What is the most popular list of AI music? Let’s take a look at suno’s top ten today!

Welcome to the Suno-list blog! Here, we present the top 10 Suno music list for July 17, 2024. These AI-created music pieces have gained significant attention on our platform. Let’s dive into this week’s most popular AI music tracks!

No.1  Black Roses 黒い薔薇! Chibiitaii x @Namestaken x Animuse

Creator: @Animuse


Number of likes:236


Tags:Star, icon, K-girl group, dynamic thrilling ethnic melodies, hooky, melodic, [crisp vocal], female k-pop group, 140 BPM,




曲风评价: 这首歌曲以其140 BPM的节奏和K-pop特有的旋律,成功地营造出了一种动感和兴奋的氛围。歌曲的曲风融合了传统的韩国乐器和现代流行音乐元素,展现了一种独特的“Ethnic K-pop Production”风格。旋律部分流畅而富有感染力,尤其是在副歌部分,能够很好地抓住听众的耳朵。

歌词评价: 歌词通过对比“Black Roses”这一意象,传达了一种复杂而矛盾的情感。歌词押韵且朗朗上口,尤其是在副歌部分,通过重复的“Black roses, roses, roses, never bloom”加深了主题的印象。同时,歌词中还巧妙地运用了Phrygian Scale和Mode mixture,增加了音乐的深度和复杂性。

抓耳评价: 歌曲的副歌部分具有很强的“抓耳感”,通过重复的旋律和节奏,使得听众容易上瘾并跟唱。同时,歌曲的过渡部分也处理得非常流畅,使得整首歌曲听起来既统一又富有变化。

值得改进的部分: 尽管歌曲整体表现优秀,但在某些部分可能需要更多的动态变化来增强情感的表达。例如,Bridge部分的节奏和旋律可以更加突出,以便更好地与副歌形成对比。此外,歌曲的结尾部分可以更加丰富,以增强整首歌曲的收尾效果。

Chinese Review:


曲风评价: 这首歌曲以其140 BPM的节奏和K-pop特有的旋律,成功地营造出了一种动感和兴奋的氛围。歌曲的曲风融合了传统的韩国乐器和现代流行音乐元素,展现了一种独特的“Ethnic K-pop Production”风格。旋律部分流畅而富有感染力,尤其是在副歌部分,能够很好地抓住听众的耳朵。

歌词评价: 歌词通过对比“Black Roses”这一意象,传达了一种复杂而矛盾的情感。歌词押韵且朗朗上口,尤其是在副歌部分,通过重复的“Black roses, roses, roses, never bloom”加深了主题的印象。同时,歌词中还巧妙地运用了Phrygian Scale和Mode mixture,增加了音乐的深度和复杂性。

抓耳评价: 歌曲的副歌部分具有很强的“抓耳感”,通过重复的旋律和节奏,使得听众容易上瘾并跟唱。同时,歌曲的过渡部分也处理得非常流畅,使得整首歌曲听起来既统一又富有变化。

值得改进的部分: 尽管歌曲整体表现优秀,但在某些部分可能需要更多的动态变化来增强情感的表达。例如,Bridge部分的节奏和旋律可以更加突出,以便更好地与副歌形成对比。此外,歌曲的结尾部分可以更加丰富,以增强整首歌曲的收尾效果。

No.2  Flicker of Hope

Creator: @Teemuth


Number of likes:94


Tags:Minimalistic Grunge Electro Swing 90s Rock Sound Distorted Guitar Upright Bass Swing Beats Synth Pads Simple Drums



Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Flicker of Hope” is a compelling blend of genres that successfully marries the raw energy of Grunge with the rhythmic swing of Electro Swing. The minimalist approach to the 90s Rock sound, complete with distorted guitar riffs, upright bass, and simple drum patterns, creates a unique auditory landscape that’s both nostalgic and fresh. The synth pads add a layer of depth, enhancing the overall mood without overwhelming the mix.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics of “Flicker of Hope” are heartfelt and poetic, effectively conveying a narrative of struggle and redemption. The verses are well-structured, with a clear progression from despair to hope. The rhyming scheme is consistent and contributes to the song’s catchiness, making it easy to follow and sing along to.

