What is the most popular list of AI music? Let’s take a look at suno’s top ten today!

Welcome to the Suno-list blog! Here, we present the top 10 Suno music list for July 31, 2024. These AI-created music pieces have gained significant attention on our platform. Let’s dive into this week’s most popular AI music tracks!

No.1  いい加減

Creator: @Zero Nanashi🌸[Patreon / YouTube]


Number of likes:227


Tags:female vocals, [dark-JPOP],[Yakousei Electro House-Jazz Pop-Funk Rock-Demon pop], [New Rave],



### 英文点评

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “いい加減” is a vibrant fusion of dark-JPOP with elements of Yakousei Electro House, Jazz Pop, Funk Rock, and Demon pop, creating a unique New Rave atmosphere. The track’s rhythm and melody are engaging, with a strong beat that drives the song forward. The eclectic mix of genres is well-executed, showcasing a dynamic range that keeps the listener intrigued.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics are poignant and thought-provoking, reflecting on the struggle of identity and the desire to be noticed in a world that often demands conformity. The rhyming scheme is not overly complex but serves the message well, and the repetition of certain phrases like “FORGERY DAYS” adds a catchy hook that’s likely to stick with the listener.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong hook that’s likely to draw in listeners, especially with the recurring motif of “いい加減” and “FORGERY DAYS.” The chorus is particularly catchy and could easily become an earworm for fans of the genre.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is well-crafted, it could benefit from a more varied vocal delivery to match the complexity of the lyrics and the genre fusion. Additionally, the song might appeal to a niche audience due to its specific style, which could limit its broader appeal.

### 中文点评

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “いい加減” 是一首充满活力的黑暗J-POP与Yakousei Electro House、爵士流行、放克摇滚和恶魔流行元素的融合,营造出独特的新浪潮氛围。歌曲的节奏和旋律引人入胜,强烈的节拍推动着歌曲向前发展。各种风格的混合执行得非常出色,展示了动态范围,使听众保持兴趣。

歌词评价: 歌词深刻且发人深省,反映了在经常要求一致性的世界中,身份认同的挣扎和被注意的愿望。押韵方案并不过于复杂,但很好地服务于信息,某些短语如“FORGERY DAYS”的重复增加了一个容易记住的钩子。

抓耳评价: 这首歌有很强的钩子,特别是“いい加減”和“FORGERY DAYS”的重复主题,很可能吸引听众。副歌特别容易上瘾,可能会成为该类型粉丝的耳边虫。

值得改进的部分: 虽然这首歌制作精良,但它可以通过更多样化的声乐演绎来匹配歌词的复杂性和风格的融合。此外,由于其特定的风格,这首歌可能只吸引特定的听众群体,这可能限制了其更广泛的吸引力。


No.2  Still This Aching Heart | AIEIO & Teemuth

Creator: @Teemuth


Number of likes:59


Tags:Punk Rock Singer-Songwriter Acoustic Riffs Minimalist Drums Emotive Vocals Acoustic Bass Hand Claps Percussive Elements



### English Review

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Still This Aching Heart” by AIEIO & Teemuth is a poignant piece of Punk Rock that leans into the acoustic side, showcasing minimalist drums and emotive vocals. The acoustic riffs are catchy, and the rhythm, though simple, carries a strong emotional weight that is characteristic of the genre. The use of handclaps and percussive elements adds texture without overwhelming the raw, heartfelt delivery.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are well-crafted, with a narrative that unfolds through the verses, painting a vivid picture of longing and loss. The rhyme scheme is consistent and contributes to the song’s memorability. The lines are poignant and delivered with a sense of vulnerability that resonates with listeners.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly catchy, with a melody that is both haunting and memorable. It’s the kind of hook that invites listeners to sing along, even on the first listen. The repetition of the theme in the final chorus adds to its catchiness.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong in many areas, it could benefit from a bit more variation in the instrumental arrangement to keep the listener engaged throughout the track. The simplicity is effective but might feel a bit one-dimensional on repeated listens.

