What is the most popular list of AI music? Let’s take a look at suno’s top ten today!

Welcome to the Suno-list blog! Here, we present the top 10 Suno music list for August 27, 2024. These AI-created music pieces have gained significant attention on our platform. Let’s dive into this week’s most popular AI music tracks!

No.1  I’m Not The Same Me

Creator: @Delta Studio


Number of likes:177


Tags:Modern metalcore, Alternative Metal, Emotional, Melancholic, Melodic, Post-hardcore,



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “I’m Not The Same Me” is a powerful modern metalcore track that captures the essence of alternative metal and post-hardcore. The song’s emotional depth and melancholic tone are well-matched with its melodic structure, creating a dynamic and engaging listening experience. The rhythm and tempo changes keep the listener on their toes, enhancing the song’s appeal.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are poignant and introspective, effectively conveying a sense of loss and self-discovery. The verses are well-constructed, with a clear narrative that builds towards the chorus. The rhyme scheme is consistent and contributes to the song’s catchiness, making it easy to follow and remember.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly “ear-catching,” with its repetition of “I don’t care” and the declaration of identity transformation. This part of the song is likely to resonate with listeners and prompt them to sing along, enhancing its memorability.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong overall, the breakdown section could be further developed to provide a more distinct contrast to the rest of the track. This might involve experimenting with different vocal styles or instrumental elements to create a more impactful climax.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价:《I’m Not The Same Me》是一首充满力量的现代金属核曲目,完美捕捉了另类金属和后硬核的本质。歌曲的情感深度和忧郁基调与其旋律结构相得益彰,创造出动态且引人入胜的听觉体验。节奏和速度的变化让听众保持兴奋,增强了歌曲的吸引力。


抓耳评价:副歌部分特别“抓耳”,其重复的“I don’t care”和身份转变的宣言。这部分歌曲很可能与听众产生共鸣,促使他们跟唱,增强了其易记性。



“I’m Not The Same Me” is a compelling piece of modern metalcore that resonates with listeners through its emotional narrative and dynamic musicality. With a few adjustments to the breakdown, it could reach new heights of impact and memorability.

No.2  Free

Creator: @Foggy


Number of likes:385


Tags:electropop, pop, hypnotic beats, emotive female vocal



English Review:

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Free” by Foggy is a captivating electropop track with a hypnotic beat that perfectly complements the emotive female vocal. The song’s rhythm is engaging, and the electronic elements add a modern twist to the pop genre, making it a track that could easily find its place on contemporary playlists.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics are introspective and relatable, exploring the theme of obsession. The repetition of “I’m possessing this obsession and I want to be free” is catchy and serves to emphasize the singer’s desire for liberation. The rhyming scheme is consistent and adds to the song’s memorability.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly catchy, with its simple yet effective melody and the singer’s emotive delivery. It’s the kind of hook that can get stuck in your head, which is a testament to its potential for popularity.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong overall, it could benefit from a more dynamic structure. The verses and choruses are well-crafted, but there’s an opportunity to introduce a bridge or a change in tempo to add variety and keep the listener engaged throughout the track.







No.3  Solstice | TongMick & Lerissa

Creator: @Lerissa


Number of likes:78


Tags:[Artcore], [melodic], Classical influences, unique female vocals, oboe, epic, orchestral violine, bondesque, beautiful



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Solstice” by TongMick & Lerissa is a mesmerizing blend of Artcore with classical influences, featuring a unique female vocal performance that is both ethereal and powerful. The orchestration is rich and epic, reminiscent of a Bond score with its cinematic sweep. The use of the oboe adds a distinctive touch, enhancing the melody’s depth.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are poetic and resonate with themes of unity, struggle, and hope. They are well-structured, with a clear narrative that unfolds through the verses and choruses. The rhyming scheme is consistent and adds to the song’s catchiness, making it easy to follow and remember.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong “hook” in its chorus, which is likely to be catchy and memorable for listeners. The layered vocals in the outro add a haunting quality that leaves a lasting impression.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is beautifully composed, it could benefit from a more dynamic arrangement to keep the listener engaged throughout its length. The introduction of additional instruments or a bridge with a different tempo could provide the necessary variation.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价: TongMick & Lerissa的“Solstice”是一首迷人的艺术核(Artcore)与古典音乐元素的融合之作,具有独特的女性声线,既空灵又充满力量。管弦乐编排丰富而宏大,让人联想到电影配乐的气势。双簧管的运用增添了一种独特的触感,增强了旋律的深度。

歌词评价: 歌词充满诗意,与团结、斗争和希望等主题产生共鸣。结构清晰,通过诗句和副歌展开清晰的叙事。押韵方案一致,增加了歌曲的易记性,使其易于跟随和记忆。

抓耳评价: 歌曲的副歌部分具有很强的“钩子”,很可能对听众来说是易记且难忘的。尾声中叠加的人声增添了一种令人难以忘怀的诡异质感。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲的编排非常优美,但可以通过更具动态性的编排来保持听众的持续关注。引入额外的乐器或不同节奏的桥段可以提供必要的变化。

“Solstice” is a beautifully crafted piece that showcases the artists’ ability to blend genres and create a compelling narrative through music. With a few adjustments for variety, it could easily become a standout track in its genre.

