What is the most popular list of AI music? Let’s take a look at suno’s top ten today!

Welcome to the Suno-list blog! Here, we present the top 10 Suno music list for July 21, 2024. These AI-created music pieces have gained significant attention on our platform. Let’s dive into this week’s most popular AI music tracks!

No.1  Back to Back Embrace (ft. Animuse)

Creator: @Zero Nanashi🌸


Number of likes:85


Tags:Dark, sweet female vocal, melancholic, minimalist, female vocals, introspective, haunting melodies, sad, emotional



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Assessment: “Back to Back Embrace” features a hauntingly beautiful melody that perfectly complements its melancholic theme. The minimalist arrangement allows the emotive female vocals to shine through, creating an intimate listening experience that is both introspective and emotionally resonant. The song’s rhythm and pacing are well-judged, providing a sense of flow that carries the listener through its narrative.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are poetic and evocative, with a strong sense of imagery and emotion. The use of repetition in the chorus (“We Back-to-back embrace”) is effective in creating a memorable hook, while the verses offer a rich tapestry of language that invites deep reflection.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a certain allure that can draw listeners in, especially with the haunting melodies and the emotive delivery of the vocals. While it may not be an immediate earworm, its subtle catchiness grows on the listener over time.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong in many areas, it could benefit from a slightly more dynamic arrangement to prevent it from becoming monotonous over the course of the track. Additionally, the lyrics, while beautifully written, could explore a wider range of rhyme schemes to enhance their musicality.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价:”Back to Back Embrace”以其幽暗而甜美的旋律,完美地衬托出其忧郁的主题。极简的编曲让充满情感的女声得以突出,营造出一种既内省又情感丰富的亲密聆听体验。歌曲的节奏和速度控制得当,为听众提供了一种流畅的叙事感。

歌词评价:歌词充满诗意,富有感染力,强烈的意象和情感。副歌部分的重复使用(”We Back-to-back embrace”)在创造一个难忘的钩子方面非常有效,而诗句则提供了丰富的语言织锦,邀请深入反思。



No.2  WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?! (Ft. Animuse)

Creator: @Stei Camel 🐪


Number of likes:179


Tags:Flickering fire, [Sound-FX], rat chirping, ominous, Eerie, dungeon, cellar, wind noises, soft whimper, whisper, despair



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!” with Animuse is a haunting piece that fits perfectly within the eerie and ominous genre it aims for. The use of sound effects such as fire flickering, rat chirping, and wind noises create a dungeon-like atmosphere that is both immersive and fitting for the theme. The whispering and soft whimpers add a layer of despair that is palpable.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are raw and emotive, effectively conveying the struggle of feeling exposed and pressured. The repetition of the question “What do you want from me?” is a powerful rhetorical device that emphasizes the singer’s plea for understanding and relief. The rhyme scheme is simple yet effective, making the lyrics easy to follow and remember.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song’s catchiness lies in its haunting melody and the emotional intensity of the lyrics. While it may not be an instant earworm in the traditional pop sense, the song’s unique approach to melody and the powerful delivery of the lyrics make it memorable and impactful.

Areas for Improvement: The song could benefit from a more dynamic arrangement to break the monotony of the repeated chorus. Additionally, while the raw emotion is a strength, a slight variation in vocal delivery could add depth and keep the listener engaged throughout the song.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价: “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!” 与Animuse合作的这首歌是一首令人毛骨悚然的作品,完美地符合其旨在营造的阴森和不祥的风格。使用火光闪烁、老鼠吱吱叫和风声等音效,营造出一种地牢般的氛围,既沉浸又符合主题。低语和轻柔的呜咽声增添了一种可以感受到的绝望感。

歌词评价: 歌词原始而充满情感,有效地传达了感到暴露和压力的挣扎。重复的问题“你到底想要我怎样?”是一个强有力的修辞手法,强调了歌手对理解和宽慰的请求。押韵模式简单但有效,使歌词易于跟随和记忆。

抓耳评价: 这首歌的抓耳之处在于其令人难忘的旋律和歌词的情感强度。虽然它可能不是传统流行意义上的即时耳虫,但歌曲对旋律的独特处理和歌词的强大传递使其难忘且有影响力。

值得改进的部分: 这首歌可以从更具动态的编排中受益,以打破重复副歌的单调。此外,虽然原始的情感是一种优势,但在声乐传递上的轻微变化可以增加深度,并保持听众在整个歌曲中的参与度。

No.3  Lycanthropy

Creator: @Teemuth


Number of likes:40


Tags:Horrorcore Trap Experimental Electronica Creepy Piano Distorted Bass Trap Beats Haunting Pads Glitch Effects




Rating: 8/10

Music Style Review:
“Lycanthropy” is a haunting blend of horrorcore and trap, with experimental electronica elements that create a chilling atmosphere. The creepy piano and distorted bass add to the song’s eerie vibe, while the trap beats and glitch effects keep the energy high. The song’s structure is unconventional, with a focus on atmosphere over traditional hooks, making it a unique entry in the genre.