### Chinese Review

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: AIEIO & Teemuth的《Still This Aching Heart》是一首感人的朋克摇滚作品,倾向于原声风格,展示了极简的鼓点和充满情感的嗓音。原声吉他的riff非常吸引人,节奏虽然简单,但却承载着强烈的情感重量,这是该类型音乐的特点。手拍和打击乐元素的加入增加了质感,没有压倒性的原始、真诚的表达。

歌词评价: 歌词精心编写,通过诗句展开叙述,描绘了一幅渴望和失落的生动画面。押韵的模式是一致的,有助于歌曲的易记性。这些线条充满深情,以一种易与听众产生共鸣的脆弱感呈现。

抓耳评价: 副歌特别抓耳,旋律既令人难忘又令人难以忘怀。这是一种即使在第一次听时也会邀请听众跟唱的hook。在最后的副歌中重复主题增加了其吸引力。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌在许多方面都很强,但它可以通过在器乐编排上增加一些变化来让听众在整个曲目中保持参与感。简单性是有效的,但在反复聆听时可能会感觉有点单一。

No.3  TrUth

Creator: @LightJourner | LightJourner.x


Number of likes:179


Tags:Post-Indiewave emofolk[math technical][glory glitch[post-post-hardcore]][orchestal romantic[post-clarity]] LightJourner



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “TrUth” is a captivating blend of Post-Indiewave emofolk with a touch of math technical and post-post-hardcore elements. The orchestration adds a romantic flair, enhancing the emotional depth of the song. The intricate layering and the dynamic shifts keep the listener engaged, showcasing a unique and innovative approach to the genre.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are poetic and introspective, with a strong narrative that resonates with listeners. The use of repetition in “Night and day” and “In the night” adds a rhythmic quality that is both catchy and thought-provoking. The rhyme scheme is consistent and contributes to the overall flow of the song.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus has a strong “catchiness” factor, with the phrase “For the truth, the truth! through this maze” being particularly memorable. It’s the kind of line that invites listeners to sing along, enhancing the song’s appeal.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is rich in texture and emotion, it could benefit from a more distinct bridge or transition to break up the repetition and provide a fresh perspective. Additionally, the length of the song might be a challenge for some listeners, as it could be trimmed to maintain the listener’s attention throughout.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价: “TrUth” 是一首引人入胜的后独立波emofolk风格歌曲,带有数学技术性和后后硬核元素的点缀。管弦乐的加入为歌曲增添了浪漫色彩,增强了歌曲的情感深度。复杂的层次和动态变化让听众保持兴趣,展现了一种独特而创新的类型处理方式。

歌词评价: 歌词充满诗意和内省,具有强烈的叙事性,能够与听众产生共鸣。”Night and day” 和 “In the night” 的重复使用增加了节奏感,既吸引人又发人深省。押韵模式一致,有助于歌曲整体流畅度。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分具有很强的”抓耳”因素,特别是 “For the truth, the truth! through this maze” 这句歌词特别容易记住。这是一条邀请听众跟唱的线路,增强了歌曲的吸引力。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌在质感和情感上都很丰富,但它可以从一个更明显的桥接或过渡中受益,以打破重复并提供新的视角。此外,歌曲的长度可能对一些听众来说是一个挑战,因为它可以被削减以保持听众的注意力。

Both reviews highlight the song’s strengths in its genre-blending style, poetic lyrics, and catchy chorus, while suggesting that a more varied structure and consideration of song length could enhance the overall listening experience.