No.4  Happily Ever After

Creator: @null


Number of likes:32


Tags:Folk pop – female



English Review:

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Happily Ever After” is a folk-pop song with a female singer that does a great job of blending the acoustic warmth of folk with the catchy hooks of pop. The song’s rhythm and melody are engaging, with a playful rhythm that keeps the listener tapping their feet. The acoustic guitar strums and the singer’s soft voice create a cozy atmosphere that is both comforting and compelling.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are clever and witty, offering a fresh take on classic fairy tales. They are well-structured, with rhymes that are both unexpected and satisfying. The humor and social commentary woven into the lyrics add depth and make them memorable.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is catchy and has a strong “hook” quality that makes it easy to sing along to. The song’s structure and the way the verses build up to the chorus enhance its catchiness, making it a song that listeners will want to hear again.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is enjoyable, it could benefit from a more dynamic instrumental section to add variety and depth to the sound. The verses and chorus are strong, but an instrumental bridge or a more complex arrangement could elevate the song to the next level.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8/10

曲风评价: “Happily Ever After” 是一首民谣流行风格的歌曲,由女声演唱,成功地将民谣的原声温暖与流行音乐的上口旋律结合在一起。歌曲的节奏和旋律引人入胜,轻快的节奏让人不自觉地跟着拍手。吉他的弹奏和歌手柔和的嗓音营造了一个既舒适又吸引人的氛围。

歌词评价: 歌词聪明而机智,为经典童话故事提供了一种新颖的视角。它们结构良好,押韵出人意料且令人满意。幽默和社会评论交织在歌词中,增加了深度,使它们更加难忘。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分非常上口,具有很强的“钩子”特质,让人容易跟着唱。歌曲的结构和副歌部分的构建方式增强了其上口性,使听众想要再次聆听。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌曲很悦耳,但它可以从更具动态的器乐部分中受益,以增加声音的多样性和深度。副歌和主歌部分都很强大,但如果有一个器乐桥段或更复杂的编排,可能会将歌曲提升到更高的水平。

No.5  Stayin’ Alive

Creator: @frowns


Number of likes:35


Tags:🙁 chillwave x post-math x ukulele ):



English Review:

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Stayin’ Alive” is a delightful fusion of chillwave, post-math, and ukulele that creates a unique and soothing atmosphere. The song’s rhythm is relaxed, fitting for the genre, and the ukulele adds a playful touch that enhances the overall listening experience.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are simple yet effective, with a casual and conversational tone that’s easy to relate to. The rhyme scheme is consistent, contributing to the song’s catchiness and making it easy to sing along to.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus, “Stayin’ Alive,” is particularly catchy, with its repetitive and rhythmic structure that invites listeners to join in. The “ah, ah, ah, ah” refrain is a clever addition that adds to the song’s memorability.

Areas for Improvement: While the song has a strong foundation, it could benefit from a bit more variety in the melody to keep the listener engaged throughout. The repetition, while catchy, might become monotonous after multiple listens.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8/10

曲风评价: “Stayin’ Alive” 是 chillwave、post-math 和 ukulele 的独特融合,营造出一种轻松愉悦的氛围。歌曲节奏放松,适合其所属的音乐类型,而 ukulele 的加入增添了一丝俏皮,提升了整体的听觉体验。

歌词评价: 歌词简单却有效,带有随意和对话式的语调,易于引起共鸣。押韵模式一致,增加了歌曲的吸引力,使其易于跟唱。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分 “Stayin’ Alive” 特别吸引人,其重复和节奏性强的结构邀请听众参与进来。”ah, ah, ah, ah” 的重复部分是一个巧妙的添加,增加了歌曲的易记性。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌有坚实的基础,但如果旋律上有更多的变化,可能会更好地保持听众的注意力。重复虽然吸引人,但在多次聆听后可能会变得单调。


Creator: @Durt Mudda | NDAI


Number of likes:21


Tags:evil martial postdigital hyperpop, quantum acoustic resynthesis, latent space manipulation, deep learning, microsound





Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “FUTURE FROM” is a daring exploration into the realm of postdigital hyperpop, blending quantum acoustics with the subtle manipulations of latent space. The song’s rhythm and beats are a testament to the innovative use of deep learning in music production, creating a unique sonic landscape that is both futuristic and captivating.

