What is the most popular list of AI music? Let’s take a look at suno’s top ten today!

Welcome to the Suno-list blog! Here, we present the top 10 Suno music list for September 15, 2024. These AI-created music pieces have gained significant attention on our platform. Let’s dive into this week’s most popular AI music tracks!

No.1  𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏

Creator: @Zero Nanashi🌸[Patreon / YouTube]


Number of likes:128


Tags:Catchy Instrumental intro, [electro swing- witch house], sweet female vocal, [witch house], [dark-pop-eerie core]



English Review:

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Station” is a track that masterfully blends electro swing and witch house elements, creating a dark-pop atmosphere that is both intriguing and engaging. The instrumental intro is catchy, setting the stage for the song’s eerie core. The sweet female vocal adds a layer of contrast that complements the genre’s typically darker tones.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are well-crafted, with a narrative that unfolds through vivid imagery and a rhythm that syncs well with the music’s flow. The verses are filled with poetic lines that paint a picture of a desolate, mysterious world, while the chorus and hook are repetitive and catchy, making them easy to remember and sing along to.

Catchy Evaluation: The song has a strong “earworm” quality, particularly in the chorus and hook sections. The repetition of “I saw ’em clashing, I can’t hear ya” is likely to stick in the listener’s mind, making it a memorable part of the track.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is cohesive and well-produced, it could benefit from a more dynamic range in the vocal performance to add emotional depth. Additionally, the instrumental solo, while skillfully executed, could be used to introduce a new element or variation to keep the listener engaged throughout.







No.2  Feeling’s Mutual

Creator: @AI Magician


Number of likes:51


Tags:Pop, Contemporary R&B, Alternative/Indie Rock, Dance-Pop, Teen Pop – female



Feeling’s Mutual

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Feeling’s Mutual” is a vibrant blend of Pop, Contemporary R&B, and a touch of Alternative/Indie Rock, with a sprinkle of Dance-Pop and Teen Pop. The song’s rhythm is catchy and the melody is infectious, making it a danceable tune that could easily find its way onto the charts. The fusion of styles is well-executed, creating a unique sound that stands out in the current music scene.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics are a powerful narrative of standing up to negativity and embracing mutual disdain. They are well-structured, with a clear message and a strong chorus that is both catchy and memorable. The use of repetition in the chorus is effective in driving the song’s theme home. The rhyme scheme is consistent and adds to the song’s overall appeal.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is undeniably catchy, with a rhythm that encourages listeners to sing along. The song’s “hook” is strong, and the repetition of “The feeling is mutual” is likely to stick in the listener’s mind long after the song has ended.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is generally well-crafted, it could benefit from a more dynamic bridge section to add variety and keep the listener engaged. The verses are strong, but the bridge could be used to introduce a new perspective or emotion to enhance the overall impact of the song.

评分: 8/10

曲风评价: “Feeling’s Mutual” 是一首充满活力的流行音乐、当代节奏布鲁斯和另类/独立摇滚的混合体,还带有一丝舞曲流行和青少年流行音乐的风格。歌曲的节奏抓耳,旋律感染力强,是一首容易让人随之起舞的曲子,能够轻松登上排行榜。风格的融合执行得很好,创造出了一种独特的声音,使其在当前的音乐场景中脱颖而出。

歌词评价: 歌词是一个有力的叙述,讲述了如何对抗消极情绪并接受相互的厌恶。歌词结构清晰,传达了明确的信息,副歌部分既抓耳又容易记住。副歌中的重复使用在强化歌曲主题方面非常有效。押韵模式一致,增加了歌曲的整体吸引力。

抓耳评价: 副歌部分无疑是非常抓耳的,节奏鼓励听众一起跟唱。歌曲的“钩子”很强烈,重复的“这种感觉是相互的”很可能会在歌曲结束后长时间留在听众的脑海中。

值得改进的部分: 虽然这首歌总体上制作得很好,但它可以从一个更具动态性的桥段部分中受益,以增加变化并保持听众的参与度。诗歌部分很强大,但桥段可以用来引入一个新的视角或情感,以增强歌曲的整体影响力。