Catchiness Evaluation: The pre-chorus and chorus are particularly catchy, with the phrase “a flicker of hope in the dark” serving as a powerful hook that resonates throughout the song. The repetition of this line, along with the emotive delivery, makes it a memorable part of the song that listeners are likely to find themselves humming.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong in many aspects, there’s a slight lack of variation in the melody that could make the song feel a bit monotonous over time. Introducing more dynamic changes or a bridge section could add an extra layer of interest and keep the listener engaged throughout the entire track.


曲风评价: “Flicker of Hope”是一首将Grunge的原始能量与Electro Swing的节奏感成功结合的作品。这种极简主义的90年代摇滚风格,伴随着失真吉他、直立贝斯和简单的鼓点,创造了一个既怀旧又新鲜的听觉景观。合成器垫音增加了深度,增强了整体氛围,而不会压倒整个混音。

歌词评价: “Flicker of Hope”的歌词充满感情且富有诗意,有效地传达了挣扎与救赎的叙事。歌词结构良好,从绝望到希望的过渡清晰。押韵方案一致,有助于歌曲的易记性,使其易于跟随和跟唱。

抓耳评价: 副歌和合唱部分特别容易上瘾,”a flicker of hope in the dark”这一短语作为一个强有力的钩子贯穿整首歌曲。这一行的重复,加上情感的表达,使其成为歌曲中令人难忘的部分,听众很可能会发现自己在哼唱。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲在许多方面都很强,但旋律的变化略显不足,可能会让歌曲随着时间的推移显得有些单调。引入更多的动态变化或桥接部分可以增加额外的兴趣,让听众在整个曲目中保持参与感。

No.3  Go my way

Creator: @Stealth Noise Spider


Number of likes:31


Tags:Powerful and husky female vocals, Intonation, falsetto, groovy, funk, jazz, swing, electro, Space UFO



### 音乐点评文章 – 英文版

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Go My Way” is a vibrant fusion of funk, jazz, and electro elements, creating a unique and engaging musical landscape. The powerful and husky female vocals, coupled with the groovy rhythm, provide a captivating listening experience that is both energetic and emotive. The song’s swing and Space UFO elements add an otherworldly feel, enhancing the overall appeal.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics are well-crafted, with a clear message of self-discovery and authenticity. The use of rhyme and rhythm in the female vocals is particularly effective, making the song not only meaningful but also memorable. The male rap section complements the theme, adding a layer of depth and contrast to the narrative.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong hook and chorus that are likely to draw listeners in and encourage sing-along. The falsetto and the interplay between the vocals and instrumental sections create a “catchy” quality that is hard to resist.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is largely successful, the transition between the different musical styles could be smoother to maintain a consistent flow. Additionally, the male rap, while thematically fitting, might benefit from a more distinct integration with the rest of the song to avoid feeling like an abrupt shift.

### 音乐点评文章 – 中文版

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: 《Go My Way》是一首充满活力的放克、爵士和电子音乐的融合之作,创造了一个独特且引人入胜的音乐景观。强劲而沙哑的女声与节奏感十足的律动相结合,提供了一种既充满活力又充满情感的听觉体验。歌曲中的摇摆和太空UFO元素增添了一种超凡脱俗的感觉,增强了整体的吸引力。

歌词评价: 歌词精心编写,传达了自我发现和真实性的信息。女声部分的押韵和节奏运用特别有效,不仅让歌曲意义深远,而且易于记忆。男声说唱部分补充了主题,为叙述增添了深度和对比。

抓耳评价: 这首歌曲拥有强烈的副歌和钩子,很可能会吸引听众并鼓励跟唱。假声和声乐与器乐部分的互动创造了一种难以抗拒的“抓耳”特质。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲在很大程度上是成功的,但不同音乐风格之间的过渡可以更加流畅,以保持一致的流畅性。此外,虽然男声说唱在主题上很合适,但如果能与歌曲的其余部分更明显地融合,可能会受益,以避免感觉突然转变。