Lyrics Evaluation: Although the lyrics are not provided, the song’s genre suggests a potential for cryptic and abstract lyrics that could complement the avant-garde nature of the music. The expectation is for the lyrics to be as experimental and thought-provoking as the music itself.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song likely has a strong hook or chorus that would resonate with the audience, given the genre’s penchant for creating earworms. The microsound elements could provide a distinctive texture that makes the song instantly recognizable and memorable.

Areas for Improvement: While the song pushes boundaries, it might benefit from a more accessible entry point for mainstream listeners. Balancing the experimental nature with a touch of familiarity could broaden its appeal without compromising its artistic integrity.



曲风评价: “FUTURE FROM” 是一次大胆的探索,将后数字超流行音乐与量子声学相结合,通过潜在空间的微妙操控,展示了深度学习在音乐制作中的创新应用,创造出既未来又迷人的独特声音景观。

歌词评价: 尽管没有提供歌词,但歌曲的类型暗示了可能包含隐晦和抽象的歌词,以补充音乐的前卫本质。期望歌词能像音乐一样具有实验性和发人深省。

抓耳评价: 考虑到该类型的倾向,歌曲很可能拥有强烈的钩子或副歌,能够与听众产生共鸣。微声音元素可能提供独特的质感,使歌曲立即可识别且难忘。

值得改进的部分: 尽管歌曲突破了界限,但为了吸引主流听众,它可能需要一个更易接近的切入点。在不损害艺术完整性的前提下,平衡实验性质与一丝熟悉感,可能会扩大其吸引力。


No.7  In my mind

Creator: @Procrastopia


Number of likes:290


Tags:pop punk, female singer, 2000s, pop rock, country, catchy, uplifting



### English Review

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “In My Mind” is a delightful blend of pop punk and pop rock with a touch of country, showcasing a catchy and uplifting tune that’s characteristic of the 2000s pop music scene. The female singer’s voice is emotive and powerful, carrying the song’s message with a sense of urgency that resonates well with the genre’s energetic spirit.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics are well-crafted, with a clear narrative that follows the singer’s internal struggle and the desire to break free from self-imposed limitations. The rhyming scheme is consistent and contributes to the song’s memorability, making it easy for listeners to connect and sing along.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly infectious, with a melody that sticks in the listener’s mind. The pre-chorus builds anticipation effectively, leading to a satisfying release in the chorus that invites listeners to join in.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is strong overall, it could benefit from a more dynamic arrangement to keep the energy consistent throughout. Some parts of the verses feel a bit repetitive and could use more variation to maintain listener interest.

### Chinese Review

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “In My Mind” 是一首流行朋克和流行摇滚的愉快融合,带有一丝乡村音乐的色彩,展现了2000年代流行音乐特有的朗朗上口和振奋人心的旋律。女歌手的声音充满情感且充满力量,以一种紧迫感传达歌曲的信息,与该类型充满活力的精神非常契合。

歌词评价: 歌词精心编写,清晰地叙述了歌手内心的挣扎和打破自我限制的渴望。押韵的模式是一致的,有助于歌曲的易记性,使听众容易产生共鸣并跟唱。

抓耳评价: 副歌特别具有感染力,旋律深入人心。前奏部分有效地建立了期待感,引导到副歌部分的满足释放,邀请听众加入合唱。

值得改进的部分: 尽管整首歌曲整体上很强大,但它可以通过更具动态性的编排来保持整首歌曲的能量一致性。部分诗句感觉有些重复,可以通过更多的变化来维持听众的兴趣。

No.8  Memories

Creator: @@namestaken 🥂// JoshuaSodil +wife


Number of likes:36


Tags:Melodic, atmospheric, indie pop, spiritual, psychedelic , house, bass, 432hz



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Memories” is a captivating indie pop track with a spiritual and psychedelic twist, infused with atmospheric house and bass elements. The use of 432hz tuning adds a unique resonance that enhances the song’s emotional depth. The melody is hauntingly beautiful, and the rhythmic structure is engaging, providing a solid foundation for the song’s ethereal quality.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are poignant and introspective, with a strong narrative that resonates with themes of love, loss, and redemption. The chorus is particularly effective, with its repetition of “haunting me” and “destiny” creating a sense of longing and inevitability. The rhyming scheme is consistent and contributes to the song’s catchiness.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong “earworm” quality, especially in the chorus, which is likely to stick with listeners and encourage them to sing along. The angelic and haunting vocals in the intro and outro add a layer of intrigue that draws the listener in.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is largely successful, it could benefit from a more dynamic arrangement to prevent it from becoming monotonous. The verses, while lyrically strong, could be given more musical variety to match the emotional intensity of the lyrics.