No.3  Soundclash Witch(Brutus Remix)

Creator: @Brutus


Number of likes:100


Tags:witch house, duet, opera



Soundclash Witch (Brutus Remix) – Music Review

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: The track “Soundclash Witch (Brutus Remix)” is a captivating blend of witch house and opera elements, creating a unique and haunting atmosphere. The remix adds a modern twist to the original, with its pulsating beats and eerie synths that perfectly encapsulate the genre’s dark, mystical vibe. The rhythm is engaging, and the律动感 is strong, keeping the listener intrigued throughout the track.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics are repetitive but effective, with a simple yet powerful message that resonates with the song’s theme. The repetition of “I saw ’em clashing, I can’t hear ya” is catchy and adds to the song’s hypnotic quality. The verses are well-crafted, with a clear narrative that complements the music’s intensity.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong “earworm” quality, especially with the opening lines and the countdown sequence. The chorus is memorable and has the potential to stick in listeners’ minds, making it a track that’s easy to sing along to.

Areas for Improvement: While the track is well-produced and the fusion of genres is commendable, it could benefit from more dynamic changes in the arrangement to keep the listener engaged throughout. The repetitive nature of the lyrics, while fitting the genre, might become monotonous for some listeners over time.

评分: 8/10

曲风评价: “Soundclash Witch (Brutus Remix)” 是一首将巫婆屋(witch house)和歌剧元素巧妙融合的曲目,营造出一种独特而令人毛骨悚然的氛围。这个混音版为原作增添了现代感,其脉动的节拍和诡异的合成器音效完美地捕捉了这一类型的黑暗、神秘氛围。节奏引人入胜,律动感强烈,让听众在整个曲目中保持好奇。

歌词评价: 歌词虽然重复,但效果显著,简单而有力的信息与歌曲的主题相呼应。”I saw ’em clashing, I can’t hear ya” 的重复是朗朗上口的,增添了歌曲的催眠特质。诗节制作精良,与音乐的强度相得益彰。

抓耳评价: 这首歌具有很强的”耳虫”特质,尤其是开头的歌词和倒计时序列。副歌部分令人难忘,有潜力在听众脑海中久久回响,使其成为一首容易跟唱的曲目。

值得改进的部分: 虽然这首歌曲制作精良,且类型融合值得称赞,但它可以通过在编曲中加入更多动态变化来保持听众的持续兴趣。歌词的重复性虽然适合这种类型,但对一些听众来说,随着时间的推移可能会变得单调。

No.4  Raptor Siren

Creator: @Stei Camel 🐪


Number of likes:146


Tags:Velociraptor Thirst, Psychotic, [Gothic Baroque-pop-dark pop-swing-32 bit], eerie



English Review:

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: “Raptor Siren” is a unique blend of gothic baroque-pop with a dark pop and swing influence, creating an eerie and haunting atmosphere that is both captivating and unsettling. The song’s tempo and rhythm are well-matched to the theme, with a strong律动感 that keeps the listener engaged throughout.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics are repetitive and simple, but they serve the purpose of building tension and fear. The repetition of “Eins, zwei, drei, vier” and “I hear them screeching” is effective in creating a sense of urgency and panic. The use of German phrases like “Flosskampf” adds an unexpected twist and a touch of dark humor.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong “earworm” quality, especially with the repeated lines and the high-energy sections. The contrast between the calm verses and the chaotic chorus makes it memorable and likely to stick in the listener’s mind.

Areas for Improvement: While the song’s theme and style are well-executed, it could benefit from more variation in the melody to keep it from becoming monotonous. Additionally, the lyrics could be expanded upon to provide more depth and narrative, rather than relying solely on repetition.