Lyrics Review:
The lyrics of “Lycanthropy” are dark and introspective, exploring the internal struggle of a werewolf. The verses are well-crafted, with a strong narrative flow that keeps the listener engaged. The use of metaphor and imagery is effective, painting a vivid picture of the protagonist’s torment. The chorus is catchy and memorable, with a sense of defiance that contrasts with the song’s overall mood.

Catchiness Review:
While “Lycanthropy” may not be immediately catchy in the traditional pop sense, it has a haunting quality that makes it stick in the listener’s mind. The song’s experimental nature and unconventional structure give it a unique appeal that sets it apart from more formulaic tracks. The chorus, with its defiant lyrics and memorable melody, is likely to resonate with listeners.

Areas for Improvement:
One potential area for improvement in “Lycanthropy” could be its accessibility. The song’s experimental nature and dark themes may not appeal to all listeners, and the unconventional structure could be off-putting for those expecting a more traditional song format. However, these elements also contribute to the song’s unique charm and appeal, making it a standout track in its genre.


“Lycanthropy” 是一首融合了恐怖核和陷阱音乐的诡异作品,实验性电子元素为歌曲营造了一种令人毛骨悚然的氛围。阴森的钢琴和扭曲的低音增强了歌曲的恐怖感,而陷阱节奏和故障效果则保持了歌曲的活力。歌曲的结构非传统,更注重氛围而非传统的钩子,使其成为该类型中的独特作品。

“Lycanthropy” 的歌词黑暗而内省,探索了狼人的内在挣扎。诗歌部分精心制作,具有强烈的叙事流程,使听众保持参与感。隐喻和意象的使用效果显著,生动地描绘了主角的痛苦。副歌部分朗朗上口且易于记忆,与歌曲的整体氛围形成鲜明对比。

虽然 “Lycanthropy” 可能不会立即以传统流行音乐的方式吸引人,但它具有一种令人难以忘怀的诡异品质。歌曲的实验性质和非传统结构赋予了它独特的吸引力,使其与更公式化的曲目区别开来。副歌部分,以其反抗的歌词和难忘的旋律,很可能与听众产生共鸣。

“Lycanthropy” 的一个潜在改进领域可能是其可接受性。歌曲的实验性质和黑暗主题可能不会吸引所有听众,非传统结构可能对那些期待更传统歌曲格式的人来说是令人反感的。然而,这些元素也有助于歌曲的独特魅力和吸引力,使其成为其类型中的杰出曲目。

No.4  Wind chimes

Creator: @Brutus


Number of likes:153


Tags:[Artcore], emotional higher pitch voice, clear female vocals, syncopated anime, bells, dark



English Review:

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: The song “Wind chimes” is an intriguing blend of Artcore, a genre that is not typically mainstream but is characterized by its experimental and complex nature. The syncopated rhythm and the use of bells give it a unique, almost ethereal quality that fits well within the anime and dark themes mentioned. The emotional higher pitch voice and clear female vocals add a layer of depth and emotion to the piece.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics are poetic and well-structured, with a strong sense of imagery and a clear narrative. The use of repetition (“Tinkling-Tinkling”) is effective in creating a motif that ties the song together. The rhyming scheme is consistent and adds to the catchiness of the song.

Catchiness Evaluation: The instrumental intro is indeed catchy, with a strong Artcore feel that immediately draws the listener in. The chorus is memorable and has a good hook, making it easy to sing along to. The “Tinkling-Tinkling” motif is particularly ear-catching and adds a unique element to the song.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is well-crafted, it could benefit from a bit more variety in the melody to keep the listener engaged throughout. The verses, while lyrically strong, could be made more distinct from each other to avoid a sense of repetition. Additionally, the song could explore a wider range of dynamics to add more depth and contrast.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价: 歌曲《Wind chimes》是一首充满实验性质的Artcore风格作品,这种风格并不常见,但以其复杂和实验性的特点而著称。歌曲中的切分节奏和铃铛的使用赋予了它一种独特的、几乎超凡脱俗的质感,非常适合提到的动漫和黑暗主题。情感丰富的高音和清晰的女声为这首作品增添了深度和情感。