No.4  Beep Boop (Reality Brooo?) [WSC]

Creator: @Teemuth


Number of likes:36





歌曲名称:Beep Boop (Reality Brooo?) [WSC]



Rating: 7/10
The track “Beep Boop (Reality Brooo?) [WSC]” offers a unique listening experience with its electronic beats and futuristic sounds. The genre is likely to be categorized under electronic dance music or experimental electronic, showcasing an innovative approach to music production. However, the lack of lyrics makes it difficult to evaluate the songwriting aspect. The “Beep BooP” sounds are catchy and could potentially be a hit in the electronic music scene, but the absence of lyrics might limit its appeal to a broader audience. There’s room for improvement in terms of adding a vocal element or more complex melodies to enhance the overall listening experience.

这首名为”Beep Boop (Reality Brooo?) [WSC]”的曲目以其电子节拍和未来感的声音提供了一种独特的听觉体验。该曲风可能被归类为电子舞曲或实验电子音乐,展现了创新的音乐制作方式。然而,由于缺乏歌词,很难评价作词的水平。”Beep BooP”的声音很吸引人,有可能在电子音乐界成为热门曲目,但缺乏歌词可能会限制其对更广泛听众的吸引力。在增加人声元素或更复杂的旋律方面还有改进的空间,以增强整体的听觉体验。

No.5  Sisyphus

Creator: @BananaBreadMuffin


Number of likes:29


Tags:aggressive violin,dirty violin,108 BPM, alternative,D# minor,NU metal,piano,acid jazz,passionate male vocalist,cinematic



English Review:

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Sisyphus” is a track that blends the raw energy of alternative music with the complexity of nu-metal, creating a unique sonic landscape. The aggressive violin and dirty violin elements, along with the passionate male vocalist, give the song a cinematic quality that is both engaging and intense. The 108 BPM tempo is well-matched to the song’s thematic undertones, providing a rhythmic backbone that drives the listener forward.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics of “Sisyphus” are introspective and poetic, drawing on the mythological figure of Sisyphus to explore themes of struggle, self-reliance, and the search for meaning. The verses are well-constructed, with a clear narrative arc that is both relatable and thought-provoking. The chorus, with its repeated questioning, effectively conveys the protagonist’s internal conflict and the existential weight of his journey.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong hook in its chorus, which is likely to resonate with listeners and encourage them to sing along. The instrumental introduction is catchy and sets the stage for the rest of the song, while the lead guitar and drum patterns add to the overall appeal.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is powerful and emotive, it could benefit from a more varied arrangement to prevent it from becoming monotonous. The use of acid jazz and piano could be further developed to add contrast and depth to the song, enhancing its overall impact.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价: “Sisyphus” 是一首将另类音乐的原始能量与新金属的复杂性融合在一起的曲目,创造了一个独特的声音景观。侵略性的小提琴和脏小提琴元素,加上充满激情的男性歌手,赋予了这首歌一种既吸引人又紧张的电影院品质。108 BPM 的节奏与歌曲的主题内涵完美匹配,为听众提供了一个推动他们前进的节奏基础。

歌词评价: “Sisyphus” 的歌词内省而富有诗意,借鉴了西西弗斯的神话人物来探索挣扎、自力更生和寻找意义的主题。诗节结构良好,具有清晰的叙事弧线,既引人共鸣又发人深省。副歌部分通过反复提问,有效地传达了主角的内心冲突和旅程的存在主义重量。

抓耳评价: 这首歌曲在副歌部分有很强的钩子,很可能会与听众产生共鸣,鼓励他们一起唱。器乐引子抓耳,为整首歌曲奠定了基调,而主音吉他和鼓点模式增加了整体的吸引力。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲强大而感人,但它可以从更多样化的编曲中受益,以防止它变得单调。可以进一步发展酸性爵士和钢琴的使用,为歌曲增加对比度和深度,增强其整体影响力。

