What is the most popular list of AI music? Let’s take a look at suno’s top ten today!

Welcome to the Suno-list blog! Here, we present the top 10 Suno music list for July 31, 2024. These AI-created music pieces have gained significant attention on our platform. Let’s dive into this week’s most popular AI music tracks!

No.1  Take Control | frowns x teemuth

Creator: @Teemuth


Number of likes:296


Tags:NDAI // hip hop, boom bap/ska hip hop/rap/experimental



### English Review

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Take Control” by frowns x teemuth is a compelling piece of hip-hop that blends traditional boom bap with a modern experimental twist. The beat is infectious, with a rhythm that’s both nostalgic and fresh, perfectly capturing the essence of the genre while pushing its boundaries. The use of ska elements adds an unexpected layer of complexity, making the track stand out.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are raw and relatable, painting a vivid picture of struggle and the desire for change. The rhyme scheme is consistent, and the flow is smooth, making the verses easy to follow and the choruses catchy. The emotional depth of the lyrics resonates well with the listener, enhancing the overall impact of the song.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly “ear-catching,” with a powerful message and a melody that’s hard to forget. It’s the kind of hook that invites listeners to sing along, and it’s likely to stick in their minds long after the song has ended.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong overall, the bridge could benefit from a bit more variation to maintain listener interest throughout the track’s duration. Additionally, the production could be polished to give the vocals a clearer presence in the mix, ensuring that the powerful lyrics are not overshadowed by the music.

### Chinese Review

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: frowns x teemuth的”Take Control”是一首引人入胜的嘻哈音乐作品,它将传统的boom bap与现代实验性元素相结合。节奏感强烈,既有怀旧感又充满新鲜感,完美捕捉了嘻哈音乐的精髓,同时推动了其边界。ska元素的加入为曲目增添了意想不到的复杂性,使其脱颖而出。

歌词评价: 歌词原始而贴近人心,生动描绘了挣扎和对变化的渴望。押韵模式一致,流畅度好,使得诗句易于跟随,副歌部分朗朗上口。歌词的情感深度与听众产生共鸣,增强了歌曲的整体影响力。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分特别”抓耳”,传递了强大的信息和难以忘怀的旋律。它是那种邀请听众跟唱的钩子,很可能在歌曲结束后长时间留在他们的脑海中。

值得改进的部分: 尽管整首歌曲整体上很强,但桥段部分可以有更多的变化来保持听众的持续兴趣。此外,制作可以更加精细,确保人声在混音中更清晰,这样强大的歌词就不会被音乐所掩盖。

No.2  Fifty Million Times

Creator: @Foggy


Number of likes:137


Tags:emotional female vocal, melodic trap, overwrought



### English Review

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Fifty Million Times” is a melodic trap song that captures the emotional turmoil of a toxic relationship with its overwrought style. The female vocal is hauntingly emotive, and the trap beat provides a rhythmic backbone that complements the melodic elements. The song’s dynamic range and the singer’s delivery add depth to the emotional narrative.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are repetitive yet impactful, echoing the cyclic nature of the relationship described. The refrain “fifty million times” is catchy and effectively conveys the feeling of being trapped in a never-ending cycle. The rhyme scheme is simple but effective, contributing to the song’s memorability.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly catchy, with a strong hook that’s likely to stick in listeners’ minds. The repetition of the phrase “what you doing to me?” serves as a powerful rhetorical question that resonates with the audience.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong in its emotional delivery and catchiness, it could benefit from more variety in its structure to prevent it from becoming monotonous. The repetitive nature, while thematic, might not appeal to all listeners.