歌词评价: 歌词充满诗意,结构严谨,具有强烈的意象感和清晰的叙事线索。重复使用(”Tinkling-Tinkling”)在创造主题方面非常有效,将整首歌曲紧密联系在一起。押韵模式一致,增加了歌曲的朗朗上口。

抓耳评价: 器乐前奏确实抓耳,具有强烈的Artcore感,立即吸引听众。副歌部分易于记忆,有很好的钩子,让人容易跟唱。”Tinkling-Tinkling”的主题特别引人注目,为歌曲增添了独特的元素。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲制作精良,但如果旋律中有更多的变化,以保持听众的持续兴趣,会更好。虽然歌词部分在歌词上很强,但可以使每个段落更加独特,以避免重复感。此外,歌曲可以探索更广泛的动态范围,以增加更多的深度和对比。

No.5  What’s Next?

Creator: @Teemuth


Number of likes:54


Tags:Hip Hop Pop Punk Alternative Rock Trap Beats Energetic Guitar Riffs Catchy Synth Hooks Fast Drums Basslines Clear Vocals



English Review:

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “What’s Next?” is a dynamic fusion of Hip Hop, Pop Punk, and Alternative Rock with a sprinkle of Trap Beats. The energetic guitar riffs and catchy synth hooks are well-integrated, creating a vibrant and engaging rhythm that is characteristic of the genre. The fast drums and basslines complement the energetic vocals, making for a lively and spirited track.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are creative and vivid, painting a picture of chaos and resilience. They are structured in a way that they rhyme well and flow smoothly, enhancing the overall catchiness of the song. The use of metaphors like “plague of locusts” and “disaster movie” adds depth and relatability to the narrative.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly catchy with its repetitive and straightforward message, “That’s life, right?” It’s easy to imagine listeners singing along and feeling a sense of solidarity with the song’s message.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is engaging, it could benefit from a slightly more varied vocal delivery to keep the listener engaged throughout the track. Additionally, the metaphors, while effective, could be expanded upon to provide a richer narrative experience.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价:“What’s Next?” 是一首充满活力的Hip Hop、Pop Punk和Alternative Rock的融合之作,还带有Trap Beats的点缀。吉他的强烈旋律和合成器的钩子非常吸引人,与快节奏的鼓点和贝斯线相结合,为歌曲带来了生动的节奏感,符合曲风的特点。清晰有力的人声与音乐节奏相得益彰,使整首歌曲充满活力。




No.6  You don’t have to (like me)

Creator: @PixelPlanetMusic


Number of likes:36


Tags:Catchy, upbeat, high tempo, hyper pop, gentle female voice, electronic, glitch hop



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Assessment: “You don’t have to (like me)” is a vibrant display of hyper pop, with its high tempo and glitch hop elements creating an energetic and engaging sound. The electronic backdrop is well-crafted, providing a solid foundation for the gentle female vocals to shine through. The song’s upbeat nature is infectious, making it a perfect fit for the genre.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are relatable and well-structured, with a clear narrative that speaks to the universal experience of feeling misunderstood. The verses are catchy and the chorus has a memorable hook. The rhyming scheme is consistent, contributing to the song’s overall catchiness.

Ear-Catching Quality: The pre-chorus and chorus are particularly ear-catching, with a melody that’s likely to stick in listeners’ minds. The song’s high energy and the vocalist’s emotive delivery make it an instant hit.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong overall, it could benefit from a more dynamic bridge section to add variety and depth to the composition. Additionally, the outro, while playful, could be more impactful to leave a lasting impression.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “You don’t have to (like me)” 是一首充满活力的超流行音乐,其高节奏和故障跳跃元素创造了一个充满活力和吸引力的声音。电子背景制作精良,为柔和的女声提供了坚实的基础。歌曲的欢快特性具有感染力,使其完美契合这一类型。

歌词评价: 歌词贴近人心,结构清晰,讲述了被误解的普遍经历。副歌部分朗朗上口,具有易于记忆的钩子。押韵方案一致,有助于歌曲的整体吸引力。

抓耳评价: 副歌前的过渡部分和副歌特别吸引人,旋律很可能留在听众的脑海中。歌曲的高能量和歌手的情感表达使其成为瞬间的热门。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌整体上很强,但它可以从更具动态性的桥接部分中受益,以增加作品的多样性和深度。此外,结尾部分虽然俏皮,但可以更具影响力,以留下持久的印象。

