What is the most popular list of AI music? Let’s take a look at suno’s top ten today!

Welcome to the Suno-list blog! Here, we present the top 10 Suno music list for July 23, 2024. These AI-created music pieces have gained significant attention on our platform. Let’s dive into this week’s most popular AI music tracks!

No.1  You Anchor Me

Creator: @3Daizy🌼


Number of likes:162


Tags:soulful female vocals, slow electro swing, acoustic guitars, minimal percussion, Dolby Surround



English Review:

Rating: 9/10

Genre Evaluation: “You Anchor Me” offers a soulful blend of electro swing and acoustic elements, creating a unique tapestry of sound that is both soothing and engaging. The slow tempo and minimal percussion allow the listener to focus on the heartfelt vocals and the rich, enveloping Dolby Surround sound.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics are poetic and deeply personal, painting a vivid picture of a love that has weathered time and circumstance. The rhyming scheme is consistent and adds a melodic quality to the verses, making them easy to follow and remember.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly catchy, with its repetition of “You anchor me” serving as an anchor itself, grounding the listener in the emotional core of the song. The whisper-like quality of the vocals in the chorus adds a layer of intimacy that is hard to resist.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is beautifully crafted, it could benefit from a slightly more dynamic arrangement to keep the listener engaged throughout. The minimalism is effective but might feel a bit too restrained for some listeners.

Chinese Review:

评分: 9/10

曲风评价: 《You Anchor Me》融合了深情的电子摇摆和原声吉他元素,创造了一个既舒缓又引人入胜的声音织锦。慢节奏和极简的打击乐让人专注于真挚的歌声和丰富的杜比环绕声。

歌词评价: 歌词充满诗意且极具个人色彩,生动描绘了一段经历时间和环境考验的爱情。押韵的韵律一致,为诗句增添了旋律感,使其易于跟随和记忆。

抓耳评价: 副歌特别上口,重复的“你锚定了我”本身就是一种锚定,将听众固定在歌曲的情感核心。副歌中类似耳语的嗓音增添了一层难以抗拒的亲密感。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌制作精良,但它可以通过稍微更具动态的编排来吸引听众,以保持整首歌曲的吸引力。极简主义效果显著,但对一些听众来说可能会感觉有点过于克制。

No.2  Tangled in You

Creator: @TongMick….. 🙈.🙉.🙊


Number of likes:548


Tags:Synthwave, [Artcore], Crossover, Gothic Rock, new wave, alternative rock, reverb on female vocals, post-punk , A Major



Tangled in You


这首歌融合了Synthwave和Gothic Rock的元素,创造出一种独特的氛围。曲风中,合成器的运用和女声的混响效果,为歌曲增添了一种梦幻般的质感。节奏感强烈,符合Synthwave的典型特征,同时不失Gothic Rock的深沉和力量感。

歌词通过反复的“Shouldn’t love you, but I did”这一主题,展现了一种复杂的情感纠葛。押韵的技巧运用得当,使得歌词朗朗上口,容易让人记住。歌词内容深刻,表达了对一个自私爱人的复杂情感,既有无奈也有坚持。

歌曲的副歌部分具有很强的抓耳感,旋律和节奏的结合让人忍不住想要跟唱。特别是“Tangled in your selfish love”这一句,具有很强的感染力,能够迅速吸引听众的注意力。


Review in English:

Rating: 8/10

Music Style Evaluation:
“Tangled in You” is a unique blend of Synthwave and Gothic Rock, creating an atmospheric sound. The use of synthesizers and reverb on the female vocals adds a dreamy quality to the song. The strong rhythm aligns with the typical characteristics of Synthwave, while not losing the depth and power of Gothic Rock.

Lyrics Evaluation:
The lyrics express a complex emotional entanglement through the recurring theme of “Shouldn’t love you, but I did.” The rhyming is well-executed, making the lyrics catchy and memorable. The content is profound, conveying the mixed feelings towards a selfish lover, with both helplessness and perseverance.

Catchiness Evaluation:
The chorus of the song has a strong catchiness, with the combination of melody and rhythm making it irresistible to sing along. Especially the line “Tangled in your selfish love” has a powerful appeal that quickly captures the listener’s attention.

Areas for Improvement:
Although the overall performance is excellent, the bridge section of the song is a bit plain. It could benefit from more melodic variation and emotional expression to enhance the overall layering. Additionally, the ending of the song could be more prominent to strengthen the conclusion.