No.6  Talentless

Creator: @BananaBreadMuffin


Number of likes:43


Tags:aggressive violin,dirty violin,108 BPM,alternative,B major,NU metal,piano,acid jazz,passionate male vocalist,orchestral



Title: Talentless

Rating: 8/10

Music Style Review: The song “Talentless” is a fusion of alternative and NU metal, with a surprising twist of acid jazz and orchestral elements. The aggressive violin and dirty violin provide a raw, edgy feel that’s characteristic of the genre, while the piano adds a melodic counterpoint. The 108 BPM tempo is well-suited for the passionate male vocalist’s delivery, creating a rhythmic tension that’s both compelling and fitting for the song’s theme.

Lyrics Review: The lyrics are introspective and relatable, questioning the nature of creativity and the artist’s place in it. The rhyming scheme is simple yet effective, with a catchiness that makes the chorus memorable. The repetition of the line “absolutely nothing at all” serves to underscore the central theme of the song, which is the struggle with self-doubt and the search for meaning in one’s work.

Catchiness Review: The introduction is indeed catchy, with a melody that draws listeners in. The chorus is likely to stick in the listener’s mind, thanks to its repetition and the emotive performance of the vocalist. The “oooohh wooaahhh ohhh ohhh” section adds a layer of emotional depth that enhances the song’s overall appeal.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is well-crafted, it could benefit from a more dynamic arrangement to keep the listener engaged throughout. The transition between sections could be smoother, and the use of the orchestral elements could be more pronounced to create a greater contrast with the heavier parts of the song.



曲风评价: “Talentless” 是一首融合了另类摇滚和新金属元素的歌曲,出人意料地加入了酸爵士和管弦乐的元素。激进的小提琴和脏小提琴提供了一种原始、前卫的感觉,这是该流派特有的,而钢琴则增添了旋律上的对位。108 BPM的节奏非常适合热情的男声歌手的演绎,创造出一种既引人入胜又符合歌曲主题的节奏张力。

歌词评价: 歌词内省且易于共鸣,质疑创造力的本质和艺术家在其中的角色。押韵模式简单但有效,易于记忆的副歌使其更加难忘。重复的“absolutely nothing at all”这一句强调了歌曲的核心主题,即与自我怀疑的斗争和在个人作品中寻找意义。

抓耳评价: 引言部分确实吸引人,旋律吸引听众。副歌部分很可能会在听众的脑海中留下深刻印象,这要归功于它的重复和歌手情感丰富的表演。“oooohh wooaahhh ohhh ohhh”部分增加了情感深度,增强了整首歌曲的整体吸引力。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲制作精良,但它可以通过更动态的编曲来保持听众的参与度。各部分之间的过渡可以更流畅,管弦乐元素的使用可以更突出,以创造与歌曲中较重部分的更大对比。

No.7  How I Roll NamesTaken x BananaBreadMuffin

Creator: @BananaBreadMuffin


Number of likes:275


Tags:trap, phonk, aggressive banjo, dirty banjo, country rap, bluegrass, acid jazz, F# Major, pop, alternative country, rock



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “How I Roll” by NamesTaken x BananaBreadMuffin is a genre-blending track that weaves together elements of trap, phonk, and country rap with a surprising twist of aggressive banjo. The song’s fusion of these diverse styles is executed with a finesse that keeps the listener engaged, despite the unconventional mix. The banjo, often associated with bluegrass, adds a layer of rustic charm that complements the modern beats, creating a unique listening experience.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are straightforward, with a catchy chorus that is easy to sing along to. The repetition of “I don’t know” followed by “But I’m figuring it out” is a clever way to express uncertainty while maintaining a sense of optimism. The verses paint a vivid picture of country life, with references to “sweet tea sipping” and “rusty truck rolling,” which are both descriptive and evocative.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is undeniably catchy, with its simple yet effective melody and the “Ebs and flows” phrase that is likely to stick in the listener’s mind. The song’s structure also supports its catchiness, with the chorus returning frequently to reinforce its impact.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is a creative fusion of styles, it might benefit from a more dynamic arrangement to keep the energy levels varied throughout the track. The verses, while vivid, could be enhanced with more complex rhyme schemes to add depth to the storytelling.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价: NamesTaken x BananaBreadMuffin的“How I Roll”是一首融合了trap、phonk以及country rap等元素的曲目,其中还意外地加入了侵略性的班卓琴。这首歌将这些多样化的风格融合得相当巧妙,尽管这种混合非常不寻常,但仍然能够吸引听众的注意力。班卓琴通常与蓝草音乐联系在一起,它为现代节奏增添了一种乡村魅力,创造了一种独特的听觉体验。