No.4  03:00 A.M

Creator: @Chibiitaii


Number of likes:46


Tags:ambient, electronic, experimental, soundtrack, new age, drone, atmospheric, cinematic, dark ambient, minimalism, dreamy



English Review:

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “03:00 A.M” is a mesmerizing blend of ambient, electronic, and experimental soundscapes that perfectly encapsulate the late-night introspection and restlessness the title suggests. The soundtrack-like quality, combined with atmospheric and cinematic elements, creates a rich, immersive experience that is both haunting and captivating.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are minimalistic, echoing the song’s title and theme with a repetitive, almost hypnotic quality. The simplicity of the words, “Awake,” “Late at night,” and “Can’t sleep, can’t relax,” paired with the elongated “Oooh” and “Haaa…” in the verses, adds to the dreamy and dark ambient feel, making the song easy to follow but not necessarily catchy in a traditional sense.

Catchiness Evaluation: While the song may not have an immediately “catchy” hook, the atmospheric build-up and the gradual layering of sounds create a sense of anticipation and engagement that draws the listener in. The repetition of the chorus, “It’s three A.M.,” is likely to stick in the listener’s mind due to its relevance to the overall mood of the piece.

Areas for Improvement: The song’s strength lies in its ability to evoke emotion and create a specific atmosphere. However, for those seeking a more dynamic or varied musical journey, the minimalistic approach might feel too restrained. Adding subtle variations or a bridge section could enhance the song’s depth and keep the listener engaged throughout its duration.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价:《03:00 A.M》是一首迷人的环境、电子和实验音乐的融合,完美地捕捉了深夜的内省和不安。其音轨般的质感,结合大气和电影元素,创造了一个丰富、沉浸式的体验,既令人毛骨悚然又引人入胜。




No.5  Midnight Groove

Creator: @Stealth Noise Spider


Number of likes:39


Tags:Girls hip hop, pop, R&B, Funk, Disco, 70s, Powerful and husky female vocals,



### English Review

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Midnight Groove” is a vibrant fusion of hip hop, pop, R&B, Funk, and Disco elements, capturing the essence of the 70s. The powerful and husky vocals add a unique flavor to the track, making it stand out in the contemporary music scene. The rhythm is infectious, with a strong bassline that drives the song forward, perfectly complementing the nostalgic disco vibe.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are simple yet effective, using repetition (“La, la, la, la”) to create a catchy hook. The verses paint a vivid picture of a woman confidently owning the night, with high heels marking the beat and a calm gaze dominating the scene. The chorus is memorable, with a melody that resonates and lyrics that encapsulate the feeling of freedom in the adult night.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong “earworm” quality, particularly in the chorus, which is likely to stick in listeners’ minds and encourage them to sing along. The combination of the catchy hook and the resonating melody makes it a standout in terms of catchiness.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is well-crafted, it could benefit from a bit more variety in the lyrics to avoid repetition and to add depth to the narrative. Additionally, the transition between the verses and the chorus could be smoother to enhance the overall flow of the song.

### Chinese Review

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “Midnight Groove” 是一首充满活力的嘻哈、流行、R&B、放克和迪斯科风格的融合体,捕捉了70年代的精髓。强大而沙哑的女声为这首歌增添了独特的风味,使其在当代音乐场景中脱颖而出。节奏感强烈,深沉的低音线推动着歌曲前进,完美地衬托出怀旧的迪斯科氛围。

歌词评价: 歌词简洁而有效,使用重复(”La, la, la, la”)来创造一个容易上口的钩子。诗篇描绘了一个女性自信地主宰夜晚的画面,高跟鞋标出了节奏,冷静的目光主宰了场景。副歌部分令人难忘,旋律回响,歌词概括了成人夜晚自由的感觉。

抓耳评价: 这首歌具有很强的“耳虫”特质,特别是在副歌部分,很可能会留在听众的脑海中,鼓励他们跟唱。结合了上口的钩子和回响的旋律,使其在抓耳方面脱颖而出。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌制作精良,但它可以通过在歌词中增加更多的变化来避免重复,并为叙事增加深度。此外,诗篇和副歌之间的过渡可以更平滑,以增强歌曲的整体流畅性。