### 中文点评

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: 《Fifty Million Times》是一首情感丰富的旋律陷阱音乐,以其过度的风格捕捉了一段有毒关系的动荡情绪。女声的演绎充满哀伤,陷阱节奏为其提供了节奏基础,与旋律元素相得益彰。歌曲的动态范围和歌手的演绎为情感叙事增添了深度。

歌词评价: 歌词虽然重复,但影响深远,反映了所描述关系中的循环性质。副歌中的“五十万次”这一反复的短语非常吸引人,有效地传达了陷入无尽循环的感觉。押韵模式简单但有效,有助于歌曲的易记性。

抓耳评价: 副歌特别抓耳,具有强烈的吸引力,很可能会在听众的脑海中留下深刻印象。反复的“你对我做了什么?”这一修辞问题与听众产生共鸣。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌在情感传达和抓耳度方面表现强劲,但如果在结构上有更多的变化,可以避免听起来单调。虽然重复性在主题上是有意义的,但可能不会吸引所有听众。

No.3  Your Witch

Creator: @Procrastopia


Number of likes:78


Tags:dance-pop, pop rock, female singer, catchy, rock, steady beat



English Review:

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Your Witch” is a delightful blend of dance-pop and pop-rock, showcasing a catchy rhythm and a steady beat that is characteristic of the genre. The female singer’s voice adds a layer of allure, making the song both engaging and energetic.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are simple yet effective, with a good use of rhyme that makes them easy to remember and sing along to. The chorus is particularly catchy, which is a key element in pop music.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong hook in the chorus that is likely to draw listeners in and make them want to hear more. The repetition of the chorus helps to embed it in the listener’s mind.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is well-crafted, it could benefit from a bit more variety in the verses to keep the listener engaged throughout. The repetition in the verses, while consistent with the genre, could be slightly monotonous.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价:《Your Witch》是一首令人愉悦的舞曲流行和流行摇滚的混合体,展示了该类型特有的易记节奏和稳定节拍。女歌手的声音增添了一层魅力,使歌曲既吸引人又充满活力。




No.4  Is This Real?

Creator: @TongMick….. 🙈.🙉.🙊


Number of likes:64


Tags:Dance, EDM, Electronic. Reverb, Echo, Chorus effect, Vibrato, Auto-tune, Vocal fry, Formant shift, Doubling, G major



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Is This Real?” is a captivating dance track that masterfully blends elements of EDM and electronic music. The use of reverb, echo, and chorus effects adds depth and a sense of spaciousness to the track, while the vibrant G major key gives it an uplifting and energetic feel. The vocal fry and formant shift techniques used in the vocals add a unique texture that complements the electronic backdrop.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are emotive and poetic, with a clear narrative that explores the depth of a newfound love. The verses are well-structured and flow smoothly, with a good use of imagery and metaphor. The chorus is repetitive and simple, which is effective for a dance track, but it could be more memorable with a slight variation or a hook.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong hook with the repeated question “Is this real?” which is likely to stick in the listener’s mind. The build-up to the chorus and the melodic interlude provide moments of anticipation that keep the listener engaged.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is well-produced and has a strong electronic foundation, the repetitive nature of the chorus might become monotonous over time. Adding a bridge or a variation in the chorus could provide more dynamic range and keep the listener’s interest.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “Is This Real?” 是一首引人入胜的舞曲,巧妙地融合了EDM和电子音乐的元素。混响、回声和合唱效果的运用为曲目增添了深度和空间感,而活泼的G大调则赋予了它一种提升和充满活力的感觉。在人声中使用的声乐裂音和音高转换技术为电子背景增添了独特的质感。

歌词评价: 歌词充满情感且富有诗意,清晰地叙述了一段新发现的爱情的深度。诗句结构良好,流畅自然,善于运用意象和隐喻。副歌部分重复且简单,对于舞曲来说效果显著,但如果能在副歌中加入一些变化或钩子,可能会更加难忘。

抓耳评价: 歌曲以重复的问题 “Is this real?” 作为强烈的钩子,很可能会在听众的脑海中留下印象。副歌前的铺垫和旋律间奏提供了期待的时刻,使听众保持参与感。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲制作精良,拥有坚实的电子基础,但副歌的重复性质可能会随着时间变得单调。在副歌中加入桥段或变化可以提供更多的动态范围,保持听众的兴趣。