Review in Chinese:


“Tangled in You”是Synthwave和哥特摇滚的独特融合,创造出一种氛围感。合成器的使用和女声的混响效果为歌曲增添了梦幻般的质感。强烈的节奏感符合Synthwave的典型特征,同时不失哥特摇滚的深沉和力量感。


歌曲的副歌部分具有很强的抓耳感,旋律和节奏的结合让人忍不住想要跟唱。特别是“Tangled in your selfish love”这一句,具有很强的感染力,能够迅速吸引听众的注意力。


No.3  Internet Friends

Creator: @Animuse


Number of likes:164


Tags:Slow, Hooky, mellow, Indie pop, Sweet female vocal



English Review:

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Internet Friends” is a charming indie pop track with a slow tempo that captures the essence of modern social interactions. The sweet female vocal adds a layer of warmth and authenticity to the song, making it relatable and engaging. The production is well-balanced, with a big drum package and a clean mix that highlights the vocals without overpowering them.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics are simple yet poignant, reflecting the paradox of connection and isolation in the digital age. They are easy to follow and have a natural flow, with a chorus that is catchy and likely to stick in the listener’s mind. The rhyme scheme is consistent, contributing to the song’s overall appeal.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly “ear-catching,” with its repetition of “Internet friends” creating an instant hook. This repetition, combined with the sweet vocal delivery, makes it easy for listeners to join in and sing along.

Areas for Improvement: While the song has a strong foundation, it could benefit from a more dynamic arrangement to keep the listener engaged throughout. The verses, while lyrically strong, could be more musically varied to complement the chorus and bridge.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8/10

曲风评价: “Internet Friends” 是一首迷人的独立流行音乐,慢节奏捕捉了现代社交互动的本质。甜美的女性声音为歌曲增添了温暖和真实感,使其易于共鸣和吸引人。制作平衡,拥有大鼓包和干净的混音,突出了人声而没有压倒它们。

歌词评价: 歌词简单却深刻,反映了数字时代联系与孤立的悖论。它们易于跟随,自然流畅,副歌部分朗朗上口,很可能留在听众的脑海中。押韵模式一致,为歌曲的整体吸引力做出了贡献。

抓耳评价: 副歌特别“抓耳”,重复的“Internet friends”创造了即时的钩子。这种重复,结合甜美的声音传递,使听众容易加入并跟唱。

值得改进的部分: 虽然歌曲有坚实的基础,但它可以从更具动态性的编排中受益,以保持听众在整个过程中的参与度。虽然歌词在歌词上很强,但副歌和桥段的音乐变化可以更大,以补充副歌和桥段。

No.4  Immersive Wandering (v2)

Creator: @Zero Nanashi🌸


Number of likes:124


Tags:MurMur, [Dark-pop], eerie, [electro swing- witch house-post-lofi]. sweet female vocal, [witch house]



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Immersive Wandering (v2)” by MurMur is a dark-pop track with a unique blend of electro swing, witch house, and post-lofi elements. The eerie yet sweet female vocals are a standout feature, providing a haunting and enchanting quality to the song. The track’s rhythm and律动感are engaging, with a steady beat that keeps the listener anchored while the melody weaves a complex, immersive soundscape.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics are poetic and introspective, exploring themes of life’s journey, self-awareness, and the beauty of existence without the need for grand ambitions. They are well-crafted, with a natural flow and a good use of rhyme that enhances the song’s catchiness and memorability.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong “grab ear” quality, particularly in the chorus where the vocals and melody combine for a memorable hook. The repetition of certain phrases and the use of the exclamation “aaaa!!!!” add to the song’s infectious nature, making it easy to sing along to.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is quite captivating, it could benefit from a more dynamic arrangement to keep the listener engaged throughout its entirety. The use of the exclamation “aaaa!!!!” while effective, could be perceived as a bit overused and might detract from the song’s overall sophistication.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: MurMur的《Immersive Wandering (v2)》是一首融合了电子摇摆、女巫屋和后低保真元素的黑暗流行音乐。女声甜美而诡异,为歌曲增添了一种令人着迷的神秘感。歌曲的节奏和律动感吸引人,稳定的节奏让听众保持关注,而旋律则编织出一个复杂、沉浸式的声音景观。