No.6  Fifty Million Times

Creator: @Foggy


Number of likes:229


Tags:emotional female vocal, melodic trap, overwrought



### 英文点评文章

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Fifty Million Times” delivers a compelling emotional narrative through its melodic trap foundation. The overwrought style complements the emotional female vocal, creating a dynamic that’s both engaging and fitting for the genre. The rhythmic structure is solid, providing a backdrop that supports the vocal performance without overpowering it.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are repetitive yet effective, capturing the cyclical nature of the relationship described. The rhyming pattern is consistent and contributes to the song’s memorability. The raw emotion conveyed through the lyrics is palpable, enhancing the overall impact.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus has a strong potential to be catchy, with its repetitive nature likely to stick in listeners’ minds. The emotional intensity of the vocals during the chorus could make it a powerful sing-along moment.

Areas for Improvement: While the song’s emotional depth is a strength, it could benefit from more variation in the melody to keep the listener engaged throughout the track. Additionally, the production could be polished to better highlight the vocal performance and give the song a more professional feel.

### 中文点评文章

评分: 8/10

曲风评价: “Fifty Million Times”通过其旋律性的陷阱音乐基础,传递了引人入胜的情感叙事。过度的风格与情感丰富的女声相得益彰,创造出既吸引人又符合该类型音乐的动态。节奏结构坚实,为声乐表演提供了支持的背景,而不会压倒它。

歌词评价: 歌词虽然重复,但效果显著,捕捉了所描述关系的循环性质。押韵模式一致,有助于歌曲的易记性。通过歌词传达的原始情感是可感知的,增强了整体影响力。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分有很强的潜力成为抓耳的部分,其重复性质可能会留在听众的脑海中。副歌部分情感强度的声乐表现可能使其成为一个强有力的合唱时刻。

值得改进的部分: 虽然歌曲的情感深度是其优势,但它可以从旋律中更多的变化中受益,以在整个曲目中保持听众的参与度。此外,制作可以更加精细,以更好地突出声乐表演,给歌曲带来更专业的感觉。

No.7  Take Control | frowns x teemuth

Creator: @Teemuth


Number of likes:392


Tags:NDAI // hip hop, boom bap/ska hip hop/rap/experimental



### English Review

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Take Control” by frowns x teemuth is a compelling blend of hip hop and experimental music, with a strong boom bap and ska influence. The track’s rhythmic backbone is engaging, providing a solid foundation for the narrative to unfold. The beat is both catchy and complex, reflecting the genre’s depth and the artists’ creativity.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are raw and introspective, effectively capturing the struggle of breaking free from life’s constraints. The rhyme scheme is consistent and the words are delivered with a rhythm that complements the music. The storytelling is relatable, with vivid imagery that paints a clear picture of the artist’s journey.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly potent, with a strong hook that’s likely to resonate with listeners and encourage sing-alongs. The repetition of “I need a change, I need a break” in the pre-chorus is a strategic move that enhances the song’s memorability.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong overall, it could benefit from a slightly more dynamic arrangement to keep the listener engaged throughout. The verses are powerful, but varying the instrumentation or introducing additional elements could elevate the listening experience.

### Chinese Review

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: frowns x teemuth 的 “Take Control” 是一首融合了嘻哈和实验音乐的引人入胜的作品,具有强烈的 boom bap 和 ska 影响。歌曲的节奏基础吸引人,为叙述的展开提供了坚实的基础。节奏既上口又复杂,反映了该类型的深度和艺术家的创造力。

歌词评价: 歌词原始而内省,有效地捕捉了摆脱生活束缚的斗争。押韵模式一致,歌词的韵律与音乐相得益彰。叙事引人共鸣,生动的意象清晰地描绘了艺术家的旅程。

抓耳评价: 副歌特别有力,具有强烈的钩子,很可能与听众产生共鸣,并鼓励跟唱。在前副歌中重复 “I need a change, I need a break” 是一个战略性的举动,增强了歌曲的易记性。