No.5  ❄️Snowflakes❄️

Creator: @Stei Camel 🐪


Number of likes:41


Tags:powerful, high notes, hair/glam metal, 90s, winter, christmas



English Review

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “❄️Snowflakes❄️” is a captivating piece that embodies the spirit of 90s hair/glam metal, with powerful high notes that are reminiscent of the era. The song’s winter and Christmas theme is well-integrated, creating a unique blend of festive cheer and rock energy. The rhythm and melody are engaging, with a strong beat that drives the song forward.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are well-crafted, with a clear narrative that builds tension and anticipation. The rhyme scheme is consistent and adds to the song’s flow. The imagery of snowflakes taking flight and the world being blanketed in white is vivid and complements the music’s winter theme.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly catchy, with the repeated “Snowflakes” serving as an earworm that’s likely to stick with listeners. The high-energy delivery and the song’s dynamic range make it a standout track that’s hard to ignore.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong overall, it could benefit from a more varied structure to keep the listener engaged throughout. The repetition in the chorus, while catchy, could be balanced with additional melodic or lyrical variation to enhance the song’s depth.

Chinese Review

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “❄️Snowflakes❄️” 是一首充满吸引力的作品,完美体现了90年代的华丽金属精神,其强大的高音让人回忆起那个时代。歌曲的冬季和圣诞主题很好地融合在一起,创造了一种独特的节日欢乐与摇滚能量的混合。节奏和旋律引人入胜,强烈的节拍推动着整首歌曲向前发展。

歌词评价: 歌词制作精良,具有清晰的叙事性,构建了紧张和期待。押韵的模式是一致的,增加了歌曲的流畅性。雪片飞舞和世界被白色覆盖的意象生动,与音乐的冬季主题相得益彰。

抓耳评价: 副歌特别上口,重复的 “Snowflakes” 成为了一个让人难以忘怀的耳虫。高能量的演绎和歌曲的动态范围使其成为一首难以忽视的杰出曲目。

值得改进的部分: 尽管整首歌曲整体上很强,但它可以通过更多样化的结构来保持听众的参与度。副歌中的重复,虽然上口,但可以通过增加额外的旋律或歌词变化来平衡,以增强歌曲的深度。

No.6  TrUth

Creator: @LightJourner | LightJourner.x


Number of likes:39


Tags:Post-Indiewave emofolk[math technical][glory glitch[post-post-hardcore]][orchestal romantic[post-clarity]] LightJourner



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “TrUth” is a captivating blend of Post-Indiewave emofolk, math technical, post-post-hardcore, and orchestral romanticism. The song’s intricate layering and dynamic range showcase a unique sound that is both complex and emotionally resonant. The rhythm and tempo are well-crafted, creating a sense of journey that complements the lyrical narrative.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are poetic and evocative, with a strong emphasis on the theme of seeking truth. The rhyming scheme is consistent and contributes to the song’s overall catchiness. The repetition of “night and day” and “in the night” adds a hypnotic quality that draws the listener in.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly memorable, with the phrase “For the truth, the truth! through this maze” being a standout hook. It has the potential to be a sing-along favorite, especially in a live setting.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is rich in texture and emotion, it could benefit from a more distinct bridge or a change in the melody to provide contrast and keep the listener engaged throughout the entire track.

Chinese Review:



歌词评价:歌词充满诗意且引人入胜,强调了寻求真理的主题。押韵模式一致,为歌曲的整体朗朗上口做出了贡献。”night and day”和”in the night”的重复增加了一种催眠般的品质,吸引听众。

抓耳评价:副歌特别难忘,”For the truth, the truth! through this maze”这一短语是一个突出的钩子。它有潜力成为现场演出中的合唱最爱。


Both reviews highlight the song’s strengths in its genre-blending sound, poetic lyrics, and catchy chorus, while suggesting that a more varied structure could enhance the overall listening experience.