Chinese Review:

评分: 8/10

曲风评价: “Raptor Siren” 是一首将哥特式巴洛克流行与黑暗流行和摇摆乐风格融合的独特歌曲,营造出一种既迷人又不安的氛围。歌曲的节奏和律动与主题非常匹配,能够在整个播放过程中吸引听众的注意力。

歌词评价: 歌词简单重复,但它们有效地构建了紧张和恐惧感。”Eins, zwei, drei, vier”和”I hear them screeching”的重复使用在营造紧迫感和恐慌感方面非常有效。使用德语短语如”Flosskampf”增加了一个意想不到的转折和一丝黑色幽默。

抓耳评价: 这首歌具有很强的”耳虫”特质,特别是重复的歌词和高能量的部分。平静的诗节与混乱的副歌之间的对比使其令人难忘,很可能会在听众的脑海中留下深刻印象。

值得改进的部分: 虽然歌曲的主题和风格执行得很好,但它可以通过在旋律上增加更多变化来避免变得单调。此外,歌词可以扩展以提供更多的深度和叙事,而不是完全依赖重复。

No.5  Soundclash (Tee’s Remix)

Creator: @Teemuth


Number of likes:37


Tags:[Doby] [Wobble Bass] [Hard-Hitting Drums] [Break Beat]



Soundclash (Tee’s Remix) – Music Review

Rating: 8/10

Genre Evaluation: This remix of “Soundclash” by Tee is a masterclass in the art of wobble bass and break beats. The track’s hard-hitting drums and the relentless bassline create a pulsating rhythm that is both infectious and intense. It’s a perfect example of how a well-crafted electronic dance music track should sound, with a clear focus on the beat and the bass to drive the energy of the song.

Lyrics Evaluation: As this is an instrumental remix, there are no lyrics to evaluate. However, the absence of vocals allows the listener to fully immerse in the sonic landscape created by the producer.

Catchiness Evaluation: The track has a high catchiness factor. The wobble bass and the break beats are designed to grab the listener’s attention from the very start. The repetitive nature of the beat ensures that it’s easy to get hooked on and could potentially lead to an urge to dance.

Areas for Improvement: While the track is a solid production, it could benefit from some variation in the arrangement to keep the listener engaged throughout its duration. The repetitive nature, while effective for danceability, might start to feel monotonous after a few listens.


曲风评价: 由Tee混音的这首“Soundclash”是wobble bass和break beats艺术的杰作。这首歌的鼓点强烈,无情的低音线创造了一个既感染力强又激烈的节奏。这是一首制作精良的电子舞曲的典范,专注于节奏和低音来驱动歌曲的能量。

歌词评价: 由于这是一首器乐混音,没有歌词可供评价。然而,没有歌声的存在让听众能够完全沉浸在制作人创造的声音景观中。

抓耳评价: 这首歌的抓耳度很高。wobble bass和break beats旨在从一开始就吸引听众的注意力。节奏的重复性质确保了它容易上瘾,并且可能会引发跳舞的冲动。

值得改进的部分: 虽然这首歌是一次扎实的制作,但它可以通过在编曲上增加一些变化来保持听众在整个播放过程中的参与度。重复的性质,虽然对舞蹈性有效,但在几次聆听后可能会开始感到单调。

No.6  Dungeon 東の

Creator: @Vin Mos


Number of likes:36


Tags:EDM, clear cute miku voice, dubstep




“Dungeon 東の” 以EDM为基底,融合了清晰的初音未来(Miku)声音和Dubstep元素,创造出一种独特的电子音乐体验。曲调充满活力,节奏感强烈,律动感也相当吸引人,符合EDM和Dubstep的风格特点。





“Dungeon 東の” 以EDM为基调,结合了清晰的初音未来声音和Dubstep元素,营造出一种独特的电子音乐氛围。曲调充满动感,节奏感强烈,律动性也相当吸引人,符合EDM和Dubstep的风格特点。




No.7  Whispered Truths (Electric Violin RemiX)

Creator: @Feline Music [Youtube: @FelineMusicYey]


Number of likes:58


Tags:Electric Violin



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation:
“Whispered Truths (Electric Violin RemiX)” is a captivating piece that masterfully blends the classical elegance of the electric violin with a modern remix touch. The track’s rhythm is steady, providing a solid foundation for the violin’s emotive solos. The律动感 is particularly strong, with the violin’s vibrato adding a layer of depth that resonates well with the electronic elements.