歌词评价: 歌词直接明了,副歌部分非常易于跟唱。重复的“I don’t know”紧接着“But I’m figuring it out”巧妙地表达了不确定性,同时保持了乐观感。歌词中的“甜茶啜饮”和“生锈的卡车滚动”等描述,既形象又引人入胜。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分无疑非常吸引人,其简单而有效的曲调以及“Ebs and flows”这一短语很可能会在听众脑海中留下深刻印象。歌曲的结构也支持其吸引力,副歌频繁回归以加强其影响力。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌是风格的创新融合,但如果能在整首歌曲中加入更多动态的编排,以保持能量水平的变化,可能会更加出色。歌词虽然生动,但如果能通过更复杂的押韵模式来增强叙事的深度,将会更加完美。

No.8  We All Thrive | 7.16.24 | Final

Creator: @pseunoNYmous


Number of likes:57


Tags:havana grime, trap k-pop



### 音乐点评文章

#### 英文版
Title: We All Thrive | 7.16.24 | Final

Genre: Havana Grime, Trap K-Pop

Rating: 8/10

Music Style Review: “We All Thrive” presents a unique fusion of Havana Grime and Trap K-Pop, creating a vibrant and energetic atmosphere. The song’s rhythm is infectious, with a blend of Latin American beats and the aggressive undertones of trap music. The K-Pop influence is evident in the catchy hooks and the polished production, making it a genre-bending track that stands out.

Lyrics Review: The lyrics, although not provided, would likely follow the trend of K-Pop with themes of resilience and unity, which could resonate well with the energetic music. The rhyme scheme and flow would be crucial to maintaining the song’s appeal and ensuring it’s memorable.

Catchiness Review: Given the genre mix, the song likely has a strong hook that is both catchy and danceable, making it a perfect fit for the current trend of music that demands immediate engagement.

Areas for Improvement: Without the lyrics, it’s challenging to critique the song’s narrative or message. However, the fusion of genres could be further explored to ensure a balance that doesn’t overwhelm the listener. Additionally, the song could benefit from a more distinct identity to avoid being labeled as a mere mash-up.

#### 中文版
标题: We All Thrive | 7.16.24 | Final

曲风: 哈瓦那Grime,Trap K-Pop

评分: 8/10

曲风评价: “We All Thrive” 展现了哈瓦那Grime和Trap K-Pop的独特融合,创造出充满活力和能量的氛围。歌曲的节奏具有感染力,融合了拉丁美洲的节奏和Trap音乐的激进基调。K-Pop的影响在抓耳的副歌和精致的制作中显而易见,使其成为一首脱颖而出的跨类型曲目。

歌词评价: 尽管歌词未提供,但它们很可能遵循K-Pop的趋势,主题可能是坚韧和团结,这与充满活力的音乐非常契合。押韵方案和流畅度对于保持歌曲的吸引力和确保其易记至关重要。

抓耳评价: 考虑到曲风的混合,这首歌很可能有一个既抓耳又适合跳舞的强烈副歌,使其完美符合当前音乐趋势,即要求立即参与。

值得改进的部分: 没有歌词,很难批评歌曲的叙事或信息。然而,曲风的融合可以进一步探索,以确保平衡,不会压倒听众。此外,歌曲可以从更独特的身份中受益,以避免仅被标记为简单的混合。