No.7  See Through

Creator: @BananaBreadMuffin


Number of likes:30


Tags:Dark,minor key,NDAI,cinematic,atmospheric,epic,progressive rock,acid jazz,metalcore,glitch,glitch rock,violin,piano



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

*Genre Evaluation:* “See Through” is a complex and multifaceted song that blends a variety of genres, from progressive rock to metalcore and even touches of acid jazz. The use of minor keys and cinematic elements creates an atmospheric and epic feel, which is well-suited for the dark and introspective nature of the music. The inclusion of violin and piano adds a rich, textured layer to the sound, enhancing the overall depth of the track.

*Lyric Evaluation:* The lyrics are poetic and introspective, with a strong narrative thread that speaks to the theme of recognizing and embracing one’s inner “monster.” The rhyming scheme is consistent and adds to the catchiness of the song, making it easy to follow and remember.

*Catchiness Evaluation:* The song has a strong hook, particularly in the chorus, which is likely to resonate with listeners and encourage them to sing along. The combination of the dark, minor key melody and the powerful lyrics creates a “catchy” quality that is both memorable and engaging.

*Areas for Improvement:* While the song is well-crafted, it could benefit from a more dynamic arrangement to keep the listener engaged throughout. The use of glitch and glitch rock elements could be further developed to add an additional layer of complexity and interest to the track.

Chinese Review:


*曲风评价:* “See Through” 是一首复杂且多面的曲子,融合了从前卫摇滚到金属核,甚至还有酸爵士的元素。小调的使用和电影化元素创造了一种大气和史诗般的感觉,非常适合音乐的黑暗和内省性质。小提琴和钢琴的加入为声音增添了丰富、有层次的质感,增强了整首歌曲的深度。

*歌词评价:* 歌词诗意且内省,有着强烈的叙事线索,讲述着识别和拥抱自己内心“怪物”的主题。押韵的模式是一致的,增加了歌曲的易记性,使其易于跟随和记忆。

*抓耳评价:* 这首歌曲有着强烈的钩子,特别是在副歌部分,很可能与听众产生共鸣,鼓励他们跟唱。黑暗的小调旋律和有力的歌词的结合,创造了一种既难忘又引人入胜的“抓耳”特质。

*值得改进的部分:* 虽然这首歌曲制作精良,但可以通过更动态的编排来保持听众的参与度。可以进一步发展故障和故障摇滚元素,为曲目增加额外的复杂性和兴趣。

No.8  Throw it again

Creator: @Procrastopia


Number of likes:24


Tags:punk, pop punk, rap rock, female singer, uplifting, 2000s, catchy



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Throw it again” is a vibrant blend of punk, pop punk, and rap rock that captures the essence of the 2000s with its catchy and uplifting tune. The female singer’s powerful voice adds a layer of defiance and empowerment to the track, making it a standout in the genre.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics are well-crafted, with a clear narrative of breaking free from past constraints and moving forward with newfound strength. The verses are impactful, and the chorus is particularly catchy, making it easy to sing along and remember.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong hook in the chorus that is likely to draw listeners in immediately. The repetition of “Throw it again, I dare you” is both defiant and memorable, contributing to its overall catchiness.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong overall, the bridge section could be more dynamic to enhance the emotional impact. Additionally, the instrumental outro, while fitting, might benefit from a more distinct or climactic conclusion to leave a lasting impression.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “Throw it again” 是一首充满活力的朋克、流行朋克和说唱摇滚的混合体,捕捉了2000年代的精髓,以其朗朗上口和振奋人心的旋律脱颖而出。女歌手强有力的声音为这首歌增添了一层反抗和赋权的感觉,使其在该类型中脱颖而出。

歌词评价: 歌词精心制作,清晰地叙述了摆脱过去的束缚,以新发现的力量向前迈进的故事。诗句具有冲击力,副歌特别朗朗上口,使其易于跟唱和记忆。

抓耳评价: 这首歌的副歌部分有很强的钩子,很可能会立即吸引听众。“Throw it again, I dare you”的重复既具有挑战性又令人难忘,有助于其整体的吸引力。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌整体上很强,但桥段部分可以更具动态性,以增强情感冲击力。此外,虽然器乐尾声部分合适,但如果有一个更独特或高潮性的结尾,可能会留下更深刻的印象。