Lyrics Evaluation:
The lyrics are poignant and well-crafted, with a clear narrative that unfolds through the verses and chorus. The rhyme scheme is consistent and adds to the song’s catchiness. The repetition in the chorus is effective, creating a memorable hook that invites listeners to engage with the song’s message.

Catchiness Evaluation:
The song has a strong “earworm” quality, particularly in the chorus where the phrase “whispered truths” is repeated, making it easy to remember and sing along to. The electric violin’s distinctive sound also adds to the song’s appeal, making it stand out from typical pop tunes.

Areas for Improvement:
While the song is well-composed, it could benefit from a more dynamic arrangement to keep the listener engaged throughout. The bridge section, while thematically important, could be further developed to provide a greater sense of resolution or climax.

Chinese Review:


“Whispered Truths (Electric Violin RemiX)” 是一首将电小提琴的古典优雅与现代混音手法巧妙融合的作品。曲目的节奏稳定,为小提琴的情感独奏提供了坚实的基础。律动感特别强烈,小提琴的颤音增加了一层深度,与电子元素相得益彰。


这首歌具有很强的“耳虫”特质,特别是在副歌部分,”whispered truths” 这一短语的重复,使其易于记忆和跟唱。电小提琴的独特声音也增加了歌曲的吸引力,使其从典型的流行音乐中脱颖而出。


No.8  Let’s Be Honest [Flosstradamus x frowns]

Creator: @frowns


Number of likes:18


Tags:🙁 electro x dub ):



English Review:

Rating: 7/10

Genre Evaluation: “Let’s Be Honest [Flosstradamus x frowns]” delivers a solid electro and dub fusion that captures the essence of both genres. The track has a pulsating rhythm and a hypnotic beat that is characteristic of electro music, while the dub elements add a layer of depth and texture. The combination is interesting and engaging, but it could benefit from more dynamic transitions to keep the listener fully invested.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are straightforward and repetitive, which can be both a strength and a weakness. They are easy to remember and could potentially be catchy in a live setting, but they lack the depth and complexity that might appeal to a more discerning audience. The rhyme scheme is simple, with a clear ABAB pattern, which is effective for creating a memorable hook.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is somewhat catchy, with the repetition of “let’s be honest, never break a promise” likely to stick in the listener’s mind. However, the song could use a more distinctive or innovative hook to truly stand out in the crowded electro scene.

Areas for Improvement: While the track has a good foundation, it could be enhanced by more variation in the production. Adding unexpected elements or transitions could make the song more dynamic and memorable. Additionally, the lyrics could be developed further to provide a richer narrative or emotional depth.



曲风评价:”Let’s Be Honest [Flosstradamus x frowns]”成功地融合了电子和杜比音轨,捕捉到了两种风格的精髓。这首歌有着电子音乐特有的脉动节奏和催眠般的节拍,而杜比元素则增添了深度和质感。这种结合很有趣,也很吸引人,但如果能在听众完全投入之前有更多的动态转换,可能会更有吸引力。


抓耳评价:副歌部分相当上口,重复的”let’s be honest, never break a promise”很可能会让听众印象深刻。然而,这首歌可以用一个更独特或创新的钩子来真正在拥挤的电子音乐场景中脱颖而出。


No.9  Apple Of His Eye

Creator: @AI Magician


Number of likes:105


Tags:Trap, hip-hop/rap – sassy female



English Review:

Rating: 7.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Apple Of His Eye” delivers a catchy trap beat with a sassy hip-hop/rap vibe. The track’s rhythm is engaging, and the production quality is on point for the genre, with a strong bassline that drives the song forward.