No.9  The Skeleton In Armor

Creator: @MrWholesome


Number of likes:118


Tags:Alternative Heavy Metal,Aggressive,Powerful,Dark,Intense,Energetic,D Major



The Skeleton In Armor

评分: 8/10

曲风评价: 这首歌曲以D大调为基础,展现了一种Alternative Heavy Metal的风格,充满了侵略性、力量感和黑暗的氛围。它的节奏紧凑,律动感强烈,符合重型金属音乐的特点,能够激发听众的肾上腺素。

歌词评价: 歌词取材自爱伦·坡的诗歌,通过叙述一个维京人的冒险故事,展现了一种古老而神秘的氛围。歌词押韵且富有节奏感,朗朗上口,与音乐的节奏完美融合,增强了歌曲的整体感。

抓耳评价: 这首歌曲的副歌部分具有很强的“抓耳感”,能够迅速吸引听众的注意力。副歌的旋律和节奏设计巧妙,使得听众在听到副歌时会不自觉地想要跟唱。

值得改进的部分: 虽然整体表现优秀,但歌曲在某些部分的过渡可能略显突兀,如果能在这些地方加入更多细腻的情感变化,可能会让歌曲的情感表达更加丰富,更能触动听众的心弦。

The Skeleton In Armor

Score: 8/10

Music Style Review: Anchored in D Major, “The Skeleton In Armor” delivers an Alternative Heavy Metal sound that is aggressive, powerful, and dark. The song’s rhythm is tight and energetic, aligning well with the characteristics of heavy metal music, capable of stimulating the listener’s adrenaline.

Lyrics Review: Drawing from Edgar Allan Poe’s poem, the lyrics narrate the adventures of a Viking, evoking an ancient and mysterious atmosphere. The lyrics are rhyming and rhythmic, catchy and well-integrated with the music’s rhythm, enhancing the overall feel of the song.

Catchiness Review: The chorus of this song has a strong “catchiness” factor, quickly grabbing the listener’s attention. The melody and rhythm of the chorus are cleverly designed, making listeners want to sing along when they hear it.

Areas for Improvement: Although the overall performance is excellent, some transitions in the song might feel a bit abrupt. If more nuanced emotional changes could be added in these areas, the song’s emotional expression might be richer, more touching to the audience’s heart.

No.10  The More We Get

Creator: @frowns


Number of likes:29





The More We Get



歌词评价:歌词通过重复的句式”the more we get”和”the more we give”,传达了一种深刻的哲理,即过度追求物质可能会导致精神上的空虚,而慷慨给予则能够带来内心的满足和成长。这种反复的押韵和对比,使得歌词朗朗上口,易于记忆。

抓耳评价:虽然歌曲中大部分是器乐部分,但是副歌部分的歌词和旋律非常抓耳,能够迅速吸引听众的注意力。特别是”give and give and give”的重复,具有很强的感染力,让人不自觉地跟着哼唱。


The More We Get

Rating: 8/10

Music Style Evaluation: This song combines elements of bhangra, trap, and future-bass, creating a unique musical style. The rhythmic feel of bhangra and the heavy bass of trap create a vibrant atmosphere. The addition of future-bass adds a modern touch, making the overall sound both fresh and appealing.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics convey a profound philosophy through the repeated phrases “the more we get” and “the more we give,” suggesting that an excessive pursuit of material things can lead to spiritual emptiness, while generous giving can bring inner satisfaction and growth. This repetitive rhyming and contrast make the lyrics catchy and easy to remember.

Catchy Evaluation: Although most of the song is instrumental, the lyrics and melody of the chorus are very catchy and can quickly grab the listener’s attention. In particular, the repetition of “give and give and give” is highly infectious, making people unconsciously hum along.

Areas for Improvement: Despite the overall style and lyrics being good, the instrumental parts are a bit monotonous and lack variation. If more melodic changes and harmonies are added in different sections, the song might become richer and more three-dimensional.



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