歌词评价: 歌词充满诗意和内省,探讨了人生旅程、自我意识和存在的美,无需宏伟的抱负。歌词制作精良,自然流畅,良好的押韵使用增强了歌曲的吸引力和易记性。

抓耳评价: 这首歌具有很强的“抓耳”特质,特别是在副歌部分,人声和旋律结合,形成了一个难忘的钩子。某些短语的重复使用和“aaaa!!!!”的呼喊增加了歌曲的感染力,使其易于跟唱。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌相当吸引人,但它可以通过更具动态性的编排来保持听众在整个曲目中的参与度。使用“aaaa!!!!”的呼喊虽然有效,但可能被认为有点过度使用,可能会削弱歌曲的整体精致感。

No.5  Warning: Creativity

Creator: @Teemuth


Number of likes:60


Tags:Alternative Hip Hop Indie Electronica Trap Synth Plucks 808 Bass Percussive Elements Glitch Effects Ambient Soundscapes



Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Warning: Creativity” is a fascinating blend of Alternative Hip Hop, Indie Electronica, and Trap elements. The song’s use of Synth Plucks, 808 Bass, and Percussive Elements, along with Glitch Effects and Ambient Soundscapes, creates a unique and engaging sonic experience that is both innovative and genre-defying. The track’s rhythm and律动感 (rhythmic feel) are particularly captivating, drawing listeners into its unconventional structure.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are clever and thought-provoking, addressing the tension between human creativity and the use of AI in music production. The use of arrows in the lyrics is a creative way to denote direction and movement, adding a visual element to the text. The rhyming scheme is consistent and the lyrics are朗朗上口 (easy to sing along to), making them memorable and impactful.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong “catchiness” factor, particularly in the Hook section where the repetition of “Trending trapped” is likely to stick in listeners’ minds. The Announcer’s parts also add an unexpected twist that grabs attention, enhancing the song’s overall appeal.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is innovative and engaging, it could benefit from a more varied vocal performance to match the complexity of the music. The lyrics, while clever, could be expanded upon to provide a deeper narrative or emotional connection. Additionally, the song’s length and structure might be challenging for mainstream radio play, so consideration could be given to creating a more radio-friendly edit.


曲风评价:《Warning: Creativity》是另类嘻哈、独立电子乐和陷阱音乐的迷人混合体。歌曲中使用合成器弹拨、808低音和打击乐元素,以及故障效果和环境音景,创造了一个独特而引人入胜的声音体验,既创新又超越了流派的界限。歌曲的节奏和律动感特别吸引人,将听众引入其非传统的结构中。


抓耳评价:这首歌曲具有很强的“抓耳”因素,特别是在副歌部分,重复的“Trending trapped”很可能会在听众的脑海中留下深刻印象。播音员的部分也增加了一个意想不到的转折,抓住了注意力,增强了歌曲的整体吸引力。


No.6  Escape from Reality

Creator: @Stealth Noise Spider


Number of likes:36


Tags:Psychedelic Trance R&B Hip Hop Reggae Rap, guitar



English Review:

Rating: 8/10

*Genre Evaluation:* “Escape from Reality” is a fusion of Psychedelic Trance, R&B, Hip Hop, Reggae, and Rap, which is quite an eclectic mix. The guitar adds a grounding element to the otherwise ethereal and energetic blend of genres. The song’s rhythm and pace are engaging, with a律动感 that keeps the listener moving.

*Lyrics Evaluation:* The lyrics are simple yet effective, with a repetitive and catchy chorus that’s easy to sing along to. The verses are poetic, painting vivid images of nature and freedom, which aligns well with the Psychedelic Trance genre.

*Catchiness Evaluation:* The chorus is particularly catchy, with its “Oh oh oh” motif that’s likely to stick in listeners’ heads. The verses, while not as repetitive, still have a memorable quality that contributes to the song’s overall appeal.

*Areas for Improvement:* While the song is a creative blend of genres, it could benefit from a more distinct identity. The mix of styles, while innovative, might be too much for some listeners to fully grasp, and the song could risk losing its focus. A clearer thematic thread or a more pronounced feature from one of the genres could help solidify the song’s place in the listener’s mind.