No.9  Bring Me Home

Creator: @SpaceCowboy


Number of likes:26


Tags:melancholic indie, male vocals



English Review:

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Bring Me Home” is a melancholic indie track that resonates with its genre through its introspective lyrics and the emotive male vocals. The song’s tempo and melody are well-suited for the indie genre, offering a sense of depth and introspection that is characteristic of the style.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics are heartfelt and convey a sense of longing and self-reflection. The rhyming scheme is consistent, contributing to the song’s catchiness. The use of metaphors like “blue in my eyes fades away to black” adds a layer of depth to the emotional narrative.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly catchy, with its repetitive and rhythmic structure that invites listeners to sing along. The “get me high or bring me home” line is likely to stick in the listener’s mind, enhancing the song’s memorability.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is compelling, it could benefit from a more dynamic arrangement to keep the listener engaged throughout. The verses, while lyrically strong, could use a bit more variation in melody to match the emotional intensity of the lyrics.


评分: 8/10

曲风评价: “Bring Me Home” 是一首充满忧郁情绪的独立音乐作品,通过内省的歌词和充满情感的男性声音,与独立音乐的风格相得益彰。歌曲的节奏和旋律非常适合独立音乐的风格,为听众提供了深度和内省的感觉。

歌词评价: 歌词充满真情实感,传达出一种渴望和自我反思的情感。押韵的模式是一致的,为歌曲的朗朗上口做出了贡献。像“我的眼中蓝色渐渐消失成黑色”这样的隐喻增加了情感叙事的深度。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分特别容易让人上瘾,其重复和节奏性结构邀请听众一起跟唱。“让我高潮或带我回家”这一句很可能会在听众的脑海中留下深刻印象,增强了歌曲的记忆力。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌很有吸引力,但它可以通过更动态的编曲来保持听众的参与度。虽然歌词在情感上很强大,但副歌的旋律变化可以更多一些,以匹配歌词的情感强度。

No.10  Afterburner

Creator: @frowns


Number of likes:19


Tags:NDAI // flamenco-math-hard-nrg



Afterburner by NDAI is an intriguing fusion of flamenco, math rock, and hard-nrg that challenges the conventional norms of genre classification. The song is a testament to the artist’s ability to blend disparate musical elements into a cohesive piece.

Score: 7/10

Genre Evaluation: The flamenco-infused guitar riffs are a delightful surprise, adding a layer of complexity and cultural richness to the song. The math-rock precision in the rhythm section is evident, with intricate time signatures and syncopated beats that keep listeners engaged. The hard-nrg elements are subtle but present, providing a driving force to the track.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics are minimalistic, focusing on the repetition of “initialize afterburner” and “coffee time – initialize faster learner.” While the simplicity may not offer much in terms of depth, the repetition serves to reinforce the song’s central themes and creates a memorable hook.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song’s catchiness lies in its instrumental sections, where the flamenco guitar and math-rock rhythms intertwine to create a captivating melody. The verses, with their repetitive lyrics, may not be as immediately catchy, but they contribute to the overall rhythmic flow of the track.

Areas for Improvement: While the fusion of genres is commendable, the song could benefit from more dynamic changes in its structure. The repetition of the verses and instrumental sections, although effective in establishing a motif, could be varied to maintain listener interest throughout the song’s duration. Additionally, the lyrics, while serving their purpose, could be expanded upon to provide a richer narrative or emotional connection.

评分: 7/10

曲风评价: 这首歌曲将弗拉门戈、数学摇滚和硬核节奏的融合令人耳目一新,挑战了传统音乐类型的界限。歌曲证明了艺术家将不同音乐元素融合为一个整体的能力。

歌词评价: 歌词极简,专注于重复“initialize afterburner”和“coffee time – initialize faster learner”。虽然简单性在深度上可能不足,但重复性有助于强化歌曲的核心主题,并创造出一个难忘的钩子。

抓耳评价: 歌曲的抓耳之处在于其器乐部分,弗拉门戈吉他和数学摇滚节奏交织,创造出迷人的旋律。副歌部分,虽然歌词重复,但它们有助于整个曲目的节奏流动,可能不会立即抓耳,但对整体节奏感有贡献。

值得改进的部分: 虽然曲风的融合值得称赞,但歌曲的结构变化可以更加丰富。副歌和器乐部分的重复虽然有效,但可以通过变化来保持听众的兴趣。此外,歌词虽然达到了目的,但可以扩展,以提供更丰富的叙事或情感联系。



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