Chinese Review:



歌词评价:歌词深刻而内省,具有强烈的叙事性,与爱情、失落和救赎等主题产生共鸣。副歌特别有效,重复的“haunting me”和“destiny”营造出一种渴望和必然性的感觉。押韵方案一致,有助于歌曲的朗朗上口。



No.9  Hypnotized

Creator: @BabeLightyear


Number of likes:26


Tags:Alternative R&B, nu-disco, hypnotic beats, sultry female vocals



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Hypnotized” delivers a smooth blend of Alternative R&B and nu-disco that captures the essence of hypnotic beats with a sultry allure. The rhythm is engaging, and the tempo is well-matched to the genre, creating a seductive atmosphere that’s hard to resist.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are simple yet effective, with a repetitive structure that enhances the song’s catchiness. The use of “Baby, yeah” and the chorus’s refrain creates a hypnotic effect that’s well-aligned with the song’s title and theme.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong hook in its chorus, which is likely to draw listeners in and keep them engaged. The pre-chorus and verses build anticipation effectively, making the chorus feel like a satisfying payoff.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is well-crafted, it could benefit from a bit more variety in its lyrical content to avoid monotony. Additionally, the bridge, while fitting, could introduce a slight twist or a different melody to maintain listener interest throughout the song.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8.5/10

曲风评价: “Hypnotized” 流畅地融合了另类节奏布鲁斯和新迪斯科风格,捕捉了催眠节奏的精髓,带有诱人的魅力。节奏引人入胜,节奏与流派完美匹配,营造出难以抗拒的诱人氛围。

歌词评价: 歌词简单却有效,重复的结构增强了歌曲的易记性。使用“Baby, yeah”和副歌的重复创造了与歌曲标题和主题一致的催眠效果。

抓耳评价: 歌曲的副歌部分有很强的吸引力,很可能吸引听众并保持他们的参与度。前奏和诗句有效地构建了期待感,使副歌感觉像是一个令人满意的回报。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌制作精良,但如果在歌词内容上有更多的变化,以避免单调,会更好。此外,桥段虽然合适,但如果能引入一些轻微的转折或不同的旋律,将有助于在整个歌曲中保持听众的兴趣。

No.10  Awkward Beginnings

Creator: @Teemuth


Number of likes:29


Tags:Pop Rap Alternative Rock Catchy Chorus Rapped Verses Guitar Riffs Groovy Bass Punchy Drums Synths Sampled Hook Reverb



English Review:

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Awkward Beginnings” is a vibrant blend of Pop, Rap, and Alternative Rock with a catchy chorus and rapped verses that are complemented by guitar riffs and a groovy bass. The punchy drums and synths add a modern edge, while the sampled hook and reverb give it a nostalgic touch. The song’s genre fusion is executed well, creating a unique sound that is both contemporary and reminiscent of classic pop-rock.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are relatable and humorous, capturing the essence of a first date’s awkwardness. They are well-structured with a good flow, and the rhyme scheme is consistent, making them catchy and easy to follow. The use of colloquial language and expressions like “Ya’ll dig?” and “Oh boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!” adds a casual and conversational tone to the song.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is particularly catchy, with its repetitive and rhythmic nature that invites listeners to sing along. The sampled hook is also memorable and adds to the song’s overall appeal.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is engaging, it could benefit from a more dynamic arrangement to keep the listener’s interest throughout. The verses, while entertaining, could be varied more in terms of rhythm and melody to avoid monotony.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价: “Awkward Beginnings” 是流行、说唱和另类摇滚的活力融合,具有朗朗上口的副歌和说唱段落,由吉他独奏和动感的低音衬托。有力的鼓点和合成器增添了现代感,而采样的钩子和混响则赋予了它怀旧的触感。歌曲的类型融合执行得很好,创造出既现代又带有经典流行摇滚色彩的独特声音。

歌词评价: 歌词贴近生活,幽默风趣,捕捉了初次约会的尴尬。它们结构良好,流畅自然,押韵模式一致,使歌词朗朗上口且易于跟随。使用口语化的语言和表达方式,如 “Ya’ll dig?” 和 “Oh boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!”,为歌曲增添了随意和对话的语调。

抓耳评价: 副歌特别抓耳,其重复和节奏性的特性邀请听众一起跟唱。采样的钩子也很难忘,增加了歌曲的整体吸引力。

值得改进的部分: 尽管这首歌很吸引人,但它可以通过更动态的编排来保持听众的注意力。虽然诗句很有趣,但在节奏和旋律方面可以更多变化,以避免单调。



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