Chinese Review:


*曲风评价:* “Escape from Reality” 是一种迷幻电子舞曲、节奏蓝调、嘻哈、雷鬼和说唱的混合体,这是一个相当多样化的混合。吉他为这首曲子增添了一种基础元素,使得整体听起来既梦幻又充满活力。歌曲的节奏和速度引人入胜,有着让人随之摇摆的律动感。

*歌词评价:* 歌词简单却有效,副歌部分重复而易记,易于跟唱。诗般的歌词描绘了自然和自由的生动画面,与迷幻电子舞曲的风格相得益彰。

*抓耳评价:* 副歌部分特别抓耳,其“哦哦哦”的模式很可能会留在听众的脑海中。虽然主歌部分不像副歌那样重复,但它们仍然具有令人难忘的特质,为整首歌曲的吸引力做出了贡献。

*值得改进的部分:* 虽然这首歌曲是风格的创新混合,但它可以从更明确的身份中受益。风格混合虽然创新,但对于一些听众来说可能太过复杂,难以完全理解,歌曲可能会因此失去焦点。更清晰的主题线索或更突出地展示其中一种风格可能会帮助巩固这首歌曲在听众心中的地位。

No.7  Creativity Test

Creator: @Zero Nanashi🌸


Number of likes:144


Tags:[female vocal], [Slow otherworldly waves crashing-cold-organ glitchsynth Atmospheric minimal-post-glitch,sleepglitch,



English Review:

Rating: 7/10

Genre Evaluation: “Creativity Test” is a unique blend of atmospheric minimal-post-glitch and sleepglitch, with a cold-organ glitchsynth that creates an otherworldly vibe. The slow waves crashing rhythm is intriguing and fits the experimental nature of the track, though it may not be universally appealing due to its unconventional structure.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics, while unconventional for a song, are actually a clever play on the clichés of creative writing. They are not traditional lyrics but rather a script that critiques the predictability in storytelling. The use of programming language adds a layer of novelty and wit, making it catchy in its own right.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song’s catchiness is not in the traditional sense of a pop hook but in the unexpected and humorous approach to the lyrics. The countdown and the programming script are likely to pique interest and make the listener want to follow along.

Areas for Improvement: While the concept is fresh and the execution is creative, the song might benefit from a more dynamic range of sounds or a clearer melody to engage a broader audience. The heavy reliance on the programming script could be off-putting for those unfamiliar with the format.

Chinese Review:

评分: 7/10

曲风评价: “Creativity Test” 是大气的最小后故障和睡眠故障的独特融合,带有冷风琴故障合成器,营造出超凡脱俗的氛围。缓慢的波涛冲击节奏引人入胜,符合曲目的实验性质,但由于其非传统结构,可能不会普遍吸引听众。

歌词评价: 歌词虽然不符合传统歌曲的常规,但实际上是对创意写作中陈词滥调的巧妙戏谑。它们不是传统歌词,而是批判故事讲述可预测性的脚本。使用编程语言增加了新颖性和机智,使其本身就具有吸引力。

抓耳评价: 这首歌曲的抓耳之处不在于传统的流行音乐钩子,而在于歌词出人意料和幽默的处理方式。倒计时和编程脚本很可能引起兴趣,使听众想要跟随。

值得改进的部分: 虽然这个概念新颖,执行也很有创意,但歌曲可能会从更动态的声音范围或更清晰的旋律中受益,以吸引更广泛的听众。对编程脚本的重度依赖可能会让不熟悉该格式的人感到排斥。

No.8  Shallow Avenue

Creator: @Teemuth


Number of likes:26


Tags:Synthwave Experimental Pop Ambient Electronic Beats Deep Bass Atmospheric Synths Glitch Effects Female Raspy Voice



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Shallow Avenue” is a captivating blend of Synthwave and Experimental Pop, with a strong Ambient Electronic influence. The Deep Bass and Atmospheric Synths create a rich sonic landscape that’s both immersive and engaging. The Glitch Effects add an intriguing layer of complexity, enhancing the song’s overall appeal.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics are poignant and reflective, effectively capturing the essence of modern alienation and the search for genuine connection. The verses are well-structured, with a good use of rhyme that makes them catchy and memorable. The Pre-Chorus and Chorus are particularly strong, with a repetitive motif that’s likely to stick in the listener’s mind.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong hook in the Chorus, which is likely to draw listeners in and encourage sing-along. The Raspy Female Voice adds a unique character to the track, making it stand out in the genre.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is well-crafted, it could benefit from a more dynamic arrangement to keep the listener engaged throughout. The Bridge, while thematically strong, could be developed further to add more depth to the song’s narrative.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “Shallow Avenue” 是一首迷人的合成波(Synthwave)与实验流行(Experimental Pop)的混合体,带有强烈的环境电子(Ambient Electronic)影响。深沉的低音和氛围合成器创造了一个丰富而引人入胜的声音景观,既沉浸又吸引人。故障效果(Glitch Effects)增加了一层有趣的复杂性,增强了歌曲的整体吸引力。