值得改进的部分: 尽管整首歌曲整体上很强大,但它可以通过稍微更具动态性的编排来让听众在整个过程中保持参与度。诗句很有力量,但变化乐器或引入额外元素可以使听觉体验更加提升。

No.8  IX – Thangbrand the Priest

Creator: @MrWholesome


Number of likes:54


Tags:Viking Metal,Epic Metal,Progressive Metal,Dynamic,Melodic,Energetic,Boisterous,Dramatic,Dark,Epic,Defiant



### 音乐点评文章

#### 英文版
Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “IX – Thangbrand the Priest” is a robust blend of Viking, Epic, and Progressive Metal that captures the essence of the genre with its dynamic, melodic, and energetic composition. The song’s boisterous and dramatic nature is well-represented through its dark and defiant undertones, creating an immersive listening experience that is both epic and engaging.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are a narrative treasure, rhyming consistently and telling a vivid story of Thangbrand, Olaf’s Priest. They are朗朗上口, with a rhythm that complements the music’s pace, making them easy to follow and remember.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong “catchiness” factor, especially in the choruses and instrumental interludes, which are likely to draw listeners in and encourage them to sing along. The boisterous nature of the lyrics in the verses adds to this effect.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is well-crafted, it could benefit from a more varied structure to prevent it from becoming monotonous over time. The repetition of themes, while fitting for the genre, might require additional layers of complexity to keep the audience engaged throughout the entire track.

#### 中文版
评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “IX – Thangbrand the Priest” 是一首结合了维京金属、史诗金属和前卫金属的强劲作品,以其动态、旋律性和充满活力的构成捕捉了这一类型的精髓。歌曲的喧闹和戏剧性质通过其黑暗和反抗的基调得到了很好的体现,创造了一种既史诗又引人入胜的聆听体验。

歌词评价: 歌词是叙事的宝藏,押韵一致,讲述了Thangbrand,Olaf的牧师的生动故事。它们朗朗上口,节奏与音乐的步伐相得益彰,使它们易于跟随和记忆。

抓耳评价: 这首歌具有很强的”抓耳”因素,特别是在副歌和器乐间奏部分,很可能会吸引听众并鼓励他们跟唱。歌词中的喧闹性质增加了这种效果。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌制作精良,但它可以从更多样化的结构中受益,以防止随着时间的推移变得单调。主题的重复,虽然适合这种类型,可能需要增加额外的复杂性层次,以在整个曲目中保持观众的参与度。

No.9  Forever Clearly NDAI (@DurtMudda vs @Teemuth)

Creator: @Durt Mudda | NDAI


Number of likes:28


Tags:Sultry Witch House Soundscape, Minimalistic yet Complex, Exotic Female Vocals, Tribal Riddims, Ghetto Club Bent 808 Bass



English Review:

Rating: 7.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Forever Clearly NDAI” presents a unique blend of Witch House and Ghetto Club, with a minimalist yet complex arrangement that sets it apart. The sultry, exotic female vocals add a layer of allure, while the tribal riddims and the bent 808 bass provide a rhythmic backbone that’s both hypnotic and danceable. The genre fusion is commendable, though it might not be for everyone’s taste.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are playful and self-aware, with a narrative that embraces the artificial intelligence theme. They’re catchy and well-constructed, with a good use of rhyme and rhythm that complements the music’s vibe. The repeated “N.D.A.I” motif is clever and ties the song together.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong hook with the “N.D.A.I” chorus, which is likely to stick in listeners’ minds. The outro’s repetition of “YEEE-hawww” adds a memorable, chant-like quality that could be quite infectious in a live setting.

Areas for Improvement: While the song’s experimental nature is a strength, it might alienate listeners looking for a more traditional pop sound. The lyrics, though clever, could benefit from deeper emotional resonance to connect more profoundly with the audience.