Lyrics Evaluation: The lyrics are straightforward and assertive, with a playful yet confident tone. The rhyme scheme is simple, which makes the song easy to follow and memorize. The wordplay is clever, especially with the repeated phrase “I am the apple of his eye,” which serves as a central theme.

Catchiness Evaluation: The chorus is infectious and has a strong hook that’s likely to stick in listeners’ minds. The repetition of “He’s mine all mine” is effective in creating a memorable and catchy phrase.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is enjoyable, it could benefit from more dynamic changes in the arrangement to keep it from becoming monotonous. Additionally, the lyrics, while catchy, could delve deeper into the narrative or explore more complex rhymes to add depth.



曲风评价:”Apple Of His Eye” 以迷人的trap节奏和自信的嘻哈/说唱风格呈现。歌曲的节奏引人入胜,制作质量符合该类型的高标准,强烈的低音线推动着整首歌曲向前发展。

歌词评价:歌词直接而坚定,带有俏皮而自信的语气。押韵模式简单,使得歌曲易于跟随和记忆。巧妙的措辞,尤其是重复的短语 “I am the apple of his eye”,作为中心主题。

抓耳评价:副歌部分具有传染性,有很强的钩子,很容易在听众心中留下印象。重复的 “He’s mine all mine” 有效地创造了一个难忘且上口的短语。


No.10  Turn Me Up (Dray x Panz)

Creator: @Panz


Number of likes:184


Tags:Energetic Groove House Deep Hard hitting bass lush pulsing synth mind bending harmonics morning brew soundscape Funk



English Review:

Rating: 8.5/10

Genre Evaluation: “Turn Me Up” by Dray x Panz is a vibrant and infectious Groove House track that perfectly captures the essence of a high-energy dance floor. The deep, hard-hitting bass and lush pulsing synths create a rich soundscape that is both engaging and dance-inducing. The harmonics are well-crafted, providing a mind-bending experience that keeps listeners on their toes.

Lyric Evaluation: The lyrics are catchy and rhythmic, fitting the upbeat nature of the track. They are well-structured, with a clear call and response pattern that adds to the song’s appeal. The rhymes are effective, and the lyrics are easy to follow, making them memorable and sing-along worthy.

Catchiness Evaluation: The song has a strong “earworm” quality, especially in the chorus where the repetition of “Turn me on, Turn me up” is likely to stick in listeners’ minds. The beat is infectious, and the overall production is polished, making it a track that could easily become a dance floor favorite.

Areas for Improvement: While the song is well-produced and engaging, it could benefit from a bit more variety in the vocal delivery to keep the energy fresh throughout the track. Additionally, the song might reach a wider audience with a more distinct melody that stands out from the current trend of similar-sounding tracks in the genre.

Chinese Review:


曲风评价: Dray x Panz 的 “Turn Me Up” 是一首充满活力且极具感染力的 Groove House 曲目,完美捕捉了高能舞池的氛围。深沉而有力的低音和丰富的脉动合成器创造了一个既吸引人又适合跳舞的声音景观。和声制作精良,为听众提供了一种令人兴奋的听觉体验。

歌词评价: 歌词朗朗上口,节奏感强,符合曲目的欢快性质。歌词结构清晰,有明显的呼应模式,增加了歌曲的吸引力。押韵效果显著,歌词易于记忆,易于跟唱。

抓耳评价: 这首歌具有很强的“耳虫”特质,特别是在副歌部分 “Turn me on, Turn me up” 的重复,很容易让人记住。节奏感染力强,整体制作精良,使其成为舞池上的热门曲目。

值得改进的部分: 虽然这首歌制作精良且引人入胜,但如果在人声演绎上增加一些变化,以保持整首歌曲的新鲜感,可能会更好。此外,如果歌曲能有一个更独特的旋律,使其从当前类似风格的曲目中脱颖而出,可能会吸引更广泛的听众。



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