补充动态的副歌。



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