Chinese Review:

评分: 7.5/10

曲风评价: “Forever Clearly NDAI” 展现了女巫屋(Witch House)和贫民窟俱乐部(Ghetto Club)的独特融合,极简却复杂的编排使其脱颖而出。性感的异域女声增添了魅力,部落节奏和弯曲的808低音提供了既催眠又适合跳舞的节奏基础。这种跨类型的融合值得称赞,尽管可能不是每个人的口味。

歌词评价: 歌词俏皮且自知,以人工智能主题的叙事,构建得既朗朗上口又富有节奏感,与音乐的氛围相得益彰。重复的 “N.D.A.I” 主题巧妙地将整首歌串联起来。

抓耳评价: 歌曲的 “N.D.A.I” 副歌部分具有很强的吸引力,很可能会在听众脑海中留下深刻印象。尾声部分 “YEEE-hawww” 的重复,增添了一种难忘的、类似吟唱的特质,在现场表演中可能极具感染力。

值得改进的部分: 尽管歌曲的实验性质是其优势,但对于那些寻找更传统流行音乐声音的听众来说,可能会感到排斥。歌词虽然聪明,但若能增加更深层次的情感共鸣,将更能与听众产生深刻的联系。

No.10  ๓iŞtrēŞŞ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ αɓყรร: ∂αяк мιѕѕιση

Creator: @Durt Mudda | NDAI


Number of likes:22


Tags:dark subliminal minimal Techno Soundscapes, evil psychedelic Cthulhu inspiration, Minimalistic Atonal Instruments, Growl



### 英文点评文章

Rating: 7/10

Genre Evaluation: The track “๓iŞtrēŞŞ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵇ αɓყรร: ∂αяк мιѕşιһ” is a compelling dive into the depths of dark subliminal minimal Techno. The evil psychedelic Cthulhu inspiration is palpable, creating an eerie atmosphere that is both intriguing and immersive. The minimalist atonal instruments and growl effects add a layer of complexity that is fitting for the genre.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics, though minimal, are impactful. The repetition of “MISTRESS of the ABYSS” and “I’m on a dark mission…” is haunting and serves to reinforce the dark, mysterious theme of the song. The lack of complex rhyme schemes allows the listener to focus on the chilling narrative.

Catchiness Evaluation: While the track may not be immediately catchy in a traditional pop sense, it has a hypnotic quality that can draw listeners into its depths. The growl and minimalistic beats have a way of growing on the listener over time, making it a song that sticks with you.

Areas for Improvement: The song could benefit from a more varied structure to prevent it from becoming monotonous. Additionally, while the dark theme is well-executed, incorporating more dynamic elements could enhance the listening experience and provide a broader emotional range.

### 中文点评文章

评分: 7/10

曲风评价: 这首名为“๓iŞtrēŞŞ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵇ αɓყรร: ∂αяк мιѕşιһ”的曲目是一次引人入胜的黑暗潜意识极简Techno之旅。邪恶的克苏鲁式迷幻灵感贯穿始终,营造出一种既神秘又沉浸的氛围。极简的非调性乐器和低吼效果为这首曲子增添了复杂性,非常适合其所属的类型。

歌词评价: 歌词虽然简洁,但影响力巨大。“深渊之主”和“我在执行一个黑暗的任务…”的重复使用令人毛骨悚然,强化了歌曲的黑暗、神秘主题。缺乏复杂的押韵结构让听众能够更专注于这令人不寒而栗的叙事。

抓耳评价: 虽然这首曲目可能不会立即以传统流行音乐的方式抓住听众,但它具有一种催眠般的品质,可以吸引听众深入其深处。低吼和极简节奏随着时间的推移能够逐渐吸引听众,使它成为一首令人难以忘怀的歌曲。

值得改进的部分: 这首歌可以从更多样化的结构中受益,以防止它变得单调。此外,虽然黑暗主题执行得很好,但加入更多动态元素可以增强听觉体验,并提供更广泛的情感范围。



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