No.7  心灵的节奏 / Rhythm of the Soul

Creator: @Stealth Noise Spider


Number of likes:40


Tags:Powerful and husky female vocals,Intonation, falsetto, rolling, electro, Funk,Stay cool, magnificent



English Review:

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Rhythm of the Soul” delivers a compelling fusion of electro-funk with a touch of soulful pop. The powerful and husky female vocals are a standout feature, providing a rich texture that complements the energetic beats. The use of intonation and falsetto adds depth and variety to the vocal performance, while the rolling rhythm and electro elements create a vibrant and engaging musical landscape.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are simple yet catchy, with a repetitive chorus that is easy to sing along to. The verses are filled with onomatopoeic expressions that add a playful and rhythmic quality to the song. However, the lyrics could benefit from more depth and storytelling to enhance the emotional connection with the audience.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is highly catchy and has the potential to be a crowd favorite, with its repetitive and rhythmic nature. The rap section adds a fresh dynamic, providing a contrast to the main melody and keeping the listener engaged.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is undeniably catchy and well-produced, it could explore more complex lyrical themes to elevate the overall artistic value. Additionally, the rap section, while a nice touch, could be further integrated into the song’s structure to create a more cohesive listening experience.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8/10

曲风评价: 《心灵的节奏》是一首将电子放克与灵魂流行完美融合的作品。强劲而沙哑的女声是其显著特点,为歌曲增添了丰富的质感,与充满活力的节拍相得益彰。音调的运用和假声增加了演唱的深度和变化,而滚动的节奏和电子元素创造了一个生动且引人入胜的音乐场景。

歌词评价: 歌词简单却易于上口,重复的副歌部分易于跟唱。诗句中充满了拟声词,为歌曲增添了玩味和节奏感。然而,歌词可以更深入地探讨主题,以增强与听众的情感联系。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分极具吸引力,具有重复性和节奏性,有望成为观众的最爱。说唱部分增添了新鲜感,为主旋律提供了对比,保持了听众的参与度。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌无疑具有吸引力且制作精良,但它可以探索更复杂的歌词主题,以提升整体的艺术价值。此外,说唱部分虽然是一个不错的点缀,但可以进一步融入歌曲结构中,以创造更连贯的听觉体验。

No.8  Actias

Creator: @Brutus


Number of likes:176


Tags:[Yé-yé], shakuhachi, syncopated anime, clear female vocals, emotional higher pitch voice



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Actias” is a captivating piece that blends the unique sounds of shakuhachi with the rhythmic syncopation typical of anime music, creating a distinct [Yé-yé] vibe. The clear female vocals and the emotional higher pitch voice add depth to the song, making it a standout in its genre.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are poetic and melancholic, with a strong narrative that resonates with the listener. The use of imagery and metaphor is well-executed, and the rhyme scheme is consistent, contributing to the overall catchiness and memorability of the song.

Catchiness Evaluation: The instrumental intro is catchy, setting the tone for the rest of the track. The chorus is particularly memorable, with its emotional delivery and the way it encapsulates the song’s theme.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is well-composed, it could benefit from a more dynamic range in the instrumental sections to keep the listener engaged throughout. Additionally, the bridge, while lyrically strong, could be musically enhanced to create a more distinct transition between sections.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价: “Actias” 是一首融合了尺八的独特声音和动漫音乐特有的节奏切分,创造出一种独特的[Yé-yé]风格。清晰的女声和情感丰富的高音为歌曲增添了深度,使其在同类音乐中脱颖而出。

歌词评价: 歌词充满诗意和忧郁,具有强烈的叙事性,与听众产生共鸣。意象和隐喻的运用得当,押韵模式一致,有助于歌曲的朗朗上口和易于记忆。

抓耳评价: 器乐前奏非常吸引人,为整首歌曲定下了基调。副歌部分尤其难忘,情感的传递和对歌曲主题的概括使其成为整首歌曲的亮点。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲编排得当,但在器乐部分增加更多的动态范围,以保持听众的持续兴趣,将是一个提升点。此外,桥段虽然在歌词上很强,但在音乐上可以进一步增强,以在不同部分之间创造更明显的过渡。

No.9  Gaze in the mirror

Creator: @Alikan


Number of likes:70


Tags:Femme Fatale, Slow, EuroVision, Minor, Melodic, Halloween, Haunting, Operatic, Evil, Despair, Sadness, Drama, Horror



English Review:

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Gaze in the Mirror” is a hauntingly beautiful track that captures the essence of a femme fatale with its slow tempo and minor key. The melody is operatic and dramatic, fitting perfectly for a EuroVision stage. The song’s haunting quality is well-executed, creating an eerie atmosphere that’s ideal for Halloween or any setting that calls for a sense of despair and horror.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics are simple yet impactful, with the repeated question “Do you dare gaze in the mirror?” serving as a powerful refrain. It’s a line that invites introspection and is likely to resonate with listeners, though it could benefit from additional verses to enhance its depth and complexity.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong hook with its central question, which is likely to be catchy and memorable. However, the slow pace might limit its immediate “earworm” potential, which is often sought after in pop music.

Areas for Improvement: While the song excels in creating a specific mood, it might benefit from a more dynamic structure to keep the listener engaged throughout. Adding a bridge or a contrasting section could provide the necessary variety to balance the song’s overall intensity.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8/10

曲风评价: “Gaze in the Mirror” 是一首充满魅力的曲目,以其缓慢的节奏和小调调性,完美捕捉了“致命女人”的精髓。旋律具有歌剧般的戏剧性和戏剧张力,非常适合 EuroVision 的舞台。歌曲的诡异特质执行得非常到位,营造出一种适合万圣节或任何需要绝望和恐怖感的场景的诡异氛围。

歌词评价: 歌词简单却具有冲击力,重复的问题“你敢凝视镜子吗?”作为一个有力的副歌。这是一句邀请内省的台词,很可能与听众产生共鸣,尽管它可以通过增加额外的诗句来增强其深度和复杂性。

抓耳评价: 歌曲以其核心问题有很强的钩子,很可能是朗朗上口且令人难忘的。然而,慢节奏可能限制了它作为流行音乐中常见的“耳虫”潜力。

值得改进的部分: 虽然这首歌在营造特定情绪方面表现出色,但它可能会从更具动态性的结构中受益,以保持听众的持续参与。增加桥段或对比部分可以提供必要的变化,以平衡整首歌曲的整体强度。

No.10  Illusion

Creator: @Falcon


Number of likes:46


Tags:dubstep glitchbass bassglitch phonk




### 英文点评文章:

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Illusion” delivers a captivating blend of dubstep and glitchbass, with a bassglitch and phonk twist that is both innovative and engaging. The track’s rhythm is infectious, and its electronic elements create a pulsating energy that is characteristic of the genre. The use of bass in this piece is particularly noteworthy, providing a deep, resonant foundation that drives the song forward.

Lyrics Evaluation: As there are no lyrics provided, this section is not applicable. However, the instrumental nature of the track allows for the music to speak for itself, immersing listeners in its sonic landscape.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong potential for catchiness, especially in its repetitive basslines and glitchy hooks. These elements are likely to draw listeners in and encourage them to engage with the music on a deeper level.

Areas for Improvement: While “Illusion” is a solid piece, it could benefit from a more dynamic structure to keep the listener engaged throughout its duration. Varying the intensity and introducing unexpected melodic shifts could enhance the overall listening experience.

### 中文点评文章:

评分: 8/10

曲风评价: “Illusion” 以 dubstep 和 glitchbass 的混合为特色,加入了 bassglitch 和 phonk 的元素,既创新又引人入胜。这首歌的节奏具有感染力,电子元素创造出了该类型特有的脉动能量。在这首歌中,贝斯的使用特别引人注目,提供了深沉、共鸣的基础,推动着歌曲向前发展。

歌词评价: 由于没有提供歌词,这部分不适用。然而,曲目的器乐性质允许音乐自己发声,让听众沉浸在其声音景观中。

抓耳评价: 这首歌具有很强的吸引力,特别是在其重复的贝斯线和 glitchy 的钩子部分。这些元素很可能会吸引听众,并鼓励他们更深入地与音乐互动。

值得改进的部分: 尽管 “Illusion” 是一个扎实的作品,但它可以通过更动态的结构来吸引听众,让他们在整个播放过程中保持参与。变化强度和引入意想不到的旋律转变可以增强整体的听觉体验。



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