歌词评价: 歌词深刻而反思,有效地捕捉了现代疏离感和对真正联系的探索。诗句结构良好,押韵运用得当,使其朗朗上口且易于记忆。副歌部分尤其出色,重复的主题很可能会在听众的脑海中留下印象。

抓耳评价: 歌曲在副歌部分有很强的钩子,很可能会吸引听众并鼓励跟唱。沙哑的女声为曲目增添了独特的个性,使其在该类型中脱颖而出。

值得改进的部分: 虽然这首歌制作精良,但它可以从更动态的编排中受益,以保持听众的参与度。桥段虽然主题强烈,但可以进一步发展,为歌曲的叙事增加更多深度。

Both reviews highlight the song’s strengths in its genre fusion, lyrical depth, and catchy elements, while suggesting that a more dynamic arrangement and development of the bridge could elevate the track further.

No.9  ᴎizAld

Creator: @Nullus


Number of likes:28


Tags:Aνa₪₮-ga₹₫€ €Χ₽€₹¡m€₪₮aL AL¡€₪ Bρmba¢LΦ₮ Ba₫mΦ₪ gL¡₮¢Ω jρ₪gL€, jρ₪gL€-₫₪B ₫₪B ₹€gga€ ₹€gga€-₫₪B L¡φρ¡₫-₫₪B, ₫ΦLb¥ A₮mΦ$







English Review:
Rating: 6/10
Music Style Review: The song has a unique style, mixing various languages and symbols, giving a fresh feel. However, the lack of a clear music genre and rhythm may confuse some listeners.
Lyrics Review: The lyrics are short and repetitive, lacking depth and meaning. Although the word “WIZERD” may have some symbolic significance, the overall expressiveness of the lyrics is weak.
Catchy Evaluation: Due to the experimental nature of the song, it may not immediately attract most listeners. However, for those who like to explore new music styles, this song may have some appeal.
Areas for Improvement: The song could try to add more musical elements and melodies to enhance its appeal. At the same time, the lyrics could be further developed to provide richer emotions and stories.

No.10  It’s Okay

Creator: @frowns


Number of likes:16


Tags:NDAI // dark crystal pop / glass house



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “It’s Okay” by NDAI is a captivating piece of dark crystal pop that resonates with a glass house aesthetic. The song’s melancholic yet hopeful undertones are well-represented through its haunting melody and rhythmic structure. The track has a distinctive quality that sets it apart in the pop genre, offering a unique listening experience.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are simple yet profound, with a strong emphasis on reassurance and acceptance. The repetition of “it’s okay” in the chorus is both comforting and catchy, making it easy for listeners to connect with and remember. The rhyming scheme is consistent and contributes to the song’s overall flow.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is undeniably catchy, with its repetitive and reassuring message. It has the potential to be a crowd favorite, especially in live performances where the audience can join in singing.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is well-crafted, it could benefit from a more dynamic bridge or a variation in the instrumental sections to maintain listener interest throughout the track. The repetition, while effective, could be balanced with some unexpected musical twists.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: NDAI的“It’s Okay”是一首引人入胜的黑暗水晶流行音乐,带有玻璃屋的美学。歌曲的忧郁但充满希望的基调通过其令人难忘的旋律和节奏结构得到了很好的体现。这首歌曲在流行音乐领域中具有独特的品质,为听众提供了一种独特的听觉体验。

歌词评价: 歌词简单而深刻,强调安慰和接纳。副歌中“it’s okay”的重复既令人安心又易于记忆,使听众能够轻松地与之产生共鸣并记住。押韵方案一致,有助于歌曲的整体流畅度。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分无疑具有很高的吸引力,其重复且令人安心的信息。它有潜力成为现场表演中的观众最爱,观众可以加入合唱。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲制作精良,但如果在桥段或器乐部分有更多的动态变化,以保持听众在整个曲目中的兴趣,可能会更加受益。虽然重复是有效的,但可以通过一些意想不到的音乐转折来平衡。

Both reviews highlight the song’s strengths in its genre, lyricism, and catchiness, while suggesting that adding some variety could enhance the overall listening experience.



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