What is the most popular list of AI music? Let’s take a look at suno’s top ten today!

Welcome to the Suno-list blog! Here, we present the top 10 Suno music list for August 12, 2024. These AI-created music pieces have gained significant attention on our platform. Let’s dive into this week’s most popular AI music tracks!

No.1  Voyage

Creator: @TongMick….. 🙈.🙉.🙊


Number of likes:160


Tags:Dance-pop, Disco, Energetic, Uplifting, classical influences, E-Minor, Layered female, vocals with reverb,catchy,melodic



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Voyage” is a delightful blend of dance-pop and disco, infused with classical influences that add a layer of sophistication to the energetic and uplifting track. The E-Minor key and layered female vocals with reverb create a rich, melodic tapestry that’s both catchy and engaging. The rhythm is infectious, making it a dance floor favorite.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are well-crafted, with a strong narrative that complements the song’s theme of a journey through the night. They are rhyming and flow smoothly, enhancing the overall catchiness of the song. The use of imagery like “moonlit skies” and “stars” adds depth and paints a vivid picture.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly “ear-grabbing,” with its repetition of “It’s the pulse of the night” and the call to let the music guide the flight, which is likely to have listeners singing along and moving to the beat.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong overall, the instrumental break could be more dynamic to maintain the energy level. Additionally, while the lyrics are evocative, they could explore a broader range of emotions to add complexity to the narrative.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “Voyage”是一首充满活力的舞曲流行乐和迪斯科风格的混合体,融合了古典音乐的影响,为这首充满活力和振奋人心的歌曲增添了一层精致感。E小调的基调和带有混响的分层女声创造了一个丰富、旋律性的音乐织锦,既吸引人又引人入胜。节奏具有传染性,使其成为舞池的宠儿。

歌词评价: 歌词精心制作,与歌曲的主题——穿越夜晚的旅程——相得益彰。它们押韵且流畅,增强了歌曲的整体吸引力。使用“月光下的天空”和“星星”等意象增加了深度并绘制了生动的画面。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分特别“抓耳”,其重复的“It’s the pulse of the night”和让音乐引导飞行的呼唤,很可能会让观众跟着唱和随着节奏移动。

值得改进的部分: 尽管整首歌曲整体上很强,但器乐间奏部分可以更具动态性以保持能量水平。此外,虽然歌词富有想象力,但它们可以探索更广泛的情感范围,以增加叙事的复杂性。

No.2  夢中散歩

Creator: @Zero Nanashi🌸[Patreon / YouTube]


Number of likes:157


Tags:sweet female vocals, [EDMpop-traditional-dark-jpop-taiko drum-DAW-pad synth-shamisen-rap-electro swing-demon pop]



### 音乐点评文章

#### 评分:8/10

#### 曲风评价:

#### 歌词评价:

#### 抓耳评价:

#### 值得改进的部分:

### Music Review Article

#### Score: 8/10

#### Genre Evaluation:
“Dream Stroll” features sweet female vocals with a unique blend of EDM, traditional dark J-pop, taiko drums, DAW pad synth, shamisen, rap, and electro swing elements, creating a fresh and layered musical experience. The rhythm and groove of the song are very captivating, especially with the addition of taiko and shamisen, adding a touch of traditional Japanese color to this modern pop music.

#### Lyric Evaluation:
The lyrics, written in Japanese, express profound insights into life and the pursuit of art. The rhyming and rhythm are well-handled, making the song catchy and memorable. The exploration of life, art, and emotions in the lyrics adds depth and thought-provoking space to the song.

#### Ear-catching Evaluation:
The beginning and chorus parts of this song are very attractive and can quickly grab the audience’s attention. Especially the melody and rhythm of the chorus have a strong appeal and memory point, making people want to sing along.

#### Areas for Improvement:
Although the overall performance is excellent, some transitions in the song are a bit stiff and may require smoother arrangement to enhance the overall harmony. In addition, although the song has rich elements, it may feel a bit chaotic in some places, requiring a better balance of various musical elements to highlight its core theme.

Please note that the review is based on the provided song description and lyrics, and the actual listening experience may vary.

No.3  Dreaming of a Genie

Creator: @@namestaken 🥂// JoshuaSodil +wife


Number of likes:144


Tags:Male magician, electro pop, bass, magic, male vocals, clear vocals



### English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Dreaming of a Genie” is a captivating electro-pop track with a strong bassline that gives it a modern, pulsating feel. The male vocals are clear and complement the magic-themed lyrics, enhancing the song’s allure. The rhythm and the use of sound effects like “Abracadabra!” and “Alakazam!” add a layer of playfulness and thematic consistency, making it a delightful listen for fans of the genre.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are imaginative, weaving a narrative of a magician yearning for a genie. They are well-structured, with a good use of rhyme and metaphor that keeps the listener engaged. The wordplay around magic terms and the magician’s longing adds depth to the storytelling.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly catchy, with its repetition of “ooh” creating an earworm effect that’s likely to stick with listeners. The song’s structure also ensures that the hook is well-placed for maximum impact.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is engaging, it could benefit from a more dynamic bridge to provide a contrasting section and keep the listener’s interest. Additionally, the outro, while thematically fitting, could be shortened to maintain the song’s momentum.

### Chinese Review:

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “Dreaming of a Genie” 是一首引人入胜的电子流行音乐,强烈的低音线赋予了它现代、跳动的感觉。男声清晰,与以魔法为主题的歌词相得益彰,增强了歌曲的魅力。节奏和使用“Abracadabra!”和“Alakazam!”等音效增加了趣味性和主题一致性,使其成为该类型粉丝的愉快聆听体验。

歌词评价: 歌词富有想象力,编织了一个魔术师渴望精灵的故事。它们结构良好,巧妙地运用了押韵和隐喻,使听众保持参与。围绕魔术术语和魔术师的渴望的双关语增加了叙事的深度。

抓耳评价: 副歌特别上口,重复的“ooh”创造了一种耳虫效果,很可能会让听众难以忘怀。歌曲的结构也确保了钩子被放置在最大影响的位置。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌很吸引人,但它可以从更具动态性的桥段中受益,以提供一个对比部分并保持听众的兴趣。此外,虽然尾声在主题上很合适,但可以缩短以保持歌曲的势头。

No.4  On the ground

Creator: @Procrastopia


Number of likes:122


Tags:punk, pop punk, female singer, 2000s, catchy, uplifting, rock



### English Review

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “On the Ground” delivers a punchy punk-pop vibe with a strong female lead that is characteristic of the 2000s. The song’s rhythm and energy are infectious, embodying the genre’s rebellious spirit while maintaining a catchy, uplifting tone that’s quintessential to pop punk. The instrumentation is robust, supporting the powerful vocals and driving the song forward.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are relatable, with a raw honesty that resonates well with the song’s themes of struggle and self-reflection. The rhyme scheme is consistent, and the verses flow smoothly into the chorus, which is particularly catchy and likely to stick in listeners’ minds.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is undeniably catchy, with a melody that’s easy to sing along to. It has the potential to be a crowd favorite at live performances, and the introspective nature of the lyrics adds depth to the overall appeal.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong overall, it could benefit from a bit more variety in the vocal delivery to keep the listener engaged throughout. Additionally, the bridge, while introspective, could be developed further to provide a more distinct transition into the final chorus.

### Chinese Review

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “On the Ground” 以强劲的朋克流行风格,展现了2000年代特有的女性主唱魅力。歌曲的节奏和能量极具感染力,体现了朋克的反叛精神,同时保持了流行朋克特有的朗朗上口和振奋人心的基调。乐器编排坚实有力,支撑着强有力的人声,推动着整首歌曲向前发展。

歌词评价: 歌词贴近人心,以原始的诚实感与歌曲中挣扎和自我反思的主题产生共鸣。押韵模式一致,诗句流畅地过渡到副歌,副歌特别容易上口,很可能会在听众心中留下深刻印象。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分无疑非常抓耳,旋律易于跟唱。它有潜力成为现场演出中观众的最爱,歌词的内省性质为整体吸引力增添了深度。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲整体上非常强大,但如果在人声演绎上增加一些变化,可以更好地吸引听众的注意力。此外,桥段虽然内省,但可以进一步发展,以提供更明显的过渡到最终副歌。

No.5  Crocodile Tears

Creator: @Teemuth


Number of likes:42


Tags:Surf Rock Punk Rock Skate Punk Trap Phonk Soul Punk Garage Rock Psychobilly Grunge Distorted Guitars Fast Drums Bassline



English Review:

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Crocodile Tears” is a vibrant fusion of multiple genres, including Surf Rock, Punk Rock, and Grunge, among others. The song’s eclectic mix of distorted guitars, fast drums, and a driving bassline create an energetic and engaging rhythm that’s characteristic of the described styles. The track’s tempo and instrumental layering are particularly effective in capturing the essence of a high-energy rock performance.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are emotive and tell a clear story of love, betrayal, and the struggle to break free from a toxic relationship. The rhyme scheme is consistent and contributes to the song’s catchiness. Phrases like “You’re my poison, but I need some more” are particularly impactful, highlighting the singer’s conflicted emotions.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is highly memorable, with the repetition of “Those crocodile tears” serving as an earworm that’s likely to stick with listeners. The pre-chorus also has a strong hook, which, combined with the chorus, makes for a song that’s both catchy and emotionally resonant.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong overall, it could benefit from a more varied structure to keep the listener engaged throughout. The repetition of certain phrases, while effective for catchiness, might become monotonous over time.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8/10

曲风评价: “Crocodile Tears” 是多种曲风的活力融合,包括冲浪摇滚、朋克摇滚和垃圾摇滚等。歌曲中失真的吉他、快速的鼓点和驱动的贝斯线创造了一种充满活力且引人入胜的节奏,这正是所描述风格的精髓。曲目的速度和器乐层次在捕捉高能量摇滚表演的本质方面尤为有效。

歌词评价: 歌词充满情感,清晰地讲述了一个关于爱情、背叛和摆脱有毒关系挣扎的故事。押韵的韵律是一致的,有助于歌曲的朗朗上口。像“你是我的毒药,但我还需要更多”这样的短语特别有影响力,突出了歌手矛盾的情感。

抓耳评价: 副歌非常易于记忆,重复的“Those crocodile tears”作为耳虫,很可能会让听众难以忘怀。前副歌也有很强的钩子,与副歌结合,使这首歌既抓耳又情感共鸣。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌整体上很强,但它可以通过更多样化的结构来保持听众的参与度。某些短语的重复,虽然对抓耳有效,但随着时间的推移可能会变得单调。

No.6  Paralyzed

Creator: @Delta Studio


Number of likes:70


Tags:Alternative metal, Melodic metalcore, Melodic, Alternative, Clean production, Catchy,



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Paralyzed” is a powerful piece of alternative metal with melodic metalcore elements. The clean production enhances the melodic aspects, making the song both heavy and accessible. The rhythm and dynamics are well-crafted, providing a sense of urgency that aligns with the genre’s intensity.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are poignant and introspective, with a strong narrative that speaks to feelings of entrapment and struggle. The use of metaphor and imagery is effective, and the rhyme scheme is consistent, contributing to the song’s catchiness and memorability.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly catchy, with a melody that’s likely to stick in the listener’s mind. The pre-chorus builds anticipation effectively, and the bridge adds a layer of complexity that keeps the listener engaged.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong overall, the outro feels slightly repetitive and could be shortened to maintain the song’s momentum. Additionally, the extended chorus, while adding depth, might be better served with a variation to keep the listener’s interest.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “Paralyzed” 是一首充满力量的另类金属作品,融入了旋律金属核的元素。干净的制作增强了旋律感,使歌曲既沉重又易于接受。节奏和动态处理得当,营造出与该类型强度相符的紧迫感。

歌词评价: 歌词深刻而内省,讲述了一种被困和挣扎的情感。使用隐喻和意象手法效果显著,押韵的韵律一致,增加了歌曲的吸引力和易记性。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分特别容易上口,旋律很可能留在听众的脑海中。前副歌部分有效地构建了期待感,而桥段增加了复杂性,使听众保持兴趣。

值得改进的部分: 尽管整体上歌曲很强大,但尾奏部分感觉略显重复,可以缩短以保持歌曲的势头。此外,扩展的副歌部分虽然增加了深度,但如果有所变化,可能会更好地保持听众的兴趣。

No.7  The Dark Pact – Rise of the Scorpion (Tribute to Stei Camel Trilogy Pt.1)

Creator: @Alikan


Number of likes:67


Tags:Desert, Nubidian, Acoustic Guitar, Metal, Dark, Egyption-Folk, Bedouin, shamanic, runic, ancient, tribal, mystic, epic



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “The Dark Pact – Rise of the Scorpion” is a rich tapestry of sounds that weaves together elements of Desert, Nubidian, Acoustic Guitar, Metal, and Egyptian-Folk. The song’s acoustic foundation and metal undertones create a unique fusion that is both dark and captivating. The rhythm and tempo are well-matched to the epic narrative, providing a strong sense of journey and adventure.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are well-crafted, with a strong narrative that unfolds with each verse. The rhyme scheme is consistent and adds to the song’s overall flow. The storytelling is engaging, and the language used is evocative, painting vivid images of the ancient desert setting and the protagonist’s internal struggle.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong opening that sets the tone for the rest of the piece. The chorus is memorable and has the potential to be quite catchy, with its repetition likely to stick in the listener’s mind. The use of the protagonist’s name, “Karrid,” in the lyrics adds a personal touch that helps to draw in the audience.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is largely successful in its execution, there is room for improvement in the transition between the different musical elements. At times, the fusion of genres can feel a bit disjointed, which might detract from the overall listening experience. Additionally, the song could benefit from a more dynamic range in the vocal performance to match the intensity of the lyrics.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “The Dark Pact – Rise of the Scorpion” 是一首将沙漠、努比亚、原声吉他、金属和埃及民间音乐元素巧妙融合的音乐作品。歌曲以原声吉他为基础,辅以金属音乐的基调,创造出一种既黑暗又迷人的独特风格。节奏和速度与史诗般的叙事完美匹配,给人一种强烈的旅程和冒险感。

歌词评价: 歌词制作精良,每节都有强烈的叙事性。押韵的模式一致,增加了歌曲的整体流畅性。叙事引人入胜,使用的语言富有表现力,生动地描绘了古老的沙漠背景和主人公的内心斗争。

抓耳评价: 歌曲开头强烈,为整首作品定下了基调。副歌部分易于记忆,具有很高的上瘾性,重复的部分很可能会在听众心中留下深刻印象。歌词中使用主人公的名字“Karrid”增加了个人触感,有助于吸引观众。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌在执行上大体成功,但在不同音乐元素之间的过渡上还有改进的空间。有时,不同风格的融合可能会感觉有些脱节,这可能会影响整体的听觉体验。此外,歌曲还可以通过更具动态范围的声乐表演来匹配歌词的强度,从而受益。

No.8  Putting You on Main (Remix)

Creator: @Foggy


Number of likes:57


Tags:trap pop, female vocal, excited, beat



English Review:

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Putting You on Main (Remix)” is a vibrant example of trap pop, blending the infectious energy of trap beats with the catchy hooks of pop music. The female vocal performance is lively and engaging, with a rhythmic flow that complements the beat. The song’s structure is well-balanced, offering a good mix of spoken word and sung verses that keep the listener engaged.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are simple yet effective, with a strong emphasis on the theme of infatuation. The repetition of “it’s true” and the phrase “I’m putting you on main” serve to reinforce the message and create a memorable hook. The rhyming scheme is consistent, contributing to the song’s catchiness.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong “earworm” quality, particularly in the chorus where the repetition of “I’m putting you on main” is likely to stick in the listener’s mind. The beat is also quite catchy, with a rhythm that encourages movement.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is enjoyable, it could benefit from a bit more variety in the melody to prevent it from becoming monotonous. Additionally, the spoken word sections, while adding character, could be integrated more seamlessly into the overall flow of the song.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8/10

曲风评价: “Putting You on Main (Remix)” 是一首充满活力的trap pop音乐,将trap音乐的感染力与流行音乐的上口旋律完美结合。女声演唱充满活力,节奏感强,与节奏完美融合。歌曲结构平衡良好,交替使用口语和歌唱的段落,保持听众的注意力。

歌词评价: 歌词简单却有效,强烈强调了迷恋的主题。“it’s true”和“I’m putting you on main”的重复使用强化了信息,创造了一个难忘的hook。押韵方案一致,增加了歌曲的上口度。

抓耳评价: 这首歌具有很强的“耳虫”特质,特别是在副歌部分,“I’m putting you on main”的重复很可能会在听众的脑海中留下深刻印象。节奏也非常吸引人,鼓励身体随之摆动。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌很悦耳,但如果旋律能有更多的变化,就可以避免变得单调。此外,虽然口语部分增加了特色,但它们可以更自然地融入到整首歌的流程中。

No.9  Something

Creator: @Foggy


Number of likes:375


Tags:melancholic melodic trap, hypnotic beat, anguished female vocals



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Something” is a melancholic melodic trap piece that effectively captures the essence of heartbreak and longing. The hypnotic beat and anguished female vocals work in harmony to create an immersive listening experience. The song’s rhythm and melody are well-crafted, with a haunting quality that lingers long after the track ends.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are poignant and resonate with a sense of loss and betrayal. The repetition of “now I have nothing” and “you said you loved me” adds a layer of emotional depth, making the song relatable and memorable. The rhyme scheme is consistent, contributing to the song’s catchiness and appeal.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus, with its repeated “ahhhh” and the line “I would give anything and everything just to know you care,” is particularly catchy and could easily become an earworm for listeners. The emotional intensity of the vocals adds to the song’s “grab ear” quality.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong in many aspects, it could benefit from a more dynamic arrangement to keep the listener engaged throughout. The melancholic tone is consistent, but varying the intensity could provide a fuller emotional journey.

Chinese Review:






No.10  Velvet Tears

Creator: @BBM


Number of likes:25


Tags:NDAI // shoegaze,alternative,downtempo,orchestra,orchestral,cinematic,atmospheric,ambient,dream pop, reverb, slowcore



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Velvet Tears” is a mesmerizing blend of shoegaze and dream pop, with a slowcore tempo that allows the atmospheric and cinematic elements to unfold gracefully. The orchestral arrangements add depth and richness to the track, creating a lush soundscape that is both haunting and captivating.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are simple yet poignant, with a strong emphasis on imagery and repetition. The rhyming scheme is consistent and contributes to the song’s hypnotic quality. The choice of words is evocative and adds to the dreamlike state the music induces.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong opening that draws the listener in with its ethereal quality. The clarinet solo in the bridge adds a unique touch that makes the song stand out, enhancing its catchiness.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is beautifully composed, it could benefit from a more dynamic structure to keep the listener engaged throughout its duration. The slow pace, while fitting for the genre, might feel monotonous to some listeners.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价:《Velvet Tears》是一首令人着迷的shoegaze和dream pop的混合体,慢速的慢核节奏让氛围和电影感元素优雅地展开。管弦乐编排为曲目增添了深度和丰富性,创造出一个既诡异又迷人的丰富音景。




Both reviews highlight the strengths and areas for improvement of “Velvet Tears,” providing a balanced and insightful critique